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ABORT_TXN - edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALRecordType
The record represents a "<Ti: abort transaction>" record.
Abs - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.functions
Implementation of the ABS(x) SQL function, computes the absolute value of a single argument.
Abs() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Abs
accept(File) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.util.RegexFileFilter
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.AnalyzeStmtContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.BeginTxnStmtContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptCascadeContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptRestrictContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptSetNullContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CmdPropertiesContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintForeignKeyContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintNotNullContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintPrimaryKeyContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintUniqueContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColRefNoTableContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColRefTableContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColRefWildcardNoTableContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColRefWildcardTableContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeBigIntContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeCharContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDateContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDateTimeContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDecimalContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDoubleContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeFloatContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeIntContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeTimeContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeTimestampContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeVarCharContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommandContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommandNoSemicolonContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommandsContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommitTxnStmtContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CrashStmtContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CreateIndexStmtContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CreateTableStmtContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DeleteStmtContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DropIndexStmtContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DropTableStmtContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DumpIndexStmtContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DumpTableStmtContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExitStmtContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExplainDeleteContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExplainInsertContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExplainSelectContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExplainUpdateContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprAddContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprAndContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprBetweenContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprColumnRefContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprCompareContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExpressionListContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprExistsContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprFunctionCallContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprIsNullContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprLikeContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprLiteralContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprMulContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprMultiColInSubqueryContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprNotContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprOneColInSubqueryContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprOneColInValuesContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprOrContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprParenContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprScalarSubqueryContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprSimilarToContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprUnarySignContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FlushStmtContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromCrossJoinContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromImplicitCrossJoinContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromJoinOnContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromJoinUsingContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromNaturalJoinContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromNestedSelectContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromParensContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromTableContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromTableFunctionContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FunctionCallContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.InsertStmtContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeFullOuterContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeInnerContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeLeftOuterContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeRightOuterContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.LiteralDecimalContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.LiteralFalseContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.LiteralIntegerContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.LiteralIntervalContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.LiteralNullContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.LiteralStringContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.LiteralTrueContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.OptimizeStmtContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.OrderByExprContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.RollbackTxnStmtContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SelectStmtContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SelectValueContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SetPropStmtContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ShowPropsStmtContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ShowSystemStatsStmtContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ShowTablesStmtContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ShowTableStatsStmtContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TableColDeclContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintForeignKeyContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintPrimaryKeyContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintUniqueContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.UpdateStmtContext
accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.VerifyStmtContext
add(String, long) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.performance.PerformanceCounters
ADD - edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ArithmeticOperator.Type
ADD - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
ADD - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
addCandidateKey(KeyColumnRefs) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
Adds another candidate key to the schema.
addColumn(TableColumnDecl) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateTableCommand
Adds a column description to this create-table command.
addColumn(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ConstraintDecl
Add a column to the constraint.
addColumn(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateIndexCommand
Adds a column to the list of columns to be included in the index.
addColumnInfo(ColumnInfo) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
Add a column to the schema.
addCommandEventListener(CommandEventListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.EventDispatcher
Add another command-event listener to the event dispatcher.
addConstraint(ConstraintDecl) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateTableCommand
Adds a constraint to this create-table command.
addConstraint(ConstraintDecl) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.TableColumnDecl
addFile(DBFile) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.BufferManager
addForeignKey(ForeignKeyColumnRefs) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
addFunction(String, Class<? extends Function>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.FunctionDirectory
Add a function to the directory.
addGroupByExpr(Expression) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause
addIndex(IndexColumnRefs) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
addIndexToTable(TableInfo, IndexColumnRefs) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.BasicIndexManager
addIndexToTable(TableInfo, IndexColumnRefs) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexManager
addNotNull(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
Adds a column with given index to list of NOT NULL constrained columns.
addObserver(PropertyObserver) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.PropertyRegistry
Records a property-change observer on the property registry.
addObserver(BufferManagerObserver) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.BufferManager
Add another observer to the buffer manager.
addOrderByExpr(OrderByExpression) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause
addParentEnvironment(Environment) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.Environment
addParentEnvironmentToPlanTree(Environment) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.PlanNode
This method adds a parent environment to the entire plan tree rooted at this plan node.
addPredicateToPlan(PlanNode, Expression) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.PlanUtils
This helper function takes a query plan and a selection predicate, and adds the predicate to the plan in a reasonably intelligent way.
addProperty(String, PropertyValidator, Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.PropertyRegistry
Add a read-write property to the registry, along with a type and an initial value.
addProperty(String, PropertyValidator, Object, boolean) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.PropertyRegistry
Add a read-only or read-write property to the registry, along with a type and an initial value.
addRefColumn(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ConstraintDecl
Add a reference-column to a TableConstraintType.FOREIGN_KEY constraint.
addReferencingTable(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
Adds the specified table to the set of tables that reference this table.
addRowEventListener(RowEventListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.EventDispatcher
Add another row-event listener to the event dispatcher.
addRowToIndexes(TableInfo, PageTuple) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexUpdater
This helper method handles the case when a tuple is being added to the table, after the row has already been added to the table.
addSelectValue(SelectValue) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause
Adds a specification to the set of values produced by this SELECT clause.
addTable(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.AnalyzeCommand
Add a table to the list of tables to analyze.
addTable(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.OptimizeCommand
Add a table to the list of tables to optimize.
addTable(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.VerifyCommand
Add a table to the list of tables to verify.
addTerm(Expression) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.BooleanOperator
addTuple(Schema, Tuple) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.Environment
Adds a tuple to the environment with the given schema.
addTuple(Tuple) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.TupleBagNode
Adds a tuple to the bag of tuples.
addTuple(Tuple) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeapTupleFile
Adds the specified tuple into the table file.
addTuple(Tuple) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.TupleFile
Adds the specified tuple into the table file, returning a new object corresponding to the actual tuple added to the table.
addUsingName(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
For join conditions of the form USING (col1, col2, ...), this method allows the column names to be added to this from clause.
addValue(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TupleLiteral
Appends the specified value to the end of the tuple-literal.
addValue(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.AggregateFunction
Adds a value to the aggregate function so that it can update its internal state.
addValue(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.CountAggregate
addValue(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.CountStar
addValue(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.MinMaxAggregate
addValue(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.StdDevVarAggregate
addValue(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.SumAvgAggregate
addValue(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.ColumnStatsCollector
Adds another column-value to this stats-collector object, updating the statistics for the column.
addValue(String, Expression) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.UpdateCommand
advanceCurrentTuple() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.FileScanNode
Advances the current tuple forward for a file scan.
advanceCurrentTuple() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.ProjectNode
Helper function that advances the current tuple reference in the node.
advanceCurrentTuple() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SelectNode
Helper function that advances the current tuple reference in the node.
advanceCurrentTuple() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SimpleFilterNode
afterCommandExecuted(Command) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.server.CommandEventListener
This method is called after a command is executed, to allow listeners to perform after-command processing.
afterCommandExecuted(Command) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionStateUpdater
afterRowDeleted(TableInfo, Tuple) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexUpdater
afterRowDeleted(TableInfo, Tuple) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.DatabaseConstraintEnforcer
Perform processing after a row has been deleted from a table.
afterRowDeleted(TableInfo, Tuple) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.server.RowEventListener
Perform processing after a row has been deleted from a table.
afterRowInserted(TableInfo, Tuple) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexUpdater
afterRowInserted(TableInfo, Tuple) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.DatabaseConstraintEnforcer
Perform processing after a row is inserted into a table.
afterRowInserted(TableInfo, Tuple) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.server.RowEventListener
Perform processing after a row is inserted into a table.
afterRowUpdated(TableInfo, Tuple, Tuple) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexUpdater
afterRowUpdated(TableInfo, Tuple, Tuple) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.DatabaseConstraintEnforcer
Perform processing after a row is updated in a table.
afterRowUpdated(TableInfo, Tuple, Tuple) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.server.RowEventListener
Perform processing after a row is updated in a table.
AggregateFunction - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.functions
This class provides the general abstraction for aggregate functions.
AggregateFunction(boolean) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.AggregateFunction
aggregates - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.GroupAggregateNode
A list of one or more aggregate functions to compute over the input data.
alias - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromNestedSelectContext
alias - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromTableContext
alias - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromTableFunctionContext
alias - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SelectValueContext
aliasName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
If this FROM clause is a base table or a derived table, then this field stores the alias for the table.
ALL - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
ALL - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
ALL() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SelectStmtContext
allocBuffer(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.BufferManager
This method attempts to allocate a buffer of the specified size, possibly evicting some existing buffers in order to make space.
allocNewTuple(DBPage, int) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.DataPage
Update the data page so that it has space for a new tuple of the specified size.
ALTER - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
ALTER - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
analyze() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeapTupleFile
analyze() - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.TupleFile
Analyzes the tuple data in the file, updating the file's statistics.
ANALYZE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
ANALYZE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
ANALYZE() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.AnalyzeStmtContext
AnalyzeCommand - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.commands
This Command class represents the ANALYZE SQL command, which analyzes a table's internal data and updates its cached statistics to be as up-to-date as possible.
AnalyzeCommand() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.AnalyzeCommand
Construct a new ANALYZE command with an empty table list.
AnalyzeCommand(boolean) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.AnalyzeCommand
Construct a new ANALYZE command with an empty table list.
AnalyzeCommand(String) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.AnalyzeCommand
Construct a new ANALYZE command to analyze the specified table.
AnalyzeCommand(String, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.AnalyzeCommand
Construct a new ANALYZE command to analyze the specified table.
analyzeIndex(IndexInfo) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.BasicIndexManager
analyzeIndex(IndexInfo) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexManager
analyzeStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
analyzeStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommandNoSemicolonContext
AnalyzeStmtContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.AnalyzeStmtContext
analyzeTable(TableInfo) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.IndexedTableManager
analyzeTable(TableInfo) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.TableManager
This function analyzes the specified table, and updates the table's statistics to be the most up-to-date values.
AND - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
AND - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
AND() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprAndContext
AND() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprBetweenContext
AND_EXPR - edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.BooleanOperator.Type
ANTIJOIN - edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.JoinType
Antijoin (aka anti-semijoin), where the left table's rows are included when they match none of the rows from the right table.
ANY - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
ANY - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
append(Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
Append another schema to this schema.
appendSemicolon(String) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.ParseUtil
This helper function conditionally appends a semicolon onto a command string if one is not already present.
appendTuple(Tuple) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TupleLiteral
Appends the specified tuple's contents to this tuple-literal object.
applyOnDeleteEffects(TableInfo, String, Tuple) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.DatabaseConstraintEnforcer
This function checks the ON DELETE option for each child table affected by the deletion of tup due to a foreign key, and then executes that option.
applyOnUpdateEffects(TableInfo, String, Tuple, Tuple) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.DatabaseConstraintEnforcer
This function performs ON UPDATE tasks for each referencing table that is potentially affected by the update of a tuple in the referenced table.
applyRedo(WALRecordType, DBFileReader, DBPage, int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALManager
This helper function writes a sequence of redo-segments from an WALRecordType.UPDATE_PAGE or WALRecordType.UPDATE_PAGE_REDO_ONLY record.
applyUndoAndGenRedoOnlyData(DBFileReader, DBPage, int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALManager
This helper method uses a WALRecordType.UPDATE_PAGE record to undo changes to a data page, and at the same time the method generates the data that must go into a corresponding redo-only WAL record.
ArcCos - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.functions
Implementation of the ACOS(x) SQL function, computes the arc-cosine of a single argument.
ArcCos() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.ArcCos
ArcSin - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.functions
Implementation of the ASIN(x) SQL function, computes the arc-sine of a single argument.
ArcSin() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.ArcSin
ArcTan - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.functions
Implementation of the ATAN(x) SQL function, computes the arc-tangent of a single argument.
ArcTan() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.ArcTan
ArcTan2 - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.functions
Implementation of the ATAN2(y, x) SQL function, computes the arc-tangent of two arguments.
ArcTan2() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.ArcTan2
areObjectsEqual(Object, Object) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.CompareOperator
Performs an equality comparison between two objects, using the database's rules for type conversions/coercions.
areTuplesEqual(Tuple, Tuple) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TupleComparator
This helper function returns true if two tuples have the same number of columns and the values compare as equal when coerced with the TypeConverter.coerceComparison(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) method.
areTuplesEqual(Tuple, Tuple, double) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TupleComparator
This helper function returns true if two tuples have the same number of columns and the values compare as equal when coerced with the TypeConverter.coerceComparison(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) method.
args - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.FunctionCall
The list of one or more arguments for the function call.
ArithmeticOperator - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions
This class implements simple binary arithmetic operations.
ArithmeticOperator(ArithmeticOperator.Type, Expression, Expression) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ArithmeticOperator
ArithmeticOperator.Type - Enum in edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions
This enum specifies the arithmetic operations that this class can provide.
ArrayUtil - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.util
Some helpful utility operations for working with arrays.
ArrayUtil() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.util.ArrayUtil
AS - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
AS - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
AS() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromNestedSelectContext
AS() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromTableContext
AS() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromTableFunctionContext
AS() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SelectValueContext
ASC - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
ASC - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
ASC() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.OrderByExprContext
ascending - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.OrderByExpression
A flag indicating whether the results should be in ascending or descending order.
ASCENDING - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
ASCENDING - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
ASCENDING() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.OrderByExprContext
Avg - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.functions
Implementation of the AVG(x) SQL aggregate function, computes the average of its inputs.
Avg() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Avg
AvgDistinct - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.functions
Implementation of the AVG(DISTINCT x) SQL aggregate function, computes the average of its inputs.
AvgDistinct() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.AvgDistinct
avgTupleSize - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.TableStats
The average number of bytes in tuples in this table file.


BASE_TABLE - edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause.ClauseType
This clause is a simple table (a "base relation").
baseDir - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FileManagerImpl
The base directory that the file-manager should use for creating and opening files.
baseDir - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.StorageManager
The base directory, in which all database files are stored.
baseType - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnType
The base SQL data-type for the attribute.
BasicIndexManager - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes
BasicIndexManager(StorageManager) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.BasicIndexManager
Initializes the heap-file table manager.
beforeCommandExecuted(Command) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.server.CommandEventListener
This method is called before a command is executed, to allow listeners to perform before-command processing.
beforeCommandExecuted(Command) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionStateUpdater
beforeRowDeleted(TableInfo, Tuple) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexUpdater
beforeRowDeleted(TableInfo, Tuple) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.DatabaseConstraintEnforcer
Perform processing after a row has been deleted from a table.
beforeRowDeleted(TableInfo, Tuple) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.server.RowEventListener
Perform processing after a row has been deleted from a table.
beforeRowInserted(TableInfo, Tuple) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexUpdater
beforeRowInserted(TableInfo, Tuple) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.DatabaseConstraintEnforcer
Perform processing before a row is inserted into a table.
beforeRowInserted(TableInfo, Tuple) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.server.RowEventListener
Perform processing before a row is inserted into a table.
beforeRowUpdated(TableInfo, Tuple, Tuple) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexUpdater
beforeRowUpdated(TableInfo, Tuple, Tuple) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.DatabaseConstraintEnforcer
Perform processing before a row is updated in a table.
beforeRowUpdated(TableInfo, Tuple, Tuple) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.server.RowEventListener
Perform processing before a row is updated in a table.
beforeWriteDirtyPages(List<DBPage>) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.BufferManagerObserver
This method is called before the buffer manager writes the specified collection of pages.
beforeWriteDirtyPages(List<DBPage>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionManager
This method is registered on the BufferManager, to ensure that the write-ahead logging rule is enforced.
BEGIN - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
BEGIN - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
BEGIN() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.BeginTxnStmtContext
BEGIN_TUPLES - edu.caltech.nanodb.server.CommandState
This state value indicates that the command will be generating a sequence of tuples as the result of a query.
BeginTransactionCommand - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.commands
This class represents a command that starts a transaction, such as BEGIN, BEGIN WORK, or START TRANSACTION.
BeginTransactionCommand() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.BeginTransactionCommand
beginTxnStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
beginTxnStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommandNoSemicolonContext
BeginTxnStmtContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.BeginTxnStmtContext
BETWEEN - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
BETWEEN - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
BETWEEN() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprBetweenContext
BIGINT - edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.SQLDataType
An 8-byte signed integer, designated in SQL as BIGINT.
BIGINT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnType
BLOB - edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.SQLDataType
A large byte-sequence, with a very large maximum length.
BooleanFlagValidator - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties
This validator handles properties that are Boolean flags.
BooleanFlagValidator() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.BooleanFlagValidator
BooleanOperator - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions
This class provides the standard Boolean logical operators AND, OR, and NOT, for two or more terms (or exactly one term, in the case of NOT).
BooleanOperator(BooleanOperator.Type) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.BooleanOperator
BooleanOperator(BooleanOperator.Type, Collection<Expression>) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.BooleanOperator
BooleanOperator.Type - Enum in edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions
This enumeration specifies the different kinds of Boolean operators that this class can implement.
BTREE_TUPLE_FILE - edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileType
Represents a B+ tree tuple file that keeps tuples in a particular sequential order.
bufferManager - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
The buffer manager is used by this class to request buffer space when needed, so that a maximum cap can be placed on memory usage.
bufferManager - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.StorageManager
The buffer manager stores data pages in memory, to avoid disk IOs.
bufferManager - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALManager
BufferManager - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.storage
The buffer manager reduces the number of disk IO operations by managing an in-memory cache of data pages.
BufferManager(FileManager, PropertyRegistry) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.BufferManager
BufferManager.BufferPropertyObserver - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.storage
BufferManager.CachedPageInfo - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.storage
This helper class keeps track of a data page that is currently cached.
BufferManager.SessionPinCount - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.storage
This helper class records the pin-count of a data page as imposed by a given session, so that we can forcibly release the session's pins after each command the session completes.
BufferManagerObserver - Interface in edu.caltech.nanodb.storage
This interface allows other classes to respond to operations performed by the BufferManager.
BufferPropertyObserver() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.BufferManager.BufferPropertyObserver
buildJoinSchema(String, Schema, Schema, Set<String>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
This helper function handles a NATURAL join or a join with a USING clause, determining what columns to use in the join, computing the join predicate to use, and computing the schema of the join result.
BY - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
BY - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
BY() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SelectStmtContext
BY(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SelectStmtContext


cachedFiles - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.BufferManager
This collection holds the DBFile objects corresponding to various opened files the database is currently using.
CachedPageInfo(DBFile, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.BufferManager.CachedPageInfo
cachedPages - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.BufferManager
This collection holds database pages (not WAL pages) that the database is currently working with, so that they don't continually need to be reloaded.
candidateKeys - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
A collection of all candidate-key objects specifying the sets of columns that comprise candidate keys on this table.
canJoinTuples() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.NestedLoopJoinNode
CASCADE - edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ForeignKeyValueChangeOption
Delete or update the row from the parent table and automatically delete/update the matching rows in the child table
CASCADE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
CASCADE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
CASCADE() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptCascadeContext
CascadeOptCascadeContext(NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptionContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptCascadeContext
cascadeOption() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
cascadeOption() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintForeignKeyContext
cascadeOption() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintForeignKeyContext
cascadeOption(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintForeignKeyContext
cascadeOption(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintForeignKeyContext
CascadeOptionContext() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptionContext
CascadeOptionContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptionContext
CascadeOptRestrictContext(NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptionContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptRestrictContext
CascadeOptSetNullContext(NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptionContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptSetNullContext
Ceil - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.functions
Implementation of the CEIL(x) / CEILING(x) SQL function, computes the smallest whole number larger than the argument.
Ceil() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Ceil
channelNames - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
CHAR - edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.SQLDataType
A fixed-length character-sequence, with a specified length.
CHAR(int) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnType
CHECK - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
CHECK - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
checkColumnIndex(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageTuple
This helper method checks the column index for being in the proper range of values.
checkColumnWidths(String, int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.PrettyPrintTools
Changes the maximum column width stored if necessary
checkDBPage() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileReader
This helper function checks to see whether the currently cached DBPage object matches the page-number of the current DBFileReader.position value.
checkJoinColumn(String, String, Schema, String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
checkNotNullConstraints(TableInfo, Tuple) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.DatabaseConstraintEnforcer
This helper function verifies that a tuple being added to a table satisfies all the NOT NULL constraints on the table.
checkValidPageSize(int) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFile
This static helper method checks the specified page-size with DBFile.isValidPageSize(int), and if the size is not valid then an IllegalArgumentException runtime exception is thrown.
clauseType - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
The kind of FROM clause this object represents, either a base table, a derived table (a nested SELECT), or a join expression.
ClauseType() - Constructor for enum edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause.ClauseType
cleanUp() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.TableFunction
Perform any necessary clean up tasks.
cleanUp() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.FileScanNode
cleanUp() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.HashedGroupAggregateNode
Perform any necessary clean up tasks.
cleanUp() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.NestedLoopJoinNode
cleanUp() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.PlanNode
Perform any necessary clean up tasks.
cleanUp() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.ProjectNode
cleanUp() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.RenameNode
cleanUp() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SimpleFilterNode
cleanUp() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortedGroupAggregateNode
Perform any necessary clean up tasks.
cleanUp() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortMergeJoinNode
cleanUp() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortNode
Clean up after evaluation of the sort plan-node.
cleanUp() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.TableFunctionScanNode
cleanUp() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.TupleBagNode
clear() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.Environment
Reset the environment.
clear() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionState
clear(String) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.performance.PerformanceCounters
clearAggregates(Map<String, FunctionCall>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.GroupAggregateNode
This helper method iterates through a collection of aggregate functions, and clears (reinitializes) each aggregate's internal state.
clearAll() - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.performance.PerformanceCounters
clearFoundFlag() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SubquerySchemaComputer
clearResult() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.AggregateFunction
Clears the aggregate function's current state so that the object can be reused to compute an aggregate on another set of input values.
clearResult() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.CountAggregate
clearResult() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.CountStar
clearResult() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.MinMaxAggregate
clearResult() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.StdDevVarAggregate
clearResult() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.SumAvgAggregate
ClientHandlerThread - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.server
This class handles a connection from a single client to the database server.
ClientHandlerThread(NanoDBServer, int, Socket) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.ClientHandlerThread
Initialize a new client handler with the specified ID and socket.
clientThreads - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.SharedServer
A mapping from client ID to the thread handling the client.
clone() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ArithmeticOperator
Creates a copy of expression.
clone() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.BooleanOperator
Creates a copy of expression.
clone() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ColumnName
clone() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ColumnValue
Creates a copy of expression.
clone() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.CompareOperator
Creates a copy of expression.
clone() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ExistsOperator
Creates a copy of expression.
clone() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.Expression
Creates a copy of expression.
clone() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.FunctionCall
Creates a copy of expression.
clone() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.InSubqueryOperator
Creates a copy of expression.
clone() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.InValuesOperator
Creates a copy of expression.
clone() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.IsNullOperator
Creates a copy of expression.
clone() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.LiteralValue
Creates a copy of expression.
clone() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.NegateOperator
Creates a copy of expression.
clone() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ScalarSubquery
Creates a copy of expression.
clone() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.StringMatchOperator
Creates a copy of expression.
clone() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Function
Creates a copy of expression.
clone() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.FileScanNode
Creates a copy of this simple filter node node and its subtree.
clone() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.NestedLoopJoinNode
Creates a copy of this plan node and its subtrees.
clone() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.PlanNode
Creates a copy of this plan node and its subtree.
clone() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.ProjectNode
Creates a copy of this project node and its subtree.
clone() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SelectNode
Creates a copy of this select node and its subtree.
clone() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SimpleFilterNode
Creates a copy of this simple filter node node and its subtree.
clone() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortMergeJoinNode
Creates a copy of this plan node and its subtrees.
clone() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectValue
Creates a copy of a select value.
clone() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FilePointer
clone() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.LogSequenceNumber
close() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileReader
If the file-reader currently holds a DBPage, this method will unpin the page.
close() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
closeDBFile(DBFile) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FileManager
Closes the underlying data file.
closeDBFile(DBFile) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FileManagerImpl
closeDBFile(DBFile) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.StorageManager
closeIndex(IndexInfo) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.BasicIndexManager
closeIndex(IndexInfo) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexManager
closeTable(TableInfo) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.IndexedTableManager
closeTable(TableInfo) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.TableManager
This method closes a table file that is currently open, flushing any dirty pages to the table's storage in the process.
CmdLineArgs - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.config
CmdLineArgs() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.config.CmdLineArgs
CMDPROMPT_FIRST - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.InteractiveClient
A string constant specifying the "first-line" command-prompt.
CMDPROMPT_NEXT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.InteractiveClient
A string constant specifying the "subsequent-lines" command-prompt.
cmdProperties() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
cmdProperties() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CreateIndexStmtContext
cmdProperties() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CreateTableStmtContext
CmdPropertiesContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CmdPropertiesContext
cmdState - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.SessionState
The command state of this session.
cmdToExplain - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ExplainCommand
The command to explain!
cmdType - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.Command
The type of this command.
Coalesce - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.functions
Implementation of the COALESCE(a, b, ...) SQL function, returns the first non-NULL argument.
Coalesce() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Coalesce
coerceArithmetic(Object, Object) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TypeConverter
This function takes two arguments and coerces them to be the same numeric type, for use with arithmetic operations.
coerceComparison(Object, Object) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TypeConverter
This function takes two arguments and coerces them to be the same numeric type, for use with comparison operations.
coerceTemporalAmountArithmetic(TemporalAmount, Object) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TypeConverter
coerceTemporalArithmetic(Temporal, Object) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TypeConverter
coerceTo(Object, ColumnType) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TypeConverter
coerceToSchema(Tuple, Schema) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.TupleUtils
ColConstraintForeignKeyContext(NanoSQLParser.ColumnConstraintContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintForeignKeyContext
ColConstraintNotNullContext(NanoSQLParser.ColumnConstraintContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintNotNullContext
ColConstraintPrimaryKeyContext(NanoSQLParser.ColumnConstraintContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintPrimaryKeyContext
ColConstraintUniqueContext(NanoSQLParser.ColumnConstraintContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintUniqueContext
colIndex - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema.IndexedColumnInfo
The index in the schema that the column appears at.
colIndexes - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnRefs
This array holds the indexes of the columns in the set.
colIndexes - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ForeignKeyColumnRefs
This is the array of column indexes in the referencing table of the foreign key.
colInfo - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema.IndexedColumnInfo
The details of the column at the stored index.
collectConjuncts(Expression, Collection<Expression>) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.PredicateUtils
This method takes a predicate expr and stores all of its conjuncts into the specified collection of conjuncts.
collectDetails(FromClause, HashSet<Expression>, ArrayList<FromClause>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.CostBasedJoinPlanner
This helper method pulls the essential details for join optimization out of a FROM clause.
collectSelectResults(SelectCommand) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.CommandResult
COLNAME_TUPLEPTR - Static variable in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexManager
A constant specifying the name of the column that will hold the table's tuple pointer in an index file.
colNames - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.InsertCommand
An optional list of column-names that can be specified in the INSERT command.
ColRefNoTableContext(NanoSQLParser.ColumnRefContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColRefNoTableContext
ColRefTableContext(NanoSQLParser.ColumnRefContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColRefTableContext
ColRefWildcardNoTableContext(NanoSQLParser.ColumnRefContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColRefWildcardNoTableContext
ColRefWildcardTableContext(NanoSQLParser.ColumnRefContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColRefWildcardTableContext
colsHashedByColumn - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
A mapping that provides fast lookups for columns based only on column name.
colsHashedByTable - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
A mapping that provides fast lookups for columns based on table name and column name.
COLSTAT_NULLMASK_MAX_VALUE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.StatsWriter
A bit-mask used for storing column-stats, to record whether or not the "maximum value" value is present for the column.
COLSTAT_NULLMASK_MIN_VALUE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.StatsWriter
A bit-mask used for storing column-stats, to record whether or not the "minimum value" value is present for the column.
COLSTAT_NULLMASK_NUM_DISTINCT_VALUES - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.StatsWriter
A bit-mask used for storing column-stats, to record whether or not the "number of distinct values" value is present for the column.
COLSTAT_NULLMASK_NUM_NULL_VALUES - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.StatsWriter
A bit-mask used for storing column-stats, to record whether or not the "number of NULL values" value is present for the column.
ColTypeBigIntContext(NanoSQLParser.ColumnTypeContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeBigIntContext
ColTypeCharContext(NanoSQLParser.ColumnTypeContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeCharContext
ColTypeDateContext(NanoSQLParser.ColumnTypeContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDateContext
ColTypeDateTimeContext(NanoSQLParser.ColumnTypeContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDateTimeContext
ColTypeDecimalContext(NanoSQLParser.ColumnTypeContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDecimalContext
ColTypeDoubleContext(NanoSQLParser.ColumnTypeContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDoubleContext
ColTypeFloatContext(NanoSQLParser.ColumnTypeContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeFloatContext
ColTypeIntContext(NanoSQLParser.ColumnTypeContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeIntContext
colTypes - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.PrettyPrintTools
Stores the column type for each column
colTypes - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.PrettyTuplePrinter
Stores the column type for each column
ColTypeTimeContext(NanoSQLParser.ColumnTypeContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeTimeContext
ColTypeTimestampContext(NanoSQLParser.ColumnTypeContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeTimestampContext
ColTypeVarCharContext(NanoSQLParser.ColumnTypeContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeVarCharContext
COLUMN - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
COLUMN - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
columnConstraint - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ConstraintDecl
Flag indicating whether the constraint is specified at the table-level or at the column-level.
columnConstraint() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
columnConstraint() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TableColDeclContext
columnConstraint(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TableColDeclContext
ColumnConstraintContext() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColumnConstraintContext
ColumnConstraintContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColumnConstraintContext
columnInfo - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.TableColumnDecl
Basic details about the column, including its name and type.
ColumnInfo - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.relations
Basic information about a table column, including its name and SQL type.
ColumnInfo(ColumnType) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnInfo
Construct a new column-info object for a column, specifying the type of the column.
ColumnInfo(String, ColumnType) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnInfo
Construct a new column-info object for a column, specifying the attribute name and type of the column.
ColumnInfo(String, String, ColumnType) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnInfo
Construct a new column-info object for a column, specifying the attribute name, table name, and type of the column.
columnInfos - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateTableCommand
List of column-declarations for the new table.
columnInfos - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
The collection of the column-info objects describing the columns in the schema.
columnName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.UpdateValue
The column that will receive the value when the update is applied to a tuple.
columnName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ColumnName
The name of the column, or if this value is null then it represents a wildcard value *.
columnName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ColumnValue
The name of the column.
columnName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColRefNoTableContext
columnName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColRefTableContext
columnName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CreateIndexStmtContext
columnName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromJoinUsingContext
columnName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.InsertStmtContext
columnName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TableColDeclContext
columnName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintForeignKeyContext
columnName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintPrimaryKeyContext
columnName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintUniqueContext
columnName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.UpdateStmtContext
ColumnName - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions
This class represents a column name that appears in an SQL expression.
ColumnName() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ColumnName
Creates a new object corresponding to the wildcard column specifier "*".
ColumnName(String) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ColumnName
ColumnName(String, String) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ColumnName
columnNames - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ConstraintDecl
For TableConstraintType.UNIQUE and TableConstraintType.PRIMARY_KEY constraints, this is a list of one or more column names that are constrained.
columnNames - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateIndexCommand
The list of column-names that the index is built against.
columnRef() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
columnRef() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprColumnRefContext
ColumnRefContext() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColumnRefContext
ColumnRefContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColumnRefContext
ColumnRefs - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.relations
This class represents a set of columns in a schema by specifying the indexes of the columns in the set.
ColumnRefs(int[]) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnRefs
ColumnRefs(int[], String, TableConstraintType) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnRefs
columnStats - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.TableStats
This collection holds statistics about individual columns in the table.
ColumnStats - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval
This class holds some useful statistics for a specific column.
ColumnStats() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.ColumnStats
Initializes a column-stats object to all "unknown" values.
ColumnStats(int, int, Object, Object) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.ColumnStats
Initializes a column-stats object with the specified values.
ColumnStats(ColumnStats) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.ColumnStats
Copies another column-stats object into this object.
ColumnStatsCollector - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval
This class facilitates the collection of statistics for a single column of a table being analyzed by the TableManager.analyzeTable(edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.TableInfo) method.
ColumnStatsCollector(SQLDataType) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.ColumnStatsCollector
Initializes a new column-stats collector object for a column with the specified base SQL datatype.
columnType() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
columnType() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TableColDeclContext
ColumnType - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.relations
The type of a single column in a relation.
ColumnType(SQLDataType) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnType
Construct a new attribute-type instance, with the specified base SQL datatype.
ColumnTypeContext() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColumnTypeContext
ColumnTypeContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColumnTypeContext
ColumnValue - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions
This expression class represents the value of a tuple column.
ColumnValue(ColumnName) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ColumnValue
Initialize a new column-value expression object with the specified column-name.
colWidths - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.PrettyPrintTools
Stores the maximum column widths for each column
colWidths - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.PrettyTuplePrinter
Stores the maximum column widths for each column
command() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
command() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommandsContext
command(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommandsContext
Command - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.commands
Abstract base-class for all commands that NanoDB supports.
Command(Command.Type) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.Command
Create a new command instance, of the specified command-type.
COMMAND_COMPLETED - edu.caltech.nanodb.server.CommandState
This state value indicates that the command to be executed has been completed by the server.
COMMAND_RECEIVED - edu.caltech.nanodb.server.CommandState
This state value indicates that the server has received the command sent by the client, and is proceeding to execute it.
Command.Type - Enum in edu.caltech.nanodb.commands
Commands are either Data-Definition Language (DDL), Data-Manipulation Language (DML), or utility commands.
CommandContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommandContext
CommandEventListener - Interface in edu.caltech.nanodb.server
This interface can be implemented by components that need to do processing before and/or after a command is executed.
commandEventListeners - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.EventDispatcher
A list of listeners that are registered to receive command event notifications.
commandNoSemicolon() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommandContext
commandNoSemicolon() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
CommandNoSemicolonContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommandNoSemicolonContext
commandOutput - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.ClientHandlerThread
CommandProperties - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.commands
This class holds properties that might contain additional details for a command.
CommandProperties() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CommandProperties
CommandResult - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.server
This class represents the result of executing a command against the database.
CommandResult() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.CommandResult
CommandResult.ResultCollector - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.server
This inner class is used to collect the results of a SelectCommand.
commands() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
CommandsContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommandsContext
CommandState - Enum in edu.caltech.nanodb.server
An enumeration indicating the current command's execution status.
CommandState() - Constructor for enum edu.caltech.nanodb.server.CommandState
COMMENT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
COMMENT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
COMMIT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
COMMIT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
COMMIT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommitTxnStmtContext
COMMIT_TXN - edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALRecordType
The record represents a "<Ti: commit transaction>" record.
commitTransaction() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionManager
CommitTransactionCommand - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.commands
This class represents a command that commits a transaction, such as COMMIT or COMMIT WORK.
CommitTransactionCommand() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CommitTransactionCommand
commitTxnStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommandNoSemicolonContext
commitTxnStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
CommitTxnStmtContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommitTxnStmtContext
comparator - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortNode
The comparator that imposes the ordering specification of the sort node.
compare(Tuple, Tuple) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TupleComparator
Performs the comparison of two tuples based on the configuration of this tuple-comparator object.
CompareOperator - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions
This class implements simple binary comparison operations.
CompareOperator(CompareOperator.Type, Expression, Expression) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.CompareOperator
CompareOperator.Type - Enum in edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions
This enumeration specifies the types of comparisons that can be performed.
comparePartialTuples(Tuple, Tuple) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TupleComparator
Compares all columns of the two input tuples, in the order they appear within the tuples, and a value is returned to indicate the ordering.
compareTo(ColumnName) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ColumnName
compareTo(FilePointer) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FilePointer
compareTo(LogSequenceNumber) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.LogSequenceNumber
compareTuples(Tuple, Tuple) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TupleComparator
Compares all columns of the two input tuples, in the order they appear within the tuples, and a value is returned to indicate the ordering.
computeAggregates() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.HashedGroupAggregateNode
This helper function iterates through all tuples generated by the subplan, using an internal hash table to compute the grouping and aggregate results that this plan-node will output.
computeAverage - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.SumAvgAggregate
This value is set to true if we want to compute the average value.
computedAggregates - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.HashedGroupAggregateNode
computedJoinExpr - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
For FROM clauses that either directly or indirectly specify a join condition, this value is filled in with the join condition to apply, when the FromClause.computeSchema(edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.TableManager) method is called.
computedSchema - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
This value is filled in with the schema of the data that this FROM clause produces, when the FromClause.computeSchema(edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.TableManager) method is called.
computedSelectValues - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
In cases of NATURAL joins or joins with a USING clause, this value is filled in with SelectValue objects that can be used to perform a suitable project to eliminate duplicate columns.
computeNextLSN(int, int) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALManager
This static helper function takes the file number of a WAL file, and the offset in the WAL file where the next write-ahead log record would go if the WAL file can hold more data, and then creates a new LogSequenceNumber object, wrapping to the next file if necessary.
computeRatio(Object, Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.SelectivityEstimator
This method computes the function (high1 - low1) / (high2 - low2), given Object-values that can be coerced into types that can be used for arithmetic.
computeSchema(TableManager) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
This function prepares the from-clause for use by the planner to generate an actual execution plan from the clause.
computeSchema(TableManager, SelectClause) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause
This method computes the resulting schema from this query, and in the process it performs various semantic checks as well.
computeStdDev - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.StdDevVarAggregate
computeValueOffsets() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageTuple
This helper function computes and caches the offset of each column value in the tuple.
Concat - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.functions
Implementation of the CONCAT(s1, s2, ...) SQL function, concatenates two or more arguments as strings.
Concat() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Concat
condType - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
If this object represents a join expression, this field specifies the type of condition used in the join; either a natural join, a join with an ON expression, or a join with a USING clause.
conjunctsUsed - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.CostBasedJoinPlanner.JoinComponent
This field specifies the collection of all conjuncts use by this join plan.
connect(String, int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.SharedClientState
CONSTRAINT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
CONSTRAINT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
CONSTRAINT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintForeignKeyContext
CONSTRAINT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintNotNullContext
CONSTRAINT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintPrimaryKeyContext
CONSTRAINT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintUniqueContext
CONSTRAINT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintForeignKeyContext
CONSTRAINT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintPrimaryKeyContext
CONSTRAINT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintUniqueContext
ConstraintDecl - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.commands
Constraints may be specified at the table level, or they may be specified on individual columns.
ConstraintDecl(TableConstraintType, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ConstraintDecl
Create a new unnamed constraint for a table or a table-column.
ConstraintDecl(TableConstraintType, String, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ConstraintDecl
Create a new named constraint for a table or a table-column.
constraintName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnRefs
This is the optional name of the constraint specified in the DDL.
constraintName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ForeignKeyColumnRefs
This is the optional name of the constraint specified in the DDL.
constraintName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintForeignKeyContext
constraintName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintNotNullContext
constraintName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintPrimaryKeyContext
constraintName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintUniqueContext
constraintName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintForeignKeyContext
constraintName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintPrimaryKeyContext
constraintName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintUniqueContext
constraints - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateTableCommand
List of constraints for the new table.
constraints - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.TableColumnDecl
Any constraints specified on the column.
constraintType - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnRefs
This optional field can indicate if there is a particular constraint on the indicated set of columns.
ConstraintViolationException - Exception in edu.caltech.nanodb.relations
This exception is used to signal when a database constraint is violated.
ConstraintViolationException() - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ConstraintViolationException
ConstraintViolationException(String) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ConstraintViolationException
ConstraintViolationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ConstraintViolationException
ConstraintViolationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ConstraintViolationException
copyFrom(NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptionContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptionContext
copyFrom(NanoSQLParser.ColumnConstraintContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColumnConstraintContext
copyFrom(NanoSQLParser.ColumnRefContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColumnRefContext
copyFrom(NanoSQLParser.ColumnTypeContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColumnTypeContext
copyFrom(NanoSQLParser.ExplainStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExplainStmtContext
copyFrom(NanoSQLParser.ExpressionContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExpressionContext
copyFrom(NanoSQLParser.FromExprContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromExprContext
copyFrom(NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeContext
copyFrom(NanoSQLParser.LiteralValueContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.LiteralValueContext
copyFrom(NanoSQLParser.TableConstraintContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TableConstraintContext
correlatedWith - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause
If this query is correlated with one or more enclosing queries, this will contain column names, and the corresponding references to the enclosing queries.
Cos - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.functions
Implementation of the COS(x) SQL function, computes the cosine of a single argument.
Cos() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Cos
cost - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.PlanNode
The estimated cost of executing this plan and its subplans.
CostBasedJoinPlanner - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval
This planner implementation uses dynamic programming to devise an optimal join strategy for the query.
CostBasedJoinPlanner() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.CostBasedJoinPlanner
CostBasedJoinPlanner.JoinComponent - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval
This helper class is used to keep track of one "join component" in the dynamic programming algorithm.
count - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.CountAggregate
Contains the current number of items
count - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.CountStar
count - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.SumAvgAggregate
The current count of items that have been added
Count - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.functions
Created by donnie on 12/6/13.
Count() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Count
CountAggregate - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.functions
This aggregate function can be used to compute both COUNT(...) and COUNT(DISTINCT ...) aggregate functions.
CountAggregate(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.CountAggregate
CountDistinct - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.functions
Created by donnie on 12/7/13.
CountDistinct() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.CountDistinct
counters - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.performance.PerformanceCounters
CountStar - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.functions
Created by donnie on 11/1/14.
CountStar() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.CountStar
cpuCost - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.PlanCost
An estimate of the overall computational cost of an operation, in some imaginary unit.
CRASH - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
CRASH - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
CRASH() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CrashStmtContext
CrashCommand - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.commands
This command "crashes" the database by shutting it down immediately without any proper cleanup or flushing of caches.
CrashCommand() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CrashCommand
Construct a new CRASH command that will crash the database immediately.
CrashCommand(int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CrashCommand
Construct a new CRASH command that will wait for the specified number of seconds and then crash the database.
crashStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommandNoSemicolonContext
crashStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
CrashStmtContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CrashStmtContext
CREATE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
CREATE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
CREATE() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CreateIndexStmtContext
CREATE() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CreateTableStmtContext
createDBFile(String, DBFileType) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.StorageManager
createDBFile(String, DBFileType, int) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FileManager
This method creates a new database file in the directory used by the storage manager.
createDBFile(String, DBFileType, int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FileManagerImpl
createIndex(IndexInfo, String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.BasicIndexManager
Creates a new index file with the index name, table name, and column list specified in the passed-in IndexInfo object.
createIndex(IndexInfo, String) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexManager
CreateIndexCommand - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.commands
This command-class represents the CREATE INDEX DDL command.
CreateIndexCommand(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateIndexCommand
createIndexStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommandNoSemicolonContext
createIndexStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
CreateIndexStmtContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CreateIndexStmtContext
createTable(String, Schema, CommandProperties) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.IndexedTableManager
createTable(String, Schema, CommandProperties) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.TableManager
Creates a new table file with the table-name and schema specified in the passed-in TableInfo object.
CreateTableCommand - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.commands
This command handles the CREATE TABLE DDL operation.
CreateTableCommand(String) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateTableCommand
Create a new object representing a CREATE TABLE statement.
createTableStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommandNoSemicolonContext
createTableStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
CreateTableStmtContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CreateTableStmtContext
createTupleFile(DBFile, Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeapTupleFileManager
createTupleFile(DBFile, Schema) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.TupleFileManager
Initialize the specified DBFile to be a new empty table with the specified schema.
createTxnStateFile() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionManager
This helper function initializes a brand new transaction-state file for the transaction manager to use for providing transaction atomicity and durability.
createUnnamedIndex(IndexInfo) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.BasicIndexManager
createUnnamedIndex(IndexInfo) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexManager
CreateViewCommand - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.commands
This command-class represents the CREATE VIEW DDL command.
CreateViewCommand(String, SelectClause) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateViewCommand
createWALFile(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALManager
This helper method creates a brand new write-ahead log file using the Storage Manager, generating a suitable filename and passing the appropriate arguments to the Storage Manager.
CROSS - edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.JoinType
Cross joins, which are simply a Cartesian product.
CROSS - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
CROSS - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
CROSS() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromCrossJoinContext
currentGroupValues - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortedGroupAggregateNode
A tuple of the current group-by values being considered.
currentSchemas - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.Environment
A list of the schemas being considered by the environment.
currentTuple - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.ProjectNode
Current tuple the node is projecting (in NON-projected form).
currentTuple - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SelectNode
The current tuple that the node is selecting.
currentTupleIndex - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortNode
The index of the current tuple in the sorted results.
currentTupleIndex - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.TupleBagNode
currentTuples - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.Environment
A mapping of string table names, to the current tuple for each of those tables.


DatabaseConstraintEnforcer - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.relations
This class enforces all database constraints on the database schema, including NOT NULL constraints, primary key/unique constraints, and foreign key constraints.
DatabaseConstraintEnforcer(NanoDBServer) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.DatabaseConstraintEnforcer
dataFile - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFile
The actual data file on disk.
DataFormatException - Exception in edu.caltech.nanodb.storage
This class represents runtime issues with data files not being in the proper format, or other such issues occurring.
DataFormatException() - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DataFormatException
Construct a data format exception with no message.
DataFormatException(String) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DataFormatException
Construct a data format exception with the specified message.
DataFormatException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DataFormatException
Construct a data format exception with the specified message and cause.
DataFormatException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DataFormatException
Construct a data format exception with the specified cause and no message.
DataPage - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile
This class provides the constants and operations necessary for manipulating a data page within a heap file.
DataPage() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.DataPage
DATE - edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.SQLDataType
A date value containing year, month, and day.
DATE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnType
DATE_FORMATS - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.DateTimeUtils
An array of date format specifications that NanoDB recognizes.
DATETIME - edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.SQLDataType
A combination date and time value, containing all the fields of SQLDataType.DATE and SQLDataType.TIME.
DATETIME - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnType
DATETIME_FORMATS - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.DateTimeUtils
An array of date/time format specifications that NanoDB recognizes.
DateTimeUtils - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions
Provides a number of utility operations for working with dates, times and timestamps.
DateTimeUtils() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.DateTimeUtils
dbFile - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.BufferManager.CachedPageInfo
dbFile - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileReader
The database file being read by this reader.
dbFile - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
A reference to the database file that this page is from.
dbFile - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeapTupleFile
The file that stores the tuples.
DBFile - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.storage
This class provides page-level access to a database file, which contains some kind of data utilized in a database system.
DBFile(File, DBFileType, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFile
Constructs a new object from the specified information, and opens the backing data-file as well.
DBFile(File, DBFileType, int, RandomAccessFile) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFile
Constructs a new object from the specified information and the previously opened data-file.
DBFileReader - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.storage
This class provides the basic abilty to read a DBFile as a single sequential file, obscuring the fact that it is actually broken into pages.
DBFileReader(DBFile, StorageManager) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileReader
DBFileType - Enum in edu.caltech.nanodb.storage
This enumeration specifies the different types of data file that the database knows about.
DBFileType(int) - Constructor for enum edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileType
Initialize a DBFileType enum with the specified ID value.
DBFileWriter - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.storage
A subclass of DBFileReader, this class provides the basic ability to read and write a DBFile as a single sequential file, obscuring the fact that it is actually broken into pages.
DBFileWriter(DBFile, StorageManager) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileWriter
dbPage - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.BufferManager.SessionPinCount
The page that is pinned.
dbPage - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileReader
The last page used for reading the database file.
dbPage - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageReader
The page that the reader will read from.
dbPage - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageTuple
The database page that contains the tuple's data.
dbPage - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionStatePage
DBPage - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.storage
This class represents a single page in a database file.
DBPage(BufferManager, DBFile, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
Constructs a new, empty table-page for the specified table file.
DBPageID - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.storage
A class representing the unique identity of a DBPage, used as a key for tracking pages in maps.
DBPageID(DBPage) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPageID
DBPageID(File, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPageID
DDL - edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.Command.Type
A Data Definition Language (DDL) command.
DDLUtils - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.commands
This helper class provides some useful functions for constructing keys and indexes and other details for tables that are being initialized.
DDLUtils() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DDLUtils
dec(String) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.performance.PerformanceCounters
DECIMAL_LITERAL - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
DECIMAL_LITERAL - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
DECIMAL_LITERAL() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.LiteralDecimalContext
decodePageSize(int) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFile
Given the base-2 logarithm of a page size, this method returns the actual page size.
DEFAULT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
DEFAULT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
DEFAULT_BASE_DIRECTORY - Static variable in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.ServerProperties
This is the default value of the base-directory property, ./datafiles (or .\datafiles on Windows).
DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE - Static variable in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.ServerProperties
DEFAULT_PAGECACHE_POLICY - Static variable in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.ServerProperties
DEFAULT_PAGECACHE_SIZE - Static variable in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.ServerProperties
The default page-cache size is 1MiB.
DEFAULT_PAGESIZE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFile
The default page size is 8K bytes.
DEFAULT_PLANNER_CLASS - Static variable in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.ServerProperties
This class is the default planner used in NanoDB, unless overridden in the configuration.
DEFAULT_PRECISION - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnType
DEFAULT_SCALE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnType
DEFAULT_SELECTIVITY - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.SelectivityEstimator
This constant specifies the default selectivity assumed when a select predicate is too complicated to compute more accurate estimates.
DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.SharedServer
The default server port is 12200, since we use NanoDB in CS122!
Definitions - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval
This class holds expression aliases and view definitions during query planning.
Definitions() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.Definitions
DELETE - edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.QueryCommand.Type
A DELETE query, which retrieves and then deletes rows of data in a table.
DELETE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
DELETE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
DELETE() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintForeignKeyContext
DELETE() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DeleteStmtContext
DELETE() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintForeignKeyContext
DeleteCommand - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.commands
This command object represents a top-level DELETE command issued against the database.
DeleteCommand(String, Expression) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DeleteCommand
Constructs a new delete command.
DeleteCommand.TupleRemover - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.commands
An implementation of the tuple processor interface used by the DeleteCommand to delete each tuple.
deleteDBFile(DBFile) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FileManager
Deletes the specified database file.
deleteDBFile(DBFile) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FileManagerImpl
deleteDBFile(File) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FileManager
Deletes the specified database file.
deleteDBFile(File) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FileManagerImpl
deleteDBFile(String) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FileManager
Deletes the database file with the specified filename from the storage manager's directory.
deleteDBFile(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FileManagerImpl
deleteStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommandNoSemicolonContext
deleteStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
deleteStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExplainDeleteContext
DeleteStmtContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DeleteStmtContext
deleteTuple(Tuple) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeapTupleFile
deleteTuple(Tuple) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.TupleFile
Deletes the specified tuple from the table.
deleteTuple(DBPage, int) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.DataPage
Deletes the tuple at the specified slot from the data page.
deleteTupleDataRange(int, int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeapFilePageTuple
deleteTupleDataRange(int, int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageTuple
deleteTupleDataRange(DBPage, int, int) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.DataPage
This static helper function removes a sequence of bytes from the current tuple data in the page, sliding tuple data below the offset forward to fill in the gap.
deleteTupleFile(TupleFile) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeapTupleFileManager
deleteTupleFile(TupleFile) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.TupleFileManager
Delete the specified tuple-file.
delOpt - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintForeignKeyContext
delOpt - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintForeignKeyContext
derivedTable - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
If the FROM clause specifies a nested SELECT command with an alias, this field holds the nested query.
DESC - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
DESC - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
DESC() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.OrderByExprContext
DESCENDING - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
DESCENDING - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
DESCENDING() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.OrderByExprContext
dirty - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
This flag is true if this page has been modified in memory.
disconnect() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.SharedClientState
distinct - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.FunctionCall
A flag indicating whether the DISTINCT keyword was used in the function invocation, e.g.
distinct - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.CountAggregate
Boolean that is true if we are counting distinct values
distinct - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.SumAvgAggregate
Indicates whether we want distinct values or not
distinct - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause
This flag indicates whether the SELECT expression should generate duplicate rows, or whether it should simply produce distinct or unique rows.
DISTINCT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
DISTINCT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
DISTINCT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FunctionCallContext
DISTINCT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SelectStmtContext
DIVIDE - edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ArithmeticOperator.Type
DivideByZeroException - Exception in edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions
This exception is thrown when an expression would cause a divide by zero.
DivideByZeroException() - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.DivideByZeroException
Construct a divide-by-zero exception with no message.
DivideByZeroException(String) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.DivideByZeroException
Construct a divide-by-zero exception with the specified message.
DivideByZeroException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.DivideByZeroException
Construct a divide-by-zero exception with the specified message and cause.
DivideByZeroException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.DivideByZeroException
Construct a divide-by-zero exception with the specified cause and no message.
DML - edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.Command.Type
A Data Manipulation Language (DML) command.
doCommand(Command) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.ClientHandlerThread
doCommand(Command, boolean) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.NanoDBServer
Executes a single database command, generating a CommandResult holding details about the operation, and optionally any tuples generated by the operation.
doCommand(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.SharedClientState
doCommand(String, boolean) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.NanoDBServer
Parse and execute a single command, returning a CommandResult object describing the results.
doCommands(String, boolean) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.NanoDBServer
Parse and execute one or more commands, returning a list of CommandResult object describing the results.
doCrash() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CrashCommand
done - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.SharedClientState.Receiver
done - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.SharedServerClient.Receiver
A flag indicating when the receiver thread should shut down.
done - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.HashedGroupAggregateNode
done - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.NestedLoopJoinNode
Set to true when we have exhausted all tuples from our subplans.
done - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.ProjectNode
True if we have finished pulling tuples from children.
done - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SelectNode
True if we have finished scanning or pulling tuples from children.
done - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortedGroupAggregateNode
done - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortMergeJoinNode
Set to true when we have exhausted all tuples from our subplans.
done - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortNode
A flag indicating whether the sort node has generate all of its output or not.
doRecovery(LogSequenceNumber, LogSequenceNumber) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALManager
Performs recovery processing starting at the specified log sequence number, and returns the LSN where the next recovery process should start from.
DOUBLE - edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.SQLDataType
An 8-byte signed floating-point number with 53 bits of precision, designated in SQL as DOUBLE.
DOUBLE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnType
DROP - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
DROP - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
DROP() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DropIndexStmtContext
DROP() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DropTableStmtContext
dropIndex(TableInfo, String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.BasicIndexManager
dropIndex(TableInfo, String) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexManager
DropIndexCommand - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.commands
This command-class represents the DROP INDEX DDL command.
DropIndexCommand(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DropIndexCommand
dropIndexStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommandNoSemicolonContext
dropIndexStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
DropIndexStmtContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DropIndexStmtContext
dropTable(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.IndexedTableManager
dropTable(String) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.TableManager
Drops the specified table from the database.
DropTableCommand - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.commands
This Command class represents the DROP TABLE SQL command.
DropTableCommand(String, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DropTableCommand
Construct a drop-table command for the named table.
dropTableStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommandNoSemicolonContext
dropTableStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
DropTableStmtContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DropTableStmtContext
DUMP - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
DUMP - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
DUMP() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DumpIndexStmtContext
DUMP() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DumpTableStmtContext
DumpCommand - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.commands
An abstract base-class that holds the common implementation of the various kinds of dump commands.
DumpCommand(String, String) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DumpCommand
DumpCommand.TupleExporter - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.commands
A tuple processor implementation used to dump each tuple.
DumpIndexCommand - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.commands
This command object represents a DUMP INDEX command issued against the database.
DumpIndexCommand(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DumpIndexCommand
dumpIndexStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommandNoSemicolonContext
dumpIndexStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
DumpIndexStmtContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DumpIndexStmtContext
dumpOut - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DumpCommand.TupleExporter
DumpTableCommand - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.commands
This command object represents a DUMP TABLE command issued against the database.
DumpTableCommand(String, String, String) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DumpTableCommand
Constructs a new dump-table command.
dumpTableStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommandNoSemicolonContext
dumpTableStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
DumpTableStmtContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DumpTableStmtContext
duplicate() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.Expression
Returns a deep copy of this expression.
duplicate() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.PlanNode
Returns a deep copy of this plan tree.


edu.caltech.nanodb.client - package edu.caltech.nanodb.client
This package contains classes that allow NanoDB to be used from multiple concurrent clients, to maintain client session state, and so forth.
edu.caltech.nanodb.commands - package edu.caltech.nanodb.commands
This package contains the classes that represent the commands that the NanoSQL database recognizes.
edu.caltech.nanodb.config - package edu.caltech.nanodb.config
edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions - package edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions
This package contains classes for representing and evaluating arithmetic and logical expressions.
edu.caltech.nanodb.functions - package edu.caltech.nanodb.functions
This package contains the abstractions for supporting simple functions, aggregate functions, and table-returning functions in NanoDB.
edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes - package edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes
edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes - package edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes
This package contains classes for representing query execution plans, as well as analyzing their costs.
edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast - package edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast
edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval - package edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval
This package contains the query-evaluation components of the database.
edu.caltech.nanodb.relations - package edu.caltech.nanodb.relations
This package contains the basic data-types for representing relations in NanoDB.
edu.caltech.nanodb.server - package edu.caltech.nanodb.server
edu.caltech.nanodb.server.performance - package edu.caltech.nanodb.server.performance
edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties - package edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties
edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse - package edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
edu.caltech.nanodb.storage - package edu.caltech.nanodb.storage
This package contains the classes for the Storage Manager, which is responsible for how data is stored in and retrieved from database files.
edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile - package edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile
This package provides a naive implementation of the heap file organization for NanoDB.
edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead - package edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead
This package contains the implementation for the write-ahead log, which allows us to provide transaction atomicity, consistency and durability.
edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions - package edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions
This package contains classes for managing transactions at the logical level, such as concurrency control and isolation, deadlock detection and aborting transactions.
edu.caltech.nanodb.util - package edu.caltech.nanodb.util
This package contains various generally useful utility classes that aren't specific to a particular area of NanoDB functionality.
elapsedTimeNanos - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.EvalStats
The total time elapsed for query evaluation, in nanoseconds.
EMPTY_SLOT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.DataPage
This offset-value is stored into a slot when it is empty.
encodePageSize(int) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFile
Given a valid page size, this method returns the base-2 logarithm of the page size for storing in a data file.
END_TUPLES - edu.caltech.nanodb.server.CommandState
This state value indicates that the command has generated all tuples it will generate.
endExecution() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.CommandResult
endOffset - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageTuple
The offset in the page where the tuple's data ends.
endTimestamp - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.CommandResult
The system time when command execution ended.
ensureSpaceAvailable(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.BufferManager
This helper function ensures that the buffer manager has the specified amount of space available.
enter(Expression) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.Expression.SymbolFinder
enter(Expression) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ExpressionProcessor
This method is called when expression-traversal is entering a particular node in the expression tree.
enter(Expression) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SubquerySchemaComputer
This method identifies SubqueryOperator objects, retrieves the subquery, and then generates a plan for the subquery.
enterAnalyzeStmt(NanoSQLParser.AnalyzeStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.analyzeStmt().
enterAnalyzeStmt(NanoSQLParser.AnalyzeStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.analyzeStmt().
enterBeginTxnStmt(NanoSQLParser.BeginTxnStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.beginTxnStmt().
enterBeginTxnStmt(NanoSQLParser.BeginTxnStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.beginTxnStmt().
enterCascadeOptCascade(NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptCascadeContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the CascadeOptCascade labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.cascadeOption().
enterCascadeOptCascade(NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptCascadeContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the CascadeOptCascade labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.cascadeOption().
enterCascadeOptRestrict(NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptRestrictContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the CascadeOptRestrict labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.cascadeOption().
enterCascadeOptRestrict(NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptRestrictContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the CascadeOptRestrict labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.cascadeOption().
enterCascadeOptSetNull(NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptSetNullContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the CascadeOptSetNull labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.cascadeOption().
enterCascadeOptSetNull(NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptSetNullContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the CascadeOptSetNull labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.cascadeOption().
enterCmdProperties(NanoSQLParser.CmdPropertiesContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.cmdProperties().
enterCmdProperties(NanoSQLParser.CmdPropertiesContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.cmdProperties().
enterColConstraintForeignKey(NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintForeignKeyContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ColConstraintForeignKey labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnConstraint().
enterColConstraintForeignKey(NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintForeignKeyContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ColConstraintForeignKey labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnConstraint().
enterColConstraintNotNull(NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintNotNullContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ColConstraintNotNull labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnConstraint().
enterColConstraintNotNull(NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintNotNullContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ColConstraintNotNull labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnConstraint().
enterColConstraintPrimaryKey(NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintPrimaryKeyContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ColConstraintPrimaryKey labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnConstraint().
enterColConstraintPrimaryKey(NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintPrimaryKeyContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ColConstraintPrimaryKey labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnConstraint().
enterColConstraintUnique(NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintUniqueContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ColConstraintUnique labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnConstraint().
enterColConstraintUnique(NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintUniqueContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ColConstraintUnique labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnConstraint().
enterColRefNoTable(NanoSQLParser.ColRefNoTableContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ColRefNoTable labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnRef().
enterColRefNoTable(NanoSQLParser.ColRefNoTableContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ColRefNoTable labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnRef().
enterColRefTable(NanoSQLParser.ColRefTableContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ColRefTable labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnRef().
enterColRefTable(NanoSQLParser.ColRefTableContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ColRefTable labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnRef().
enterColRefWildcardNoTable(NanoSQLParser.ColRefWildcardNoTableContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ColRefWildcardNoTable labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnRef().
enterColRefWildcardNoTable(NanoSQLParser.ColRefWildcardNoTableContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ColRefWildcardNoTable labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnRef().
enterColRefWildcardTable(NanoSQLParser.ColRefWildcardTableContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ColRefWildcardTable labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnRef().
enterColRefWildcardTable(NanoSQLParser.ColRefWildcardTableContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ColRefWildcardTable labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnRef().
enterColTypeBigInt(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeBigIntContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ColTypeBigInt labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
enterColTypeBigInt(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeBigIntContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ColTypeBigInt labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
enterColTypeChar(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeCharContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ColTypeChar labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
enterColTypeChar(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeCharContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ColTypeChar labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
enterColTypeDate(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDateContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ColTypeDate labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
enterColTypeDate(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDateContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ColTypeDate labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
enterColTypeDateTime(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDateTimeContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ColTypeDateTime labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
enterColTypeDateTime(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDateTimeContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ColTypeDateTime labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
enterColTypeDecimal(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDecimalContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ColTypeDecimal labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
enterColTypeDecimal(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDecimalContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ColTypeDecimal labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
enterColTypeDouble(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDoubleContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ColTypeDouble labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
enterColTypeDouble(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDoubleContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ColTypeDouble labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
enterColTypeFloat(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeFloatContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ColTypeFloat labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
enterColTypeFloat(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeFloatContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ColTypeFloat labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
enterColTypeInt(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeIntContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ColTypeInt labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
enterColTypeInt(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeIntContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ColTypeInt labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
enterColTypeTime(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeTimeContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ColTypeTime labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
enterColTypeTime(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeTimeContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ColTypeTime labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
enterColTypeTimestamp(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeTimestampContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ColTypeTimestamp labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
enterColTypeTimestamp(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeTimestampContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ColTypeTimestamp labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
enterColTypeVarChar(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeVarCharContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ColTypeVarChar labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
enterColTypeVarChar(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeVarCharContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ColTypeVarChar labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
enterCommand(NanoSQLParser.CommandContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.command().
enterCommand(NanoSQLParser.CommandContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.command().
enterCommandNoSemicolon(NanoSQLParser.CommandNoSemicolonContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.commandNoSemicolon().
enterCommandNoSemicolon(NanoSQLParser.CommandNoSemicolonContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.commandNoSemicolon().
enterCommands(NanoSQLParser.CommandsContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.commands().
enterCommands(NanoSQLParser.CommandsContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.commands().
enterCommitTxnStmt(NanoSQLParser.CommitTxnStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.commitTxnStmt().
enterCommitTxnStmt(NanoSQLParser.CommitTxnStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.commitTxnStmt().
enterCrashStmt(NanoSQLParser.CrashStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.crashStmt().
enterCrashStmt(NanoSQLParser.CrashStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.crashStmt().
enterCreateIndexStmt(NanoSQLParser.CreateIndexStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.createIndexStmt().
enterCreateIndexStmt(NanoSQLParser.CreateIndexStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.createIndexStmt().
enterCreateTableStmt(NanoSQLParser.CreateTableStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.createTableStmt().
enterCreateTableStmt(NanoSQLParser.CreateTableStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.createTableStmt().
enterDeleteStmt(NanoSQLParser.DeleteStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.deleteStmt().
enterDeleteStmt(NanoSQLParser.DeleteStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.deleteStmt().
enterDropIndexStmt(NanoSQLParser.DropIndexStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.dropIndexStmt().
enterDropIndexStmt(NanoSQLParser.DropIndexStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.dropIndexStmt().
enterDropTableStmt(NanoSQLParser.DropTableStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.dropTableStmt().
enterDropTableStmt(NanoSQLParser.DropTableStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.dropTableStmt().
enterDumpIndexStmt(NanoSQLParser.DumpIndexStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.dumpIndexStmt().
enterDumpIndexStmt(NanoSQLParser.DumpIndexStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.dumpIndexStmt().
enterDumpTableStmt(NanoSQLParser.DumpTableStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.dumpTableStmt().
enterDumpTableStmt(NanoSQLParser.DumpTableStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.dumpTableStmt().
enteredText - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.InteractiveClient
The buffer that accumulates each command's text.
enterEveryRule(ParserRuleContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
enterExitStmt(NanoSQLParser.ExitStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.exitStmt().
enterExitStmt(NanoSQLParser.ExitStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.exitStmt().
enterExplainDelete(NanoSQLParser.ExplainDeleteContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExplainDelete labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.explainStmt().
enterExplainDelete(NanoSQLParser.ExplainDeleteContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExplainDelete labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.explainStmt().
enterExplainInsert(NanoSQLParser.ExplainInsertContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExplainInsert labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.explainStmt().
enterExplainInsert(NanoSQLParser.ExplainInsertContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExplainInsert labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.explainStmt().
enterExplainSelect(NanoSQLParser.ExplainSelectContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExplainSelect labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.explainStmt().
enterExplainSelect(NanoSQLParser.ExplainSelectContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExplainSelect labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.explainStmt().
enterExplainUpdate(NanoSQLParser.ExplainUpdateContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExplainUpdate labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.explainStmt().
enterExplainUpdate(NanoSQLParser.ExplainUpdateContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExplainUpdate labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.explainStmt().
enterExprAdd(NanoSQLParser.ExprAddContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExprAdd labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
enterExprAdd(NanoSQLParser.ExprAddContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExprAdd labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
enterExprAnd(NanoSQLParser.ExprAndContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExprAnd labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
enterExprAnd(NanoSQLParser.ExprAndContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExprAnd labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
enterExprBetween(NanoSQLParser.ExprBetweenContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExprBetween labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
enterExprBetween(NanoSQLParser.ExprBetweenContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExprBetween labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
enterExprColumnRef(NanoSQLParser.ExprColumnRefContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExprColumnRef labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
enterExprColumnRef(NanoSQLParser.ExprColumnRefContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExprColumnRef labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
enterExprCompare(NanoSQLParser.ExprCompareContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExprCompare labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
enterExprCompare(NanoSQLParser.ExprCompareContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExprCompare labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
enterExpressionList(NanoSQLParser.ExpressionListContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.expressionList().
enterExpressionList(NanoSQLParser.ExpressionListContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.expressionList().
enterExprExists(NanoSQLParser.ExprExistsContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExprExists labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
enterExprExists(NanoSQLParser.ExprExistsContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExprExists labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
enterExprFunctionCall(NanoSQLParser.ExprFunctionCallContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExprFunctionCall labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
enterExprFunctionCall(NanoSQLParser.ExprFunctionCallContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExprFunctionCall labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
enterExprIsNull(NanoSQLParser.ExprIsNullContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExprIsNull labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
enterExprIsNull(NanoSQLParser.ExprIsNullContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExprIsNull labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
enterExprLike(NanoSQLParser.ExprLikeContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExprLike labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
enterExprLike(NanoSQLParser.ExprLikeContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExprLike labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
enterExprLiteral(NanoSQLParser.ExprLiteralContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExprLiteral labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
enterExprLiteral(NanoSQLParser.ExprLiteralContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExprLiteral labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
enterExprMul(NanoSQLParser.ExprMulContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExprMul labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
enterExprMul(NanoSQLParser.ExprMulContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExprMul labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
enterExprMultiColInSubquery(NanoSQLParser.ExprMultiColInSubqueryContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExprMultiColInSubquery labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
enterExprMultiColInSubquery(NanoSQLParser.ExprMultiColInSubqueryContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExprMultiColInSubquery labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
enterExprNot(NanoSQLParser.ExprNotContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExprNot labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
enterExprNot(NanoSQLParser.ExprNotContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExprNot labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
enterExprOneColInSubquery(NanoSQLParser.ExprOneColInSubqueryContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExprOneColInSubquery labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
enterExprOneColInSubquery(NanoSQLParser.ExprOneColInSubqueryContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExprOneColInSubquery labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
enterExprOneColInValues(NanoSQLParser.ExprOneColInValuesContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExprOneColInValues labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
enterExprOneColInValues(NanoSQLParser.ExprOneColInValuesContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExprOneColInValues labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
enterExprOr(NanoSQLParser.ExprOrContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExprOr labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
enterExprOr(NanoSQLParser.ExprOrContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExprOr labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
enterExprParen(NanoSQLParser.ExprParenContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExprParen labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
enterExprParen(NanoSQLParser.ExprParenContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExprParen labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
enterExprScalarSubquery(NanoSQLParser.ExprScalarSubqueryContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExprScalarSubquery labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
enterExprScalarSubquery(NanoSQLParser.ExprScalarSubqueryContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExprScalarSubquery labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
enterExprSimilarTo(NanoSQLParser.ExprSimilarToContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExprSimilarTo labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
enterExprSimilarTo(NanoSQLParser.ExprSimilarToContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExprSimilarTo labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
enterExprUnarySign(NanoSQLParser.ExprUnarySignContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExprUnarySign labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
enterExprUnarySign(NanoSQLParser.ExprUnarySignContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the ExprUnarySign labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
enterFlushStmt(NanoSQLParser.FlushStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.flushStmt().
enterFlushStmt(NanoSQLParser.FlushStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.flushStmt().
enterFromCrossJoin(NanoSQLParser.FromCrossJoinContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the FromCrossJoin labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
enterFromCrossJoin(NanoSQLParser.FromCrossJoinContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the FromCrossJoin labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
enterFromImplicitCrossJoin(NanoSQLParser.FromImplicitCrossJoinContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the FromImplicitCrossJoin labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
enterFromImplicitCrossJoin(NanoSQLParser.FromImplicitCrossJoinContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the FromImplicitCrossJoin labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
enterFromJoinOn(NanoSQLParser.FromJoinOnContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the FromJoinOn labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
enterFromJoinOn(NanoSQLParser.FromJoinOnContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the FromJoinOn labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
enterFromJoinUsing(NanoSQLParser.FromJoinUsingContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the FromJoinUsing labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
enterFromJoinUsing(NanoSQLParser.FromJoinUsingContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the FromJoinUsing labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
enterFromNaturalJoin(NanoSQLParser.FromNaturalJoinContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the FromNaturalJoin labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
enterFromNaturalJoin(NanoSQLParser.FromNaturalJoinContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the FromNaturalJoin labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
enterFromNestedSelect(NanoSQLParser.FromNestedSelectContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the FromNestedSelect labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
enterFromNestedSelect(NanoSQLParser.FromNestedSelectContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the FromNestedSelect labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
enterFromParens(NanoSQLParser.FromParensContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the FromParens labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
enterFromParens(NanoSQLParser.FromParensContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the FromParens labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
enterFromTable(NanoSQLParser.FromTableContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the FromTable labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
enterFromTable(NanoSQLParser.FromTableContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the FromTable labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
enterFromTableFunction(NanoSQLParser.FromTableFunctionContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the FromTableFunction labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
enterFromTableFunction(NanoSQLParser.FromTableFunctionContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the FromTableFunction labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
enterFunctionCall(NanoSQLParser.FunctionCallContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.functionCall().
enterFunctionCall(NanoSQLParser.FunctionCallContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.functionCall().
enterInsertStmt(NanoSQLParser.InsertStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.insertStmt().
enterInsertStmt(NanoSQLParser.InsertStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.insertStmt().
enterJoinTypeFullOuter(NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeFullOuterContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the JoinTypeFullOuter labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.joinType().
enterJoinTypeFullOuter(NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeFullOuterContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the JoinTypeFullOuter labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.joinType().
enterJoinTypeInner(NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeInnerContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the JoinTypeInner labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.joinType().
enterJoinTypeInner(NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeInnerContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the JoinTypeInner labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.joinType().
enterJoinTypeLeftOuter(NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeLeftOuterContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the JoinTypeLeftOuter labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.joinType().
enterJoinTypeLeftOuter(NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeLeftOuterContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the JoinTypeLeftOuter labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.joinType().
enterJoinTypeRightOuter(NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeRightOuterContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the JoinTypeRightOuter labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.joinType().
enterJoinTypeRightOuter(NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeRightOuterContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the JoinTypeRightOuter labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.joinType().
enterLiteralDecimal(NanoSQLParser.LiteralDecimalContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the LiteralDecimal labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.literalValue().
enterLiteralDecimal(NanoSQLParser.LiteralDecimalContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the LiteralDecimal labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.literalValue().
enterLiteralFalse(NanoSQLParser.LiteralFalseContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the LiteralFalse labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.literalValue().
enterLiteralFalse(NanoSQLParser.LiteralFalseContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the LiteralFalse labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.literalValue().
enterLiteralInteger(NanoSQLParser.LiteralIntegerContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the LiteralInteger labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.literalValue().
enterLiteralInteger(NanoSQLParser.LiteralIntegerContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the LiteralInteger labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.literalValue().
enterLiteralInterval(NanoSQLParser.LiteralIntervalContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the LiteralInterval labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.literalValue().
enterLiteralInterval(NanoSQLParser.LiteralIntervalContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the LiteralInterval labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.literalValue().
enterLiteralNull(NanoSQLParser.LiteralNullContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the LiteralNull labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.literalValue().
enterLiteralNull(NanoSQLParser.LiteralNullContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the LiteralNull labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.literalValue().
enterLiteralString(NanoSQLParser.LiteralStringContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the LiteralString labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.literalValue().
enterLiteralString(NanoSQLParser.LiteralStringContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the LiteralString labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.literalValue().
enterLiteralTrue(NanoSQLParser.LiteralTrueContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the LiteralTrue labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.literalValue().
enterLiteralTrue(NanoSQLParser.LiteralTrueContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the LiteralTrue labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.literalValue().
enterOptimizeStmt(NanoSQLParser.OptimizeStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.optimizeStmt().
enterOptimizeStmt(NanoSQLParser.OptimizeStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.optimizeStmt().
enterOrderByExpr(NanoSQLParser.OrderByExprContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.orderByExpr().
enterOrderByExpr(NanoSQLParser.OrderByExprContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.orderByExpr().
enterRollbackTxnStmt(NanoSQLParser.RollbackTxnStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.rollbackTxnStmt().
enterRollbackTxnStmt(NanoSQLParser.RollbackTxnStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.rollbackTxnStmt().
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.AnalyzeStmtContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.BeginTxnStmtContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptCascadeContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptRestrictContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptSetNullContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CmdPropertiesContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintForeignKeyContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintNotNullContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintPrimaryKeyContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintUniqueContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColRefNoTableContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColRefTableContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColRefWildcardNoTableContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColRefWildcardTableContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeBigIntContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeCharContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDateContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDateTimeContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDecimalContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDoubleContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeFloatContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeIntContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeTimeContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeTimestampContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeVarCharContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommandContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommandNoSemicolonContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommandsContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommitTxnStmtContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CrashStmtContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CreateIndexStmtContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CreateTableStmtContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DeleteStmtContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DropIndexStmtContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DropTableStmtContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DumpIndexStmtContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DumpTableStmtContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExitStmtContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExplainDeleteContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExplainInsertContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExplainSelectContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExplainUpdateContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprAddContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprAndContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprBetweenContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprColumnRefContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprCompareContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExpressionListContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprExistsContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprFunctionCallContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprIsNullContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprLikeContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprLiteralContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprMulContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprMultiColInSubqueryContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprNotContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprOneColInSubqueryContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprOneColInValuesContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprOrContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprParenContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprScalarSubqueryContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprSimilarToContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprUnarySignContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FlushStmtContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromCrossJoinContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromImplicitCrossJoinContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromJoinOnContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromJoinUsingContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromNaturalJoinContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromNestedSelectContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromParensContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromTableContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromTableFunctionContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FunctionCallContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.InsertStmtContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeFullOuterContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeInnerContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeLeftOuterContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeRightOuterContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.LiteralDecimalContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.LiteralFalseContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.LiteralIntegerContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.LiteralIntervalContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.LiteralNullContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.LiteralStringContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.LiteralTrueContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.OptimizeStmtContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.OrderByExprContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.RollbackTxnStmtContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SelectStmtContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SelectValueContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SetPropStmtContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ShowPropsStmtContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ShowSystemStatsStmtContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ShowTablesStmtContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ShowTableStatsStmtContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TableColDeclContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintForeignKeyContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintPrimaryKeyContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintUniqueContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.UpdateStmtContext
enterRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.VerifyStmtContext
enterSelectStmt(NanoSQLParser.SelectStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.selectStmt().
enterSelectStmt(NanoSQLParser.SelectStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.selectStmt().
enterSelectValue(NanoSQLParser.SelectValueContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.selectValue().
enterSelectValue(NanoSQLParser.SelectValueContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.selectValue().
enterSetPropStmt(NanoSQLParser.SetPropStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.setPropStmt().
enterSetPropStmt(NanoSQLParser.SetPropStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.setPropStmt().
enterShowPropsStmt(NanoSQLParser.ShowPropsStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.showPropsStmt().
enterShowPropsStmt(NanoSQLParser.ShowPropsStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.showPropsStmt().
enterShowSystemStatsStmt(NanoSQLParser.ShowSystemStatsStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.showSystemStatsStmt().
enterShowSystemStatsStmt(NanoSQLParser.ShowSystemStatsStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.showSystemStatsStmt().
enterShowTablesStmt(NanoSQLParser.ShowTablesStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.showTablesStmt().
enterShowTablesStmt(NanoSQLParser.ShowTablesStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.showTablesStmt().
enterShowTableStatsStmt(NanoSQLParser.ShowTableStatsStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.showTableStatsStmt().
enterShowTableStatsStmt(NanoSQLParser.ShowTableStatsStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.showTableStatsStmt().
enterTableColDecl(NanoSQLParser.TableColDeclContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.tableColDecl().
enterTableColDecl(NanoSQLParser.TableColDeclContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.tableColDecl().
enterTblConstraintForeignKey(NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintForeignKeyContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the TblConstraintForeignKey labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.tableConstraint().
enterTblConstraintForeignKey(NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintForeignKeyContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the TblConstraintForeignKey labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.tableConstraint().
enterTblConstraintPrimaryKey(NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintPrimaryKeyContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the TblConstraintPrimaryKey labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.tableConstraint().
enterTblConstraintPrimaryKey(NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintPrimaryKeyContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the TblConstraintPrimaryKey labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.tableConstraint().
enterTblConstraintUnique(NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintUniqueContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the TblConstraintUnique labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.tableConstraint().
enterTblConstraintUnique(NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintUniqueContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by the TblConstraintUnique labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.tableConstraint().
enterUpdateStmt(NanoSQLParser.UpdateStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.updateStmt().
enterUpdateStmt(NanoSQLParser.UpdateStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.updateStmt().
enterVerifyStmt(NanoSQLParser.VerifyStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.verifyStmt().
enterVerifyStmt(NanoSQLParser.VerifyStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Enter a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.verifyStmt().
environment - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.UpdateCommand.TupleUpdater
The environment used to evaluate the update expressions.
environment - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.PlanNode
The environment used to evaluate expressions against tuples being processed.
Environment - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions
This class holds the environment for evaluating expressions that include symbols.
Environment() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.Environment
envTupleA - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TupleComparator
The environment to use for evaluating order-by expressions against the first tuple.
envTupleB - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TupleComparator
The environment to use for evaluating order-by expressions against the second tuple.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ArithmeticOperator
Checks if the argument is an expression with the same structure, but not necesarily the same references.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.BooleanOperator
Performs a value-eqality test for whether the specified object is an expression with the same structure and contents.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ColumnName
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ColumnValue
Checks if the argument is an expression with the same structure, but not necessarily the same references.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.CompareOperator
Checks if the argument is an expression with the same structure, but not necessarily the same references.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ExistsOperator
Checks if the argument is an expression with the same structure, but not necessarily the same references.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.Expression
Checks if the argument is an expression with the same structure, but not necesarily the same references.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.FunctionCall
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.InSubqueryOperator
Checks if the argument is an expression with the same structure, but not necessarily the same references.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.InValuesOperator
Checks if the argument is an expression with the same structure, but not necessarily the same references.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.IsNullOperator
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.LiteralValue
Checks if the argument is an expression with the same structure, but not necessarily the same references.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.NegateOperator
Checks if the argument is an expression with the same structure, but not necesarily the same references.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ScalarSubquery
Checks if the argument is an expression with the same structure, but not necessarily the same references.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.StringMatchOperator
Checks if the argument is an expression with the same structure, but not necessarily the same references.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TupleLiteral
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.FileScanNode
Returns true if the passed-in object is a FileScanNode with the same predicate and table.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.HashedGroupAggregateNode
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.NestedLoopJoinNode
Checks if the argument is a plan node tree with the same structure, but not necessarily the same references.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.PlanNode
Checks if the argument is a plan node tree with the same structure, but not necesarily the same references.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.ProjectNode
Checks if the argument is a plan node tree with the same structure, but not necesarily the same references.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.RenameNode
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SimpleFilterNode
Returns true if the passed-in object is a SimpleFilterNode with the same predicate and child sub-expression.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortedGroupAggregateNode
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortMergeJoinNode
Checks if the argument is a plan node tree with the same structure, but not necessarily the same references.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortNode
Checks if the argument is a plan node tree with the same structure, but not necesarily the same references.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.TableFunctionScanNode
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.TupleBagNode
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectValue
Checks if the argument is a SelectValue with the same fields.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnInfo
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnType
Returns true if obj is another ColumnType object with the same type information, including both base type and any relevant size information.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.BufferManager.CachedPageInfo
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFile
Returns true if obj is an instance of DBFile with the same backing file.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPageID
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FilePointer
Returns true if obj refers to a FilePointer with the same internal values.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.LogSequenceNumber
EQUALS - edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.CompareOperator.Type
equalsColumns(int[]) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnRefs
Returns true if the specified array of column-indexes has the same columns as this object, in the exact same order.
equalsColumns(ColumnRefs) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnRefs
Returns true if the specified ColumnIndexes object has the same columns as this object, in the exact same order.
errorMessage - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.IntegerValueValidator
An error message for when an integer value is invalid.
estimateBoolOperSelectivity(BooleanOperator, Schema, ArrayList<ColumnStats>) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.SelectivityEstimator
This function computes a selectivity estimate for a general Boolean expression that may be comprised of one or more components.
estimateCompareColumnColumn(CompareOperator.Type, ColumnValue, ColumnValue, Schema, ArrayList<ColumnStats>) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.SelectivityEstimator
This helper function computes a selectivity estimate for a comparison between two columns.
estimateCompareColumnValue(CompareOperator.Type, ColumnValue, LiteralValue, Schema, ArrayList<ColumnStats>) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.SelectivityEstimator
This helper function computes a selectivity estimate for a comparison between a column and a literal value.
estimateCompareSelectivity(CompareOperator, Schema, ArrayList<ColumnStats>) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.SelectivityEstimator
This function computes a selectivity estimate for a general comparison operation.
estimatedNumTuples - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.GroupAggregateNode
The estimated number of tuples this plan-node produces.
estimateSelectivity(Expression, Schema, ArrayList<ColumnStats>) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.SelectivityEstimator
This function computes the selectivity of a selection predicate, using table statistics and other estimates to make an educated guess.
evalBigDecimals(ArithmeticOperator.Type, BigDecimal, BigDecimal) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ArithmeticOperator
evalBigIntegers(ArithmeticOperator.Type, BigInteger, BigInteger) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ArithmeticOperator
evalDateInterval(ArithmeticOperator.Type, LocalDate, TemporalAmount) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ArithmeticOperator
evalDates(ArithmeticOperator.Type, LocalDate, LocalDate) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ArithmeticOperator
evalDateTimeInterval(ArithmeticOperator.Type, LocalDateTime, TemporalAmount) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ArithmeticOperator
evalDateTimes(ArithmeticOperator.Type, LocalDateTime, LocalDateTime) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ArithmeticOperator
evalDoubles(ArithmeticOperator.Type, Double, Double) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ArithmeticOperator
This helper implements the arithmetic operations for Double values.
evalFloats(ArithmeticOperator.Type, Float, Float) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ArithmeticOperator
This helper implements the arithmetic operations for Float values.
evalIntegers(ArithmeticOperator.Type, Integer, Integer) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ArithmeticOperator
This helper implements the arithmetic operations for Integer values.
evalIntervalDate(ArithmeticOperator.Type, TemporalAmount, LocalDate) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ArithmeticOperator
evalIntervalDateTime(ArithmeticOperator.Type, TemporalAmount, LocalDateTime) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ArithmeticOperator
evalIntervalTime(ArithmeticOperator.Type, TemporalAmount, LocalTime) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ArithmeticOperator
evalLongs(ArithmeticOperator.Type, Long, Long) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ArithmeticOperator
This helper implements the arithmetic operations for Long values.
evalObjects(ArithmeticOperator.Type, Object, Object) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ArithmeticOperator
This static helper method can be used to compute basic arithmetic operations between two arguments.
EvalStats - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval
This class holds statistics generated from a query evaluation operation, such as the number of rows fetched and the total time to perform the evaluation.
EvalStats(int, long) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.EvalStats
evalTimeInterval(ArithmeticOperator.Type, LocalTime, TemporalAmount) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ArithmeticOperator
evalTimes(ArithmeticOperator.Type, LocalTime, LocalTime) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ArithmeticOperator
evaluate() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.Expression
Evaluates this expression object without any environment.
evaluate(Environment) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ArithmeticOperator
evaluate(Environment) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.BooleanOperator
evaluate(Environment) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ColumnValue
evaluate(Environment) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.CompareOperator
Evaluates this comparison expression and returns either Boolean.TRUE or Boolean.FALSE.
evaluate(Environment) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ExistsOperator
evaluate(Environment) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.Expression
Evaluates this expression object in the context of the specified environment.
evaluate(Environment) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.FunctionCall
evaluate(Environment) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.InSubqueryOperator
Evaluates this comparison expression and returns either Boolean.TRUE or Boolean.FALSE.
evaluate(Environment) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.InValuesOperator
Evaluates this comparison expression and returns either Boolean.TRUE or Boolean.FALSE.
evaluate(Environment) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.IsNullOperator
evaluate(Environment) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.LiteralValue
For literal values, evaluation simply involves returning the literal value.
evaluate(Environment) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.NegateOperator
evaluate(Environment) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ScalarSubquery
evaluate(Environment) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.StringMatchOperator
Evaluates this comparison expression and returns either Boolean.TRUE or Boolean.FALSE.
evaluate(Environment, List<Expression>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Abs
evaluate(Environment, List<Expression>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.ArcCos
evaluate(Environment, List<Expression>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.ArcSin
evaluate(Environment, List<Expression>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.ArcTan
evaluate(Environment, List<Expression>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.ArcTan2
evaluate(Environment, List<Expression>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Ceil
evaluate(Environment, List<Expression>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Coalesce
evaluate(Environment, List<Expression>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Concat
evaluate(Environment, List<Expression>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Cos
evaluate(Environment, List<Expression>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Floor
evaluate(Environment, List<Expression>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Greatest
evaluate(Environment, List<Expression>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.If
evaluate(Environment, List<Expression>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.IfNull
evaluate(Environment, List<Expression>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Least
evaluate(Environment, List<Expression>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.NullIf
evaluate(Environment, List<Expression>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Pow
evaluate(Environment, List<Expression>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.ReadPerfCounter
evaluate(Environment, List<Expression>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.ResetPerfCounter
evaluate(Environment, List<Expression>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Round
evaluate(Environment, List<Expression>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.SimpleFunction
Evaluates the function.
evaluate(Environment, List<Expression>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Sin
evaluate(Environment, List<Expression>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Sqrt
evaluate(Environment, List<Expression>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Tan
evaluated - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ScalarSubquery
A flag indicating whether the subquery has been evaluated, and therefore whether ScalarSubquery.result is valid or not.
evaluateGroupByExprs() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.GroupAggregateNode
This helper method computes the value of each group-by expression and returns a TupleLiteral containing the results.
evaluatePredicate() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.Expression
Evaluates an expression as a Boolean predicate without any environment.
evaluatePredicate(Environment) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.Expression
Evaluates an expression as a Boolean predicate.
eventDispatcher - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DeleteCommand.TupleRemover
The event dispatcher for firing row-delete events.
eventDispatcher - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.InsertCommand.TupleInserter
The event-dispatcher for reporting insert events to other components.
eventDispatcher - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.UpdateCommand.TupleUpdater
The event dispatcher for firing row-update events.
eventDispatcher - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.NanoDBServer
The event dispatcher for this database server.
EventDispatcher - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.server
The event dispatcher notifies listeners when specific events occur within the database, related to command execution and row processing operations.
EventDispatcher() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.EventDispatcher
EventDispatchException - Exception in edu.caltech.nanodb.server
EventDispatchException() - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.server.EventDispatchException
EventDispatchException(String) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.server.EventDispatchException
EventDispatchException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.server.EventDispatchException
EventDispatchException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.server.EventDispatchException
EXCEPT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
EXCEPT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
ExclusiveClient - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.client
This class is used for starting the NanoDB database in "exclusive mode," where only a single client interacts directly with the database system.
ExclusiveClient() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.ExclusiveClient
execute(NanoDBServer) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.AnalyzeCommand
execute(NanoDBServer) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.BeginTransactionCommand
execute(NanoDBServer) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.Command
Actually performs the command.
execute(NanoDBServer) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CommitTransactionCommand
execute(NanoDBServer) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CrashCommand
execute(NanoDBServer) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateIndexCommand
execute(NanoDBServer) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateTableCommand
execute(NanoDBServer) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateViewCommand
execute(NanoDBServer) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DropIndexCommand
execute(NanoDBServer) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DropTableCommand
This method executes the DROP TABLE command by calling the TableManager.dropTable(java.lang.String) method with the specified table name.
execute(NanoDBServer) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DumpCommand
execute(NanoDBServer) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ExitCommand
This method really doesn't do anything, and it isn't intended to be called.
execute(NanoDBServer) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ExplainCommand
execute(NanoDBServer) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.FlushCommand
execute(NanoDBServer) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.InsertCommand
execute(NanoDBServer) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.OptimizeCommand
execute(NanoDBServer) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.QueryCommand
execute(NanoDBServer) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.RollbackTransactionCommand
execute(NanoDBServer) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.SetPropertyCommand
execute(NanoDBServer) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ShowPropertiesCommand
execute(NanoDBServer) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ShowSystemStatsCommand
execute(NanoDBServer) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ShowTablesCommand
execute(NanoDBServer) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ShowTableStatsCommand
execute(NanoDBServer) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.VerifyCommand
executePlan(PlanNode, TupleProcessor) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.QueryEvaluator
Executes the specified query plan, and feeds the results to the specified tuple processor.
ExecutionException - Exception in edu.caltech.nanodb.commands
This exception is thrown when a fatal error occurs during command execution.
ExecutionException() - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ExecutionException
ExecutionException(String) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ExecutionException
ExecutionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ExecutionException
ExecutionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ExecutionException
EXISTS - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
EXISTS - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
EXISTS() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CreateIndexStmtContext
EXISTS() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CreateTableStmtContext
EXISTS() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DropIndexStmtContext
EXISTS() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DropTableStmtContext
EXISTS() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprExistsContext
ExistsOperator - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions
This class implements the EXISTS (subquery) operator.
ExistsOperator(SelectClause) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ExistsOperator
EXIT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
EXIT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
EXIT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExitStmtContext
exitAnalyzeStmt(NanoSQLParser.AnalyzeStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.analyzeStmt().
exitAnalyzeStmt(NanoSQLParser.AnalyzeStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.analyzeStmt().
exitBeginTxnStmt(NanoSQLParser.BeginTxnStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.beginTxnStmt().
exitBeginTxnStmt(NanoSQLParser.BeginTxnStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.beginTxnStmt().
exitCascadeOptCascade(NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptCascadeContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the CascadeOptCascade labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.cascadeOption().
exitCascadeOptCascade(NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptCascadeContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the CascadeOptCascade labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.cascadeOption().
exitCascadeOptRestrict(NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptRestrictContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the CascadeOptRestrict labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.cascadeOption().
exitCascadeOptRestrict(NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptRestrictContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the CascadeOptRestrict labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.cascadeOption().
exitCascadeOptSetNull(NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptSetNullContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the CascadeOptSetNull labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.cascadeOption().
exitCascadeOptSetNull(NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptSetNullContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the CascadeOptSetNull labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.cascadeOption().
exitCmdProperties(NanoSQLParser.CmdPropertiesContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.cmdProperties().
exitCmdProperties(NanoSQLParser.CmdPropertiesContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.cmdProperties().
exitColConstraintForeignKey(NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintForeignKeyContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ColConstraintForeignKey labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnConstraint().
exitColConstraintForeignKey(NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintForeignKeyContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ColConstraintForeignKey labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnConstraint().
exitColConstraintNotNull(NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintNotNullContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ColConstraintNotNull labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnConstraint().
exitColConstraintNotNull(NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintNotNullContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ColConstraintNotNull labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnConstraint().
exitColConstraintPrimaryKey(NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintPrimaryKeyContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ColConstraintPrimaryKey labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnConstraint().
exitColConstraintPrimaryKey(NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintPrimaryKeyContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ColConstraintPrimaryKey labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnConstraint().
exitColConstraintUnique(NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintUniqueContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ColConstraintUnique labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnConstraint().
exitColConstraintUnique(NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintUniqueContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ColConstraintUnique labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnConstraint().
exitColRefNoTable(NanoSQLParser.ColRefNoTableContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ColRefNoTable labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnRef().
exitColRefNoTable(NanoSQLParser.ColRefNoTableContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ColRefNoTable labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnRef().
exitColRefTable(NanoSQLParser.ColRefTableContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ColRefTable labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnRef().
exitColRefTable(NanoSQLParser.ColRefTableContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ColRefTable labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnRef().
exitColRefWildcardNoTable(NanoSQLParser.ColRefWildcardNoTableContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ColRefWildcardNoTable labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnRef().
exitColRefWildcardNoTable(NanoSQLParser.ColRefWildcardNoTableContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ColRefWildcardNoTable labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnRef().
exitColRefWildcardTable(NanoSQLParser.ColRefWildcardTableContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ColRefWildcardTable labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnRef().
exitColRefWildcardTable(NanoSQLParser.ColRefWildcardTableContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ColRefWildcardTable labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnRef().
exitColTypeBigInt(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeBigIntContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ColTypeBigInt labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
exitColTypeBigInt(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeBigIntContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ColTypeBigInt labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
exitColTypeChar(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeCharContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ColTypeChar labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
exitColTypeChar(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeCharContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ColTypeChar labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
exitColTypeDate(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDateContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ColTypeDate labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
exitColTypeDate(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDateContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ColTypeDate labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
exitColTypeDateTime(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDateTimeContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ColTypeDateTime labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
exitColTypeDateTime(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDateTimeContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ColTypeDateTime labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
exitColTypeDecimal(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDecimalContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ColTypeDecimal labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
exitColTypeDecimal(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDecimalContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ColTypeDecimal labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
exitColTypeDouble(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDoubleContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ColTypeDouble labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
exitColTypeDouble(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDoubleContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ColTypeDouble labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
exitColTypeFloat(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeFloatContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ColTypeFloat labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
exitColTypeFloat(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeFloatContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ColTypeFloat labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
exitColTypeInt(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeIntContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ColTypeInt labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
exitColTypeInt(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeIntContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ColTypeInt labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
exitColTypeTime(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeTimeContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ColTypeTime labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
exitColTypeTime(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeTimeContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ColTypeTime labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
exitColTypeTimestamp(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeTimestampContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ColTypeTimestamp labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
exitColTypeTimestamp(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeTimestampContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ColTypeTimestamp labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
exitColTypeVarChar(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeVarCharContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ColTypeVarChar labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
exitColTypeVarChar(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeVarCharContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ColTypeVarChar labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
exitCommand - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.CommandResult
A flag recording whether the command was an exit command or not.
exitCommand(NanoSQLParser.CommandContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.command().
exitCommand(NanoSQLParser.CommandContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.command().
ExitCommand - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.commands
This Command class represents the EXIT or QUIT SQL commands.
ExitCommand() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ExitCommand
Construct an exit command.
exitCommandNoSemicolon(NanoSQLParser.CommandNoSemicolonContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.commandNoSemicolon().
exitCommandNoSemicolon(NanoSQLParser.CommandNoSemicolonContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.commandNoSemicolon().
exitCommands(NanoSQLParser.CommandsContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.commands().
exitCommands(NanoSQLParser.CommandsContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.commands().
exitCommitTxnStmt(NanoSQLParser.CommitTxnStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.commitTxnStmt().
exitCommitTxnStmt(NanoSQLParser.CommitTxnStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.commitTxnStmt().
exitCrashStmt(NanoSQLParser.CrashStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.crashStmt().
exitCrashStmt(NanoSQLParser.CrashStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.crashStmt().
exitCreateIndexStmt(NanoSQLParser.CreateIndexStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.createIndexStmt().
exitCreateIndexStmt(NanoSQLParser.CreateIndexStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.createIndexStmt().
exitCreateTableStmt(NanoSQLParser.CreateTableStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.createTableStmt().
exitCreateTableStmt(NanoSQLParser.CreateTableStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.createTableStmt().
exitDeleteStmt(NanoSQLParser.DeleteStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.deleteStmt().
exitDeleteStmt(NanoSQLParser.DeleteStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.deleteStmt().
exitDropIndexStmt(NanoSQLParser.DropIndexStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.dropIndexStmt().
exitDropIndexStmt(NanoSQLParser.DropIndexStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.dropIndexStmt().
exitDropTableStmt(NanoSQLParser.DropTableStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.dropTableStmt().
exitDropTableStmt(NanoSQLParser.DropTableStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.dropTableStmt().
exitDumpIndexStmt(NanoSQLParser.DumpIndexStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.dumpIndexStmt().
exitDumpIndexStmt(NanoSQLParser.DumpIndexStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.dumpIndexStmt().
exitDumpTableStmt(NanoSQLParser.DumpTableStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.dumpTableStmt().
exitDumpTableStmt(NanoSQLParser.DumpTableStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.dumpTableStmt().
exitEveryRule(ParserRuleContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
exitExitStmt(NanoSQLParser.ExitStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.exitStmt().
exitExitStmt(NanoSQLParser.ExitStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.exitStmt().
exitExplainDelete(NanoSQLParser.ExplainDeleteContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExplainDelete labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.explainStmt().
exitExplainDelete(NanoSQLParser.ExplainDeleteContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExplainDelete labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.explainStmt().
exitExplainInsert(NanoSQLParser.ExplainInsertContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExplainInsert labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.explainStmt().
exitExplainInsert(NanoSQLParser.ExplainInsertContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExplainInsert labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.explainStmt().
exitExplainSelect(NanoSQLParser.ExplainSelectContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExplainSelect labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.explainStmt().
exitExplainSelect(NanoSQLParser.ExplainSelectContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExplainSelect labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.explainStmt().
exitExplainUpdate(NanoSQLParser.ExplainUpdateContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExplainUpdate labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.explainStmt().
exitExplainUpdate(NanoSQLParser.ExplainUpdateContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExplainUpdate labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.explainStmt().
exitExprAdd(NanoSQLParser.ExprAddContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExprAdd labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
exitExprAdd(NanoSQLParser.ExprAddContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExprAdd labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
exitExprAnd(NanoSQLParser.ExprAndContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExprAnd labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
exitExprAnd(NanoSQLParser.ExprAndContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExprAnd labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
exitExprBetween(NanoSQLParser.ExprBetweenContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExprBetween labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
exitExprBetween(NanoSQLParser.ExprBetweenContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExprBetween labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
exitExprColumnRef(NanoSQLParser.ExprColumnRefContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExprColumnRef labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
exitExprColumnRef(NanoSQLParser.ExprColumnRefContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExprColumnRef labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
exitExprCompare(NanoSQLParser.ExprCompareContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExprCompare labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
exitExprCompare(NanoSQLParser.ExprCompareContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExprCompare labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
exitExpressionList(NanoSQLParser.ExpressionListContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.expressionList().
exitExpressionList(NanoSQLParser.ExpressionListContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.expressionList().
exitExprExists(NanoSQLParser.ExprExistsContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExprExists labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
exitExprExists(NanoSQLParser.ExprExistsContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExprExists labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
exitExprFunctionCall(NanoSQLParser.ExprFunctionCallContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExprFunctionCall labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
exitExprFunctionCall(NanoSQLParser.ExprFunctionCallContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExprFunctionCall labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
exitExprIsNull(NanoSQLParser.ExprIsNullContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExprIsNull labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
exitExprIsNull(NanoSQLParser.ExprIsNullContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExprIsNull labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
exitExprLike(NanoSQLParser.ExprLikeContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExprLike labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
exitExprLike(NanoSQLParser.ExprLikeContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExprLike labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
exitExprLiteral(NanoSQLParser.ExprLiteralContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExprLiteral labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
exitExprLiteral(NanoSQLParser.ExprLiteralContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExprLiteral labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
exitExprMul(NanoSQLParser.ExprMulContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExprMul labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
exitExprMul(NanoSQLParser.ExprMulContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExprMul labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
exitExprMultiColInSubquery(NanoSQLParser.ExprMultiColInSubqueryContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExprMultiColInSubquery labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
exitExprMultiColInSubquery(NanoSQLParser.ExprMultiColInSubqueryContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExprMultiColInSubquery labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
exitExprNot(NanoSQLParser.ExprNotContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExprNot labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
exitExprNot(NanoSQLParser.ExprNotContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExprNot labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
exitExprOneColInSubquery(NanoSQLParser.ExprOneColInSubqueryContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExprOneColInSubquery labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
exitExprOneColInSubquery(NanoSQLParser.ExprOneColInSubqueryContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExprOneColInSubquery labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
exitExprOneColInValues(NanoSQLParser.ExprOneColInValuesContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExprOneColInValues labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
exitExprOneColInValues(NanoSQLParser.ExprOneColInValuesContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExprOneColInValues labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
exitExprOr(NanoSQLParser.ExprOrContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExprOr labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
exitExprOr(NanoSQLParser.ExprOrContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExprOr labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
exitExprParen(NanoSQLParser.ExprParenContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExprParen labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
exitExprParen(NanoSQLParser.ExprParenContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExprParen labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
exitExprScalarSubquery(NanoSQLParser.ExprScalarSubqueryContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExprScalarSubquery labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
exitExprScalarSubquery(NanoSQLParser.ExprScalarSubqueryContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExprScalarSubquery labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
exitExprSimilarTo(NanoSQLParser.ExprSimilarToContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExprSimilarTo labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
exitExprSimilarTo(NanoSQLParser.ExprSimilarToContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExprSimilarTo labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
exitExprUnarySign(NanoSQLParser.ExprUnarySignContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExprUnarySign labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
exitExprUnarySign(NanoSQLParser.ExprUnarySignContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the ExprUnarySign labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
exitFlushStmt(NanoSQLParser.FlushStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.flushStmt().
exitFlushStmt(NanoSQLParser.FlushStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.flushStmt().
exitFromCrossJoin(NanoSQLParser.FromCrossJoinContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the FromCrossJoin labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
exitFromCrossJoin(NanoSQLParser.FromCrossJoinContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the FromCrossJoin labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
exitFromImplicitCrossJoin(NanoSQLParser.FromImplicitCrossJoinContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the FromImplicitCrossJoin labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
exitFromImplicitCrossJoin(NanoSQLParser.FromImplicitCrossJoinContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the FromImplicitCrossJoin labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
exitFromJoinOn(NanoSQLParser.FromJoinOnContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the FromJoinOn labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
exitFromJoinOn(NanoSQLParser.FromJoinOnContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the FromJoinOn labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
exitFromJoinUsing(NanoSQLParser.FromJoinUsingContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the FromJoinUsing labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
exitFromJoinUsing(NanoSQLParser.FromJoinUsingContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the FromJoinUsing labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
exitFromNaturalJoin(NanoSQLParser.FromNaturalJoinContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the FromNaturalJoin labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
exitFromNaturalJoin(NanoSQLParser.FromNaturalJoinContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the FromNaturalJoin labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
exitFromNestedSelect(NanoSQLParser.FromNestedSelectContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the FromNestedSelect labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
exitFromNestedSelect(NanoSQLParser.FromNestedSelectContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the FromNestedSelect labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
exitFromParens(NanoSQLParser.FromParensContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the FromParens labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
exitFromParens(NanoSQLParser.FromParensContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the FromParens labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
exitFromTable(NanoSQLParser.FromTableContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the FromTable labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
exitFromTable(NanoSQLParser.FromTableContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the FromTable labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
exitFromTableFunction(NanoSQLParser.FromTableFunctionContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the FromTableFunction labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
exitFromTableFunction(NanoSQLParser.FromTableFunctionContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the FromTableFunction labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
exitFunctionCall(NanoSQLParser.FunctionCallContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.functionCall().
exitFunctionCall(NanoSQLParser.FunctionCallContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.functionCall().
exiting - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.InteractiveClient
A flag that records if we are exiting the interactive client.
exitInsertStmt(NanoSQLParser.InsertStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.insertStmt().
exitInsertStmt(NanoSQLParser.InsertStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.insertStmt().
exitJoinTypeFullOuter(NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeFullOuterContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the JoinTypeFullOuter labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.joinType().
exitJoinTypeFullOuter(NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeFullOuterContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the JoinTypeFullOuter labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.joinType().
exitJoinTypeInner(NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeInnerContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the JoinTypeInner labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.joinType().
exitJoinTypeInner(NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeInnerContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the JoinTypeInner labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.joinType().
exitJoinTypeLeftOuter(NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeLeftOuterContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the JoinTypeLeftOuter labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.joinType().
exitJoinTypeLeftOuter(NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeLeftOuterContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the JoinTypeLeftOuter labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.joinType().
exitJoinTypeRightOuter(NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeRightOuterContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the JoinTypeRightOuter labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.joinType().
exitJoinTypeRightOuter(NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeRightOuterContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the JoinTypeRightOuter labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.joinType().
exitLiteralDecimal(NanoSQLParser.LiteralDecimalContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the LiteralDecimal labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.literalValue().
exitLiteralDecimal(NanoSQLParser.LiteralDecimalContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the LiteralDecimal labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.literalValue().
exitLiteralFalse(NanoSQLParser.LiteralFalseContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the LiteralFalse labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.literalValue().
exitLiteralFalse(NanoSQLParser.LiteralFalseContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the LiteralFalse labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.literalValue().
exitLiteralInteger(NanoSQLParser.LiteralIntegerContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the LiteralInteger labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.literalValue().
exitLiteralInteger(NanoSQLParser.LiteralIntegerContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the LiteralInteger labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.literalValue().
exitLiteralInterval(NanoSQLParser.LiteralIntervalContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the LiteralInterval labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.literalValue().
exitLiteralInterval(NanoSQLParser.LiteralIntervalContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the LiteralInterval labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.literalValue().
exitLiteralNull(NanoSQLParser.LiteralNullContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the LiteralNull labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.literalValue().
exitLiteralNull(NanoSQLParser.LiteralNullContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the LiteralNull labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.literalValue().
exitLiteralString(NanoSQLParser.LiteralStringContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the LiteralString labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.literalValue().
exitLiteralString(NanoSQLParser.LiteralStringContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the LiteralString labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.literalValue().
exitLiteralTrue(NanoSQLParser.LiteralTrueContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the LiteralTrue labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.literalValue().
exitLiteralTrue(NanoSQLParser.LiteralTrueContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the LiteralTrue labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.literalValue().
exitOptimizeStmt(NanoSQLParser.OptimizeStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.optimizeStmt().
exitOptimizeStmt(NanoSQLParser.OptimizeStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.optimizeStmt().
exitOrderByExpr(NanoSQLParser.OrderByExprContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.orderByExpr().
exitOrderByExpr(NanoSQLParser.OrderByExprContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.orderByExpr().
exitRollbackTxnStmt(NanoSQLParser.RollbackTxnStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.rollbackTxnStmt().
exitRollbackTxnStmt(NanoSQLParser.RollbackTxnStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.rollbackTxnStmt().
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.AnalyzeStmtContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.BeginTxnStmtContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptCascadeContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptRestrictContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptSetNullContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CmdPropertiesContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintForeignKeyContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintNotNullContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintPrimaryKeyContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintUniqueContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColRefNoTableContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColRefTableContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColRefWildcardNoTableContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColRefWildcardTableContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeBigIntContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeCharContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDateContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDateTimeContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDecimalContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDoubleContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeFloatContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeIntContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeTimeContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeTimestampContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeVarCharContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommandContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommandNoSemicolonContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommandsContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommitTxnStmtContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CrashStmtContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CreateIndexStmtContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CreateTableStmtContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DeleteStmtContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DropIndexStmtContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DropTableStmtContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DumpIndexStmtContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DumpTableStmtContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExitStmtContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExplainDeleteContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExplainInsertContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExplainSelectContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExplainUpdateContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprAddContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprAndContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprBetweenContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprColumnRefContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprCompareContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExpressionListContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprExistsContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprFunctionCallContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprIsNullContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprLikeContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprLiteralContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprMulContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprMultiColInSubqueryContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprNotContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprOneColInSubqueryContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprOneColInValuesContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprOrContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprParenContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprScalarSubqueryContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprSimilarToContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprUnarySignContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FlushStmtContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromCrossJoinContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromImplicitCrossJoinContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromJoinOnContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromJoinUsingContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromNaturalJoinContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromNestedSelectContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromParensContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromTableContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromTableFunctionContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FunctionCallContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.InsertStmtContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeFullOuterContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeInnerContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeLeftOuterContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeRightOuterContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.LiteralDecimalContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.LiteralFalseContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.LiteralIntegerContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.LiteralIntervalContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.LiteralNullContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.LiteralStringContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.LiteralTrueContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.OptimizeStmtContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.OrderByExprContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.RollbackTxnStmtContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SelectStmtContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SelectValueContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SetPropStmtContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ShowPropsStmtContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ShowSystemStatsStmtContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ShowTablesStmtContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ShowTableStatsStmtContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TableColDeclContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintForeignKeyContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintPrimaryKeyContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintUniqueContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.UpdateStmtContext
exitRule(ParseTreeListener) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.VerifyStmtContext
exitSelectStmt(NanoSQLParser.SelectStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.selectStmt().
exitSelectStmt(NanoSQLParser.SelectStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.selectStmt().
exitSelectValue(NanoSQLParser.SelectValueContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.selectValue().
exitSelectValue(NanoSQLParser.SelectValueContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.selectValue().
exitSetPropStmt(NanoSQLParser.SetPropStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.setPropStmt().
exitSetPropStmt(NanoSQLParser.SetPropStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.setPropStmt().
exitShowPropsStmt(NanoSQLParser.ShowPropsStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.showPropsStmt().
exitShowPropsStmt(NanoSQLParser.ShowPropsStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.showPropsStmt().
exitShowSystemStatsStmt(NanoSQLParser.ShowSystemStatsStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.showSystemStatsStmt().
exitShowSystemStatsStmt(NanoSQLParser.ShowSystemStatsStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.showSystemStatsStmt().
exitShowTablesStmt(NanoSQLParser.ShowTablesStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.showTablesStmt().
exitShowTablesStmt(NanoSQLParser.ShowTablesStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.showTablesStmt().
exitShowTableStatsStmt(NanoSQLParser.ShowTableStatsStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.showTableStatsStmt().
exitShowTableStatsStmt(NanoSQLParser.ShowTableStatsStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.showTableStatsStmt().
exitStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommandNoSemicolonContext
exitStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
ExitStmtContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExitStmtContext
exitTableColDecl(NanoSQLParser.TableColDeclContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.tableColDecl().
exitTableColDecl(NanoSQLParser.TableColDeclContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.tableColDecl().
exitTblConstraintForeignKey(NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintForeignKeyContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the TblConstraintForeignKey labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.tableConstraint().
exitTblConstraintForeignKey(NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintForeignKeyContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the TblConstraintForeignKey labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.tableConstraint().
exitTblConstraintPrimaryKey(NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintPrimaryKeyContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the TblConstraintPrimaryKey labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.tableConstraint().
exitTblConstraintPrimaryKey(NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintPrimaryKeyContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the TblConstraintPrimaryKey labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.tableConstraint().
exitTblConstraintUnique(NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintUniqueContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the TblConstraintUnique labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.tableConstraint().
exitTblConstraintUnique(NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintUniqueContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by the TblConstraintUnique labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.tableConstraint().
exitUpdateStmt(NanoSQLParser.UpdateStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.updateStmt().
exitUpdateStmt(NanoSQLParser.UpdateStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.updateStmt().
exitVerifyStmt(NanoSQLParser.VerifyStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.verifyStmt().
exitVerifyStmt(NanoSQLParser.VerifyStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLListener
Exit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.verifyStmt().
explain - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.QueryCommand
If this flag is true then the command is to be explained only.
EXPLAIN - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
EXPLAIN - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
EXPLAIN() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExplainDeleteContext
EXPLAIN() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExplainInsertContext
EXPLAIN() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExplainSelectContext
EXPLAIN() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExplainUpdateContext
ExplainCommand - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.commands
This Command class represents the EXPLAIN SQL command, which prints out details of how SQL DML statements will be evaluated.
ExplainCommand(QueryCommand) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ExplainCommand
Construct an explain command.
ExplainDeleteContext(NanoSQLParser.ExplainStmtContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExplainDeleteContext
ExplainInsertContext(NanoSQLParser.ExplainStmtContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExplainInsertContext
ExplainSelectContext(NanoSQLParser.ExplainStmtContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExplainSelectContext
explainStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommandNoSemicolonContext
explainStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
ExplainStmtContext() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExplainStmtContext
ExplainStmtContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExplainStmtContext
ExplainUpdateContext(NanoSQLParser.ExplainStmtContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExplainUpdateContext
expr - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.InValuesOperator
The expression to check against the set on the righthand side of the IN operator.
expr - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.IsNullOperator
The expression to evaluate for "nullness".
expr - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.NegateOperator
The expression being negated.
ExprAddContext(NanoSQLParser.ExpressionContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprAddContext
ExprAndContext(NanoSQLParser.ExpressionContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprAndContext
ExprBetweenContext(NanoSQLParser.ExpressionContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprBetweenContext
ExprColumnRefContext(NanoSQLParser.ExpressionContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprColumnRefContext
ExprCompareContext(NanoSQLParser.ExpressionContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprCompareContext
expression - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.UpdateValue
The expression that will be computed and stored.
expression - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.OrderByExpression
The expression that the results should be ordered by.
expression - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectValue
If this select-value is a simple expression then this field will be set to the expression.
expression - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SelectStmtContext
expression() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DeleteStmtContext
expression() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprAddContext
expression() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprAndContext
expression() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprBetweenContext
expression() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprCompareContext
expression() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
expression() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExpressionListContext
expression() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprIsNullContext
expression() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprLikeContext
expression() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprMulContext
expression() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprNotContext
expression() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprOneColInSubqueryContext
expression() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprOneColInValuesContext
expression() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprOrContext
expression() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprParenContext
expression() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprSimilarToContext
expression() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprUnarySignContext
expression() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromJoinOnContext
expression() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FunctionCallContext
expression() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.OrderByExprContext
expression() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SelectStmtContext
expression() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SelectValueContext
expression() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SetPropStmtContext
expression() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.UpdateStmtContext
expression(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprAddContext
expression(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprAndContext
expression(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprBetweenContext
expression(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprCompareContext
expression(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
expression(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExpressionListContext
expression(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprLikeContext
expression(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprMulContext
expression(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprOrContext
expression(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprSimilarToContext
expression(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FunctionCallContext
expression(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SelectStmtContext
expression(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.UpdateStmtContext
Expression - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions
This is the base type of all arithmetic and logical expressions that can be represented in SQL commands.
Expression() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.Expression
expression_sempred(NanoSQLParser.ExpressionContext, int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
Expression.SymbolFinder - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions
This ExpressionProcessor implementation traverses an expression and finds all symbols that appear within the expression.
expressionAliases - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.Definitions
A collection of expression aliases.
ExpressionContext() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExpressionContext
ExpressionContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExpressionContext
ExpressionException - Exception in edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions
This exception is thrown when there is an error during the evaluation of an expression.
ExpressionException() - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ExpressionException
Construct an expression exception with no message.
ExpressionException(String) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ExpressionException
Construct an expression exception with the specified message.
ExpressionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ExpressionException
Construct an expression exception with the specified message and cause.
ExpressionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ExpressionException
Construct an expression exception with the specified cause and no message.
expressionList() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
expressionList() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprMultiColInSubqueryContext
expressionList() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprOneColInValuesContext
expressionList() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.InsertStmtContext
ExpressionListContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExpressionListContext
ExpressionProcessor - Interface in edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions
This interface is used to implement scans or transformations of expression trees by specifying what to do when entering or leaving each expression node.
ExprExistsContext(NanoSQLParser.ExpressionContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprExistsContext
ExprFunctionCallContext(NanoSQLParser.ExpressionContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprFunctionCallContext
ExprIsNullContext(NanoSQLParser.ExpressionContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprIsNullContext
ExprLikeContext(NanoSQLParser.ExpressionContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprLikeContext
exprList - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.InSubqueryOperator
The list of expressions to check against the set on the righthand side of the IN operator.
ExprLiteralContext(NanoSQLParser.ExpressionContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprLiteralContext
ExprMulContext(NanoSQLParser.ExpressionContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprMulContext
ExprMultiColInSubqueryContext(NanoSQLParser.ExpressionContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprMultiColInSubqueryContext
ExprNotContext(NanoSQLParser.ExpressionContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprNotContext
ExprOneColInSubqueryContext(NanoSQLParser.ExpressionContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprOneColInSubqueryContext
ExprOneColInValuesContext(NanoSQLParser.ExpressionContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprOneColInValuesContext
ExprOrContext(NanoSQLParser.ExpressionContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprOrContext
ExprParenContext(NanoSQLParser.ExpressionContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprParenContext
ExprScalarSubqueryContext(NanoSQLParser.ExpressionContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprScalarSubqueryContext
ExprSimilarToContext(NanoSQLParser.ExpressionContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprSimilarToContext
ExprUnarySignContext(NanoSQLParser.ExpressionContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprUnarySignContext
extendFile - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileReader
A flag controlling whether the file being read should be extended as it is read.


failed() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.CommandResult
failure - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.CommandResult
If a failure occurs while a command is being executed, this will be the exception that indicated the failure.
FALSE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
FALSE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
FALSE() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.LiteralFalseContext
file - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPageID
FILE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
FILE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
FILE() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DumpIndexStmtContext
FILE() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DumpTableStmtContext
FILE_POINTER - edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.SQLDataType
A file-pointer value.
FILE_POINTER - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnType
fileContents - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFile
The file data is accessed via this variable.
fileExists(String) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FileManager
Returns true if the specified file exists, or false otherwise.
fileExists(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FileManagerImpl
fileManager - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.BufferManager
fileManager - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.StorageManager
The file manager performs basic operations against the filesystem, without performing any buffering whatsoever.
FileManager - Interface in edu.caltech.nanodb.storage
This interface specifies all operations that file managers must provide.
FileManagerImpl - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.storage
The File Manager provides unbuffered, low-level operations for working with paged data files.
FileManagerImpl(File) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FileManagerImpl
Create a file-manager instance that uses the specified base directory.
fileName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DumpCommand
The path and filename to dump the table data to, if desired.
fileName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DumpIndexStmtContext
fileName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DumpTableStmtContext
fileOffset - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.LogSequenceNumber
The offset of the log record from the start of the file.
FilePointer - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.storage
This class represents a pointer to a location within a database file.
FilePointer(int, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FilePointer
Construct a new file pointer.
FileScanNode - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes
A select plan-node that scans a tuple file, checking the optional predicate against each tuple in the file.
FileScanNode(IndexInfo, Expression) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.FileScanNode
Construct a file scan node that traverses an index file.
FileScanNode(TableInfo, Expression) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.FileScanNode
Construct a file scan node that traverses a table file.
FileSystemException - Exception in edu.caltech.nanodb.storage
This class represents errors that occur while opening, closing and manipulating files.
FileSystemException() - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FileSystemException
Construct a storage exception with no message.
FileSystemException(String) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FileSystemException
Construct a file exception with the specified message.
FileSystemException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FileSystemException
Construct a file exception with the specified message and cause.
FileSystemException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FileSystemException
Construct a file exception with the specified cause and no message.
filter - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ShowPropertiesCommand
find(String) - Static method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ArithmeticOperator.Type
Given a string representation of an arithmetic operator, this method returns the corresponding Type value.
find(String) - Static method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.CompareOperator.Type
Given a string representation of a compare operator, this method returns the corresponding Type value.
findColumns(ColumnName) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
Given a (possibly wildcard) column-name, this method returns the collection of all columns that match the specified column name.
findExprsUsingSchemas(Collection<Expression>, boolean, Collection<Expression>, Schema...) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.PredicateUtils
This method takes a collection of expressions, and finds those expressions that can be evaluated solely against the provided schemas.
findFirstTupleEquals(Tuple) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.HashedTupleFile
Returns the first tuple in the file that has the same hash-key values, or null if there are no tuples with this hash-key value in the tuple file.
findFirstTupleEquals(Tuple) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.SequentialTupleFile
Returns the first tuple in the file that has the same search-key value, or null if there are no tuples with this search-key value in the tuple file.
findFirstTupleEquals(TupleFile, Map<Integer, Object>) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.TableUtils
findFirstTupleGreaterThan(Tuple) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.SequentialTupleFile
Returns the first tuple in the file that has a search-key value that is greater than the specified search-key value, or null if there are no tuples greater than this search-key value in the index.
findIndexOnColumns(TableInfo, int[]) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.TableUtils
findNextTupleEquals(Tuple) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.HashedTupleFile
Returns the next entry in the index that has the same hash-key value, or null if there are no more entries with this hash-key value in the tuple file.
findNextTupleEquals(TupleFile, Tuple, Map<Integer, Object>) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.TableUtils
findTupleInIndex(Tuple, TupleFile) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexUtils
Given an index tuple-file and a search key, this method attempts to find the first tuple in the index that matches the search key.
findType(byte) - Static method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.SQLDataType
Given the specified ID, this method returns the corresponding SQL data type enum value, or it returns null if the type value doesn't signify any SQL data type in this enumeration.
findType(byte) - Static method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.TableConstraintType
Given the specified ID, this method returns the corresponding constraint type enum value, or it returns null if the type value doesn't signify any constraint type in this enumeration.
findType(int) - Static method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ForeignKeyValueChangeOption
Given the specified ID, this method returns the corresponding constraint type enum value, or it returns null if the type value doesn't signify any constraint type in this enumeration.
finish() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DeleteCommand.TupleRemover
finish() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DumpCommand.TupleExporter
finish() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.InsertCommand.TupleInserter
finish() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.UpdateCommand.TupleUpdater
finish() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.PrettyTuplePrinter
finish() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.TuplePrinter
finish() - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.TupleProcessor
This function is called when all tuples have been produced and passed to the tuple processor.
finish() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.CommandResult.ResultCollector
finish() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.TupleSender
fireAfterCommandExecuted(Command) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.EventDispatcher
fireAfterRowDeleted(TableInfo, Tuple) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.EventDispatcher
fireAfterRowInserted(TableInfo, Tuple) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.EventDispatcher
fireAfterRowUpdated(TableInfo, Tuple, Tuple) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.EventDispatcher
fireBeforeCommandExecuted(Command) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.EventDispatcher
fireBeforeRowDeleted(TableInfo, Tuple) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.EventDispatcher
fireBeforeRowInserted(TableInfo, Tuple) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.EventDispatcher
fireBeforeRowUpdated(TableInfo, Tuple, Tuple) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.EventDispatcher
firstLSN - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.RecoveryInfo
This is the log sequence number to start recovery processing from.
firstLSN - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALManager
This object holds the log sequence number of the first write-ahead log record where recovery would need to start from.
firstResultTimestamp - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.CommandResult
The time to the first result being produced.
FLOAT - edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.SQLDataType
A 4-byte signed floating-point number with 24 bits of precision, designated in SQL as FLOAT.
FLOAT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnType
Floor - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.functions
Computes the largest whole number smaller than the argument.
Floor() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Floor
flush() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.ForwardingOutputStream
When called, this output stream will convert its accumulated data into a String object, which will then be sent over the underlying object output-stream.
FLUSH - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
FLUSH - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
FLUSH() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FlushStmtContext
flushAll() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.BufferManager
This method removes all cached pages from the buffer manager, writing out any dirty pages in the process.
flushAllData() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.StorageManager
This method allows all data to be flushed from the Buffer Manager.
FlushCommand - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.commands
This command flushes all unwritten data from the buffer manager to disk.
FlushCommand() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.FlushCommand
Construct a new FLUSH command.
flushDBFile(DBFile) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.BufferManager
This method removes all cached pages in the specified file from the buffer manager, writing out any dirty pages in the process.
flushStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommandNoSemicolonContext
flushStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
FlushStmtContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FlushStmtContext
forceWAL() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionManager
This method forces the entire write-ahead log out to disk, syncing the log as well.
forceWAL(LogSequenceNumber) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionManager
This method forces the write-ahead log out to at least the specified log sequence number, syncing the log to ensure that all essential records have reached the disk itself.
FOREIGN - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
FOREIGN - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
FOREIGN() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintForeignKeyContext
FOREIGN_KEY - edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.TableConstraintType
Values in the column or columns reference a key in another table.
ForeignKeyColumnRefs - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.relations
This class represents a foreign key constraint between two tables in the database.
ForeignKeyColumnRefs(int[], String, int[], ForeignKeyValueChangeOption, ForeignKeyValueChangeOption) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ForeignKeyColumnRefs
foreignKeys - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
A collection of foreign-key objects specifying other tables that this table references.
ForeignKeyValueChangeOption - Enum in edu.caltech.nanodb.relations
An enumeration specifying the options allowed for ON DELETE and ON UPDATE actions for foreign keys.
ForeignKeyValueChangeOption(int) - Constructor for enum edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ForeignKeyValueChangeOption
Construct a new @code{ForeignKeyValueChangeOption} instance with the specified option ID.
format - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DumpCommand
The data format to use when dumping the table data.
format - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DumpIndexStmtContext
format - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DumpTableStmtContext
FORMAT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
FORMAT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
FORMAT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DumpIndexStmtContext
FORMAT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DumpTableStmtContext
ForwardingOutputStream - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.server
This class is a simple output-stream that can be used by a PrintStream to buffer up printed output.
ForwardingOutputStream(ObjectOutputStream) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.ForwardingOutputStream
Construct a forwarding output-stream that will send objects over the specified object output-stream when flushed.
found - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SubquerySchemaComputer
A flag used to track whether subqueries were found while traversing the expression tree.
foundSubqueries() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SubquerySchemaComputer
FROM - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
FROM - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
FROM() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DeleteStmtContext
FROM() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SelectStmtContext
fromClause - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause
This field holds a hierarchy of one or more base and derived relations that produce the rows considered by this SELECT clause.
FromClause - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast
This class represents a hierarchy of one or more base and derived relations that produce the rows considered by SELECT clauses.
FromClause(FunctionCall, String) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
FromClause(FromClause, FromClause, JoinType) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
Construct a new FROM clause of type FromClause.ClauseType.JOIN_EXPR.
FromClause(SelectClause, String) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
Construct a new FROM clause of type FromClause.ClauseType.SELECT_SUBQUERY.
FromClause(String, String) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
Construct a new FROM clause of type FromClause.ClauseType.BASE_TABLE.
FromClause.ClauseType - Enum in edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast
This enumeration specifies the overall type of the FROM clause.
FromClause.JoinConditionType - Enum in edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast
For FROM clauses that contain join expressions, this enumeration specifies the kind of join-condition for each join expression.
FromCrossJoinContext(NanoSQLParser.FromExprContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromCrossJoinContext
fromExpr() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromCrossJoinContext
fromExpr() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
fromExpr() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromImplicitCrossJoinContext
fromExpr() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromJoinOnContext
fromExpr() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromJoinUsingContext
fromExpr() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromNaturalJoinContext
fromExpr() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromParensContext
fromExpr() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SelectStmtContext
fromExpr(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromCrossJoinContext
fromExpr(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
fromExpr(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromImplicitCrossJoinContext
fromExpr(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromJoinOnContext
fromExpr(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromJoinUsingContext
fromExpr(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromNaturalJoinContext
fromExpr_sempred(NanoSQLParser.FromExprContext, int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
FromExprContext() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromExprContext
FromExprContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromExprContext
FromImplicitCrossJoinContext(NanoSQLParser.FromExprContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromImplicitCrossJoinContext
FromJoinOnContext(NanoSQLParser.FromExprContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromJoinOnContext
FromJoinUsingContext(NanoSQLParser.FromExprContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromJoinUsingContext
FromNaturalJoinContext(NanoSQLParser.FromExprContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromNaturalJoinContext
FromNestedSelectContext(NanoSQLParser.FromExprContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromNestedSelectContext
FromParensContext(NanoSQLParser.FromExprContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromParensContext
fromSchema - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause
When preparing SQL commands for execution, this value is filled in with the schema that this query's FROM clause produces.
FromTableContext(NanoSQLParser.FromExprContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromTableContext
FromTableFunctionContext(NanoSQLParser.FromExprContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromTableFunctionContext
fromTuple(Tuple) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TupleLiteral
Constructs a new tuple-literal that is a copy of the specified tuple.
FULL - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
FULL - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
FULL() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeFullOuterContext
FULL_OUTER - edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.JoinType
Full outer joins, where non-matching rows from either the left or right table are included in the results.
funcName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.FunctionCall
The string name of the function as specified in the original SQL.
function - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.FunctionCall
The actual function object that implements the function call.
Function - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.functions
This is the root class of all kinds of functions in NanoDB.
Function() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Function
functionCall() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprFunctionCallContext
functionCall() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromTableFunctionContext
functionCall() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
FunctionCall - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions
This class represents all kinds of function-call expressions, including simple function calls, aggregate function calls, and table-returning function calls.
FunctionCall(String, boolean, Expression...) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.FunctionCall
FunctionCall(String, boolean, ArrayList<Expression>) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.FunctionCall
FunctionCallContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FunctionCallContext
functionDirectory - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.NanoDBServer
The function directory for this database server.
functionDirectory - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
A function directory for resolving function calls.
FunctionDirectory - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.functions
This class is a directory of all functions recognized within NanoDB, including simple functions, aggregate functions and table functions.
FunctionDirectory() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.FunctionDirectory
functionName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FunctionCallContext
functions - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.FunctionDirectory
This map holds the association of function names to their implementations.


generateLeafJoinComponents(Collection<FromClause>, Collection<Expression>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.CostBasedJoinPlanner
This helper method performs the first step of the dynamic programming process to generate an optimal join plan, by generating a plan for every leaf from-clause identified from analyzing the query.
generateOptimalJoin(ArrayList<CostBasedJoinPlanner.JoinComponent>, Set<Expression>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.CostBasedJoinPlanner
This helper method builds up a full join-plan using a dynamic programming approach.
generateOutputTuple(TupleLiteral, Map<String, FunctionCall>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.GroupAggregateNode
get() - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.SessionState
Returns the current session state, possibly initializing a new session with its own unique ID in the process.
get(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CommandProperties
get(String) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.performance.PerformanceCounters
get(String, Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CommandProperties
getAlias() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectValue
Returns this SelectValue's alias result name or null if it is unspecified.
getAllColumnStats() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.TableStats
Returns the collection of all column-statistics collected for this table.
getAllKeysOnColumns(int[]) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
Returns all candidate-keys from this schema that have the specified set of columns.
getAllKeysOnColumns(ColumnRefs) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
Returns all candidate-keys from this schema that have the specified set of columns.
getAllPropertyNames() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.PropertyRegistry
Returns an unmodifiable set of all property names.
getAllSymbols(Collection<ColumnName>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.Expression
This method stores all of the symbols in an expression into a collection, so that the expression's symbols can be validated against the schema that the expression will be evaluated against.
getAndIncrementNextTxnID() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionManager
Returns the "next transaction ID" value, and also increments this value.
getArguments() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.FunctionCall
getATN() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
getATN() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
getBaseDir() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.StorageManager
Returns the base directory where all database files are stored.
getBaseType() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnType
Returns the base datatype for the attribute.
getBigDecimalValue(Object) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TypeConverter
This method attempts to convert the input value into a BigDecimal value.
getBigIntegerValue(Object) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TypeConverter
This method attempts to convert the input value into a BigInteger value.
getBooleanProperty(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.PropertyRegistry
Returns a property's value as a Boolean.
getBooleanValue(Object) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TypeConverter
This method attempts to convert the input value into a Boolean value.
getBuf() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.util.NoCopyByteArrayOutputStream
Returns a reference to the internal byte-buffer used by this byte-array output stream.
getBufferManager() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.StorageManager
getByteValue(Object) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TypeConverter
This method attempts to convert the input value into a Byte value.
getCandidateKeys() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
Returns an unmodifiable list of candidate keys present on the schema.
getChangesAsString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
This helper method returns a formatted string describing all changes made to the page's contents; that is, the differences between the DBPage.pageData and the DBPage.oldPageData byte-arrays.
getChannelNames() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
getClauseType() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
Returns the kind of FROM clause this object represents.
getCol(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnRefs
getCol(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ForeignKeyColumnRefs
getColNames() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.InsertCommand
getCols() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnRefs
getCols() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ForeignKeyColumnRefs
getColumnCount() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TupleLiteral
getColumnCount() - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Tuple
Returns a count of the number of columns in the tuple.
getColumnCount() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageTuple
Returns the number of attributes in the tuple.
getColumnIndex(ColumnName) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
Finds the index of the specified column in this schema, or returns -1 if the schema contains no column of the specified name.
getColumnIndex(ColumnInfo) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
Finds the index of the specified column in this schema, or returns -1 if the schema contains no column of the specified name.
getColumnIndex(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
Finds the index of the specified column in this schema, or returns -1 if the schema contains no column of the specified name.
getColumnIndex(String, String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
Finds the index of the specified column in this schema, or returns -1 if the schema contains no column of the specified name.
getColumnIndexes(List<String>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
Given a list of column names, this method returns an array containing the indexes of the specified columns.
getColumnInfo() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.TableColumnDecl
getColumnInfo(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
Returns the ColumnInfo object describing the column at the specified index.
getColumnInfo(Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ArithmeticOperator
getColumnInfo(Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.BooleanOperator
getColumnInfo(Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ColumnValue
getColumnInfo(Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.CompareOperator
getColumnInfo(Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ExistsOperator
getColumnInfo(Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.Expression
Returns a ColumnInfo object describing the type (and possibly the name) of the expression's result.
getColumnInfo(Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.FunctionCall
getColumnInfo(Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.InSubqueryOperator
getColumnInfo(Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.InValuesOperator
getColumnInfo(Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.IsNullOperator
getColumnInfo(Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.LiteralValue
getColumnInfo(Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.NegateOperator
getColumnInfo(Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ScalarSubquery
getColumnInfo(Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.StringMatchOperator
getColumnInfo(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
Presuming that exactly one column has the specified name, this method returns the column information for that column name.
getColumnInfos() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
Returns an unmodifiable list of all the columns in the schema
getColumnInfos(int[]) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
Constructs and returns a list of ColumnInfo objects for the columns at the specified indexes.
getColumnInfos(Schema, Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectValue
This function returns the column-details of all results that will be produced by this select-value.
getColumnName() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.UpdateValue
getColumnName() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ColumnName
getColumnName() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ColumnValue
Returns the column name object
getColumnName() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnInfo
Returns a ColumnName object representing the name of this column.
getColumnNames() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ConstraintDecl
getColumnNames() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateIndexCommand
Returns the list of column names specified for the index as an unmodifiable list.
getColumnNames() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
Returns a set containing all column names that appear in this schema.
getColumnRefs() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexInfo
getColumns() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateTableCommand
Returns an immutable list of the column descriptions that are part of this CREATE TABLE command.
getColumnStats() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.ColumnStatsCollector
This helper method constructs and returns a new column-statistics object containing the stats collected by this object.
getColumnStats(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.TableStats
Returns the column-statistics for the specified column.
getColumnValue(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TupleLiteral
getColumnValue(int) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Tuple
Returns the value of a column, or null if the column's SQL value is NULL.
getColumnValue(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageTuple
Returns the specified column's value as an Object reference.
getColumnValue(ColumnName) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.Environment
Get the actual value at the specified column.
getColumnValueSize(ColumnType, int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageTuple
Returns the number of bytes used by the column-value at the specified offset, with the specified type.
getColumnWidth(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.PrettyPrintTools
Gets the width of a specified column.
getCommandState() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.SessionState
getCommandString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.InteractiveClient
This helper method goes through the InteractiveClient.enteredText buffer, trying to identify the extent of the next command string.
getCommandType() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.Command
Returns the general type or category of this command.
getCommonColumnNames(Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
Returns the names of columns that are common between this schema and the specified schema.
getCommonTableNames(Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
This helper method returns the names of all tables that appear in both this schema and the specified schema.
getComputedJoinExpr() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
getComputedSelectValues() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
getConditionType() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
Returns the join condition type.
getConstraintName() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnRefs
getConstraintName() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ForeignKeyColumnRefs
getConstraints() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateTableCommand
Returns an immutable list of the constraint declarations that are part of this CREATE TABLE command.
getConstraints() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.TableColumnDecl
getConstraintType() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnRefs
getCorrelatedColumns() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause
getCost() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.TableFunction
Returns the estimated cost of this plan node's operation.
getCost() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.PlanNode
Returns the estimated cost of this plan node's operation.
getCounter(String) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.performance.PerformanceCounters
getCounterNames() - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.performance.PerformanceCounters
getCurrentTuples() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.Environment
Returns the ArrayList of tuples being considered.
getDataFile() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFile
Returns the actual file that holds the data on the disk.
getDataStartOffset() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageTuple
Returns the offset where the tuple's data actually starts.
getDateTimeValue(Object) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TypeConverter
getDateValue(Object) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TypeConverter
getDBFile() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.TableInfo
A helper function to simplify retrieving the table's DBFile.
getDBFile() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileReader
getDBFile() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
Returns the database file that this page is contained within.
getDBFile() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeapTupleFile
getDBFile() - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.TupleFile
Returns the DBFile object that this tuple file is stored in.
getDBFiles() - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FileManager
Returns an array of the files in the database.
getDBFiles() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FileManagerImpl
getDBFileType() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeapTupleFileManager
getDBFileType() - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.TupleFileManager
Returns the DBFileType value used to indicate this storage format in data files.
getDBPage() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageReader
getDBPage() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageTuple
getDoubleValue(Object) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TypeConverter
This method attempts to convert the input value into a Double value.
getElapsedTimeNanos() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.EvalStats
getElapsedTimeSecs() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.EvalStats
getEndOffset() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageTuple
getEnvironment() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.PlanNode
Returns the environment that this plan node uses during query evaluation.
getEventDispatcher() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.NanoDBServer
Returns the event-dispatcher for this database server.
getExpression() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.UpdateValue
Returns the expression for generating the update-value.
getExpression() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.OrderByExpression
Returns the expression that results will be sorted on
getExpression() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectValue
Returns this SelectValue's expression or null if this is a wildcard.
getExternalReference() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TupleLiteral
This method returns an external reference to the tuple, which can be stored and used to look up this tuple.
getExternalReference() - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Tuple
This method returns an external reference to the tuple, which can be stored and used to look up this tuple.
getExternalReference() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeapFilePageTuple
This method returns an external reference to the tuple, which references the page number and slot-offset of the tuple.
getExternalReference() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageTuple
This method returns an external reference to the tuple, which can be stored and used to look up this tuple.
getFailure() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.CommandResult
getFile(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.BufferManager
Retrieves the specified DBFile from the buffer manager, if it has already been opened.
getFileContents() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFile
Returns the RandomAccessFile for accessing the data file's contents.
getFileManager() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.StorageManager
getFilename() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DumpCommand
getFileOffset() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.LogSequenceNumber
Returns the offset from the start of the WAL file that this record appears at.
getFileSize() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFile
getFirstLSN() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALManager
getFirstLSN() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionStatePage
getFirstTuple() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeapTupleFile
Returns the first tuple in this table file, or null if there are no tuples in the file.
getFirstTuple() - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.TupleFile
Returns the first tuple in this table file, or null if there are no tuples in the file.
getFloatValue(Object) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TypeConverter
This method attempts to convert the input value into a Float value.
getForeignKeys() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
getFormat() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DumpCommand
getFreeSpaceInPage(DBPage) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.DataPage
This static helper function returns the amount of free space in a tuple data page.
getFromClause() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause
Retrieves the from clause for this select clause.
getFromSchema() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause
Returns the schema of the data produced by the FROM clause of this query.
getFunction() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.FunctionCall
Returns the implementation of the function, or null if the implementation has not yet been resolved via the FunctionCall.resolve(edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.FunctionDirectory) method.
getFunction(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.FunctionDirectory
If the specified function name corresponds to an existing function, this method instantiates a new object that can compute the function, and then returns it.
getFunctionDirectory() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.NanoDBServer
Returns the function directory for this database server.
getGrammarFileName() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
getGrammarFileName() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
getGroupByExprs() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause
getHavingExpr() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause
getID() - Method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileType
Returns the numeric ID of this DBFileType enum.
getID() - Method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALRecordType
getIfExists() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DropIndexCommand
Returns the value of the "if exists" flag; true indicates that it is not an error if the index doesn't exist when this command is issued.
getIfExists() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DropTableCommand
Returns the value of the "if exists" flag; true indicates that it is not an error if the table doesn't exist when this command is issued.
getIfNotExists() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateIndexCommand
Returns true if index creation should only be attempted if it doesn't already exist, false if index creation should always be attempted.
getIfNotExists() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateTableCommand
Returns true if table creation should only be attempted if it doesn't already exist, false if table creation should always be attempted.
getIndex(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
getIndexes() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
getIndexFileName(String, String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.BasicIndexManager
This method takes a table name and an index name, and returns a filename string that specifies where the index's data is stored.
getIndexManager() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.StorageManager
getIndexName() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateIndexCommand
Get the name of the index to be dropped.
getIndexName() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DropIndexCommand
Get the name of the index to be dropped.
getIndexName() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DumpIndexCommand
Get the name of the index to be dumped.
getIndexName() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexInfo
Returns the index name.
getIndexName() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.IndexColumnRefs
getIndexNames() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
getInt(String, int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CommandProperties
getIntegerValue(Object) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TypeConverter
This method attempts to convert the input value into an Integer value.
getIntProperty(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.PropertyRegistry
Returns a property's value as an integer.
getIntProperty(Properties, String, int) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.config.PropertyReader
Retrieves an integer-valued property, possibly with a scale modifier, from the specified collection of properties.
getJoinType() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
Returns the join type of a join clause.
getKeyOnColumns(int[]) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
Returns any candidate-key from this schema that has the specified set of columns.
getKeyOnColumns(ColumnRefs) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
Returns any candidate-key from this schema that has the specified set of columns.
getKeySpec() - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.HashedTupleFile
Returns the column(s) that comprise the hash key in this tuple file.
getLastLSN() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionState
getLastLSN(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.RecoveryInfo
This helper method returns the last log sequence number seen for the specified transaction.
getLeftChild() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
If the from-clause is a join expression, this method returns the left child-clause.
getLeftExpression() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.CompareOperator
Returns the left expression.
getLeftExpression() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.StringMatchOperator
Returns the left expression.
getLength() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnType
Returns the length of the data for CHAR and VARCHAR attributes.
getLimit() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause
If a LIMIT clause is specified, this method returns the specified limit; otherwise, the default of 0 is returned.
getLogFileNo() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.LogSequenceNumber
Returns the file number of the WAL file that this record is in.
getLongProperty(Properties, String, long) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.config.PropertyReader
Retrieves a long-integer-valued property, possibly with a scale modifier, from the specified collection of properties.
getLongValue(Object) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TypeConverter
This method attempts to convert the input value into a Long value.
getManager() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeapTupleFile
getManager() - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.TupleFile
Returns the manager class for this kind of tuple file.
getMaxCacheSize() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.BufferManager
Returns the current maximum buffer-cache size in bytes.
getMaxValue() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.ColumnStats
Returns the maximum value for the column.
getMaxValue() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.ColumnStatsCollector
Returns the maximum value seen for the column, or null if the column's type isn't supported for comparison estimates (or if there aren't any rows in the table being analyzed).
getMinValue() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.ColumnStats
Returns the minimum value for the column.
getMinValue() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.ColumnStatsCollector
Returns the minimum value seen for the column, or null if the column's type isn't supported for comparison estimates (or if there aren't any rows in the table being analyzed).
getModeNames() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
getName() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ConstraintDecl
Returns the name of the constraint.
getName() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnInfo
Returns the name of the attribute.
getNames() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CommandProperties
getNextLSN() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALManager
getNextLSN() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionStatePage
getNextTransactionID() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionStatePage
getNextTuple() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.TableFunction
Gets the next tuple that fulfills the conditions for this plan node.
getNextTuple() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.HashedGroupAggregateNode
Gets the next tuple that fulfills the conditions for this plan node.
getNextTuple() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.NestedLoopJoinNode
Returns the next joined tuple that satisfies the join condition.
getNextTuple() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.PlanNode
Gets the next tuple that fulfills the conditions for this plan node.
getNextTuple() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.ProjectNode
Gets the next tuple and projects it.
getNextTuple() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.RenameNode
getNextTuple() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SelectNode
Gets the next tuple selected by the predicate.
getNextTuple() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortedGroupAggregateNode
Gets the next tuple that fulfills the conditions for this plan node.
getNextTuple() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortMergeJoinNode
getNextTuple() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortNode
Gets the next tuple that fulfills the conditions for this plan node.
getNextTuple() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.TableFunctionScanNode
getNextTuple() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.TupleBagNode
getNextTuple(Tuple) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeapTupleFile
Returns the tuple that follows the specified tuple, or null if there are no more tuples in the file.
getNextTuple(Tuple) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.TupleFile
Returns the tuple that follows the specified tuple, or null if there are no more tuples in the file.
getNextTxnID() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionManager
Returns the "next transaction ID" value without incrementing it.
getNotNull() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
Returns a set of columns that have a NOT NULL constraint, specified by the indexes of the columns in the table schema.
getNullFlag(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageTuple
This is a helper function to find out the current value of a column's NULL flag.
getNullFlagsSize(int) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageTuple
This method computes and returns the number of bytes that are used to store the null-flags in each tuple.
getNumNullValues() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.ColumnStats
Returns the number of NULL values for the column, or -1 if the number is unknown
getNumNullValues() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.ColumnStatsCollector
Returns the number of NULL values seen for the column.
getNumPages() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFile
Reads the current file-length of this database file and computes the total number of pages based on this value.
getNumSlots(DBPage) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.DataPage
Returns the number of slots in this data page.
getNumTerms() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.BooleanOperator
Returns the number of terms in the boolean expression.
getNumUniqueValues() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.ColumnStats
Returns the number of unique values for the column, or -1 if the number is unknown
getNumUniqueValues() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.ColumnStatsCollector
Returns the number of unique (and non-NULL) values seen for the column.
getOffset() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause
If an OFFSET clause is specified, this method returns the specified offset; otherwise, the default of 0 is returned.
getOffset() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FilePointer
Returns the offset within the page where the data starts.
getOffset() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageTuple
getOldPageData() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
Returns the byte-array of the page's data at the last point when the page became dirty, or null if the page is currently clean.
getOnDeleteOption() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ConstraintDecl
Returns the ON DELETE ForeignKeyValueChangeOption for a TableConstraintType.FOREIGN_KEY constraint.
getOnDeleteOption() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ForeignKeyColumnRefs
getOnExpression() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
Returns the join predicate if this from clause specifies an ON clause.
getOnUpdateOption() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ConstraintDecl
Returns the ON UPDATE ForeignKeyValueChangeOption for a TableConstraintType.FOREIGN_KEY constraint.
getOnUpdateOption() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ForeignKeyColumnRefs
getOrderByExprs() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause
getOrderSpec() - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.SequentialTupleFile
Returns the column(s) that are used to order the tuples in this sequential file.
getOutputStream() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.SessionState
getPage(DBFile, int, boolean) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.BufferManager
Retrieves the specified DBPage from the Buffer Manager if it's currently buffered, or null if the page is not currently buffered.
getPageData() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
Returns the byte-array of the page's data.
getPageLSN() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
getPageNo() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
Returns the page-number of this database page.
getPageNo() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FilePointer
Returns the page number that the data is in.
getPageSize() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFile
Returns the page size for this database file, in bytes.
getPageSize() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
Returns the page size in bytes.
getPageStart(DBFile, int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FileManagerImpl
This helper function calculates the file-position of the specified page.
getParentSelect() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause
Returns the parent of this query if it is a subquery; null otherwise.
getPinCount() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TupleLiteral
For in-memory tuples, pinning and unpinning is a no-op.
getPinCount() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
getPinCount() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageTuple
getPinCount() - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.Pinnable
Returns the total number of times the object has been pinned.
getPosition() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileReader
Returns the current location in the page where the next operation will start from.
getPosition() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageReader
Returns the current location in the page where the next operation will start from.
getPositionPageNo() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileReader
Computes and returns the page-number of the page that the position value currently falls within.
getPositionPageOffset() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileReader
Computes and returns the offset within the current page that the position value currently falls at.
getPrecision() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnType
Returns the precision of the data for NUMERIC attributes.
getPrimaryKey() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
Returns the primary key on this table, or null if there is no primary key.
getProperties() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateIndexCommand
Returns any additional properties specified for the command, or null if no additional properties were specified.
getProperties() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateTableCommand
Returns any additional properties specified for the command, or null if no additional properties were specified.
getPropertyRegistry() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.NanoDBServer
Returns the property registry for this database server.
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.PropertyRegistry
getQueryPlanner() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.NanoDBServer
Returns a query-planner object of the type specified in the current server properties.
getRecordSize() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.LogSequenceNumber
getRefCol(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ForeignKeyColumnRefs
getRefCols() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ForeignKeyColumnRefs
getRefColumnNames() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ConstraintDecl
getReferencingTables() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
getRefTable() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ConstraintDecl
Returns the name of the referenced table for a TableConstraintType.FOREIGN_KEY constraint.
getRefTable() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ForeignKeyColumnRefs
getResult() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.AggregateFunction
Returns the aggregated result computed for this aggregate function.
getResult() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.CountAggregate
getResult() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.CountStar
getResult() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.MinMaxAggregate
getResult() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.StdDevVarAggregate
getResult() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.SumAvgAggregate
getResultName() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
Returns the name of the relation that the results should go into.
getReturnType(List<Expression>, Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Abs
getReturnType(List<Expression>, Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.ArcCos
getReturnType(List<Expression>, Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.ArcSin
getReturnType(List<Expression>, Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.ArcTan
getReturnType(List<Expression>, Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.ArcTan2
getReturnType(List<Expression>, Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Ceil
getReturnType(List<Expression>, Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Coalesce
getReturnType(List<Expression>, Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Concat
getReturnType(List<Expression>, Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Cos
getReturnType(List<Expression>, Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.CountAggregate
getReturnType(List<Expression>, Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.CountStar
getReturnType(List<Expression>, Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Floor
getReturnType(List<Expression>, Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Greatest
getReturnType(List<Expression>, Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.If
getReturnType(List<Expression>, Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.IfNull
getReturnType(List<Expression>, Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Least
getReturnType(List<Expression>, Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.MinMaxAggregate
getReturnType(List<Expression>, Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.NullIf
getReturnType(List<Expression>, Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Pow
getReturnType(List<Expression>, Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.ReadPerfCounter
getReturnType(List<Expression>, Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.ResetPerfCounter
getReturnType(List<Expression>, Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Round
getReturnType(List<Expression>, Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.ScalarFunction
Returns the column type of the resulting column after applying the function.
getReturnType(List<Expression>, Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Sin
getReturnType(List<Expression>, Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Sqrt
getReturnType(List<Expression>, Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.StdDevVarAggregate
getReturnType(List<Expression>, Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.SumAvgAggregate
getReturnType(List<Expression>, Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Tan
getRightChild() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
If the from-clause is a join expression, this method returns the right child-clause.
getRightExpression() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.CompareOperator
Returns the right expression.
getRightExpression() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.StringMatchOperator
Returns the right expression.
getRowsProduced() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.EvalStats
getRuleIndex() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.AnalyzeStmtContext
getRuleIndex() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.BeginTxnStmtContext
getRuleIndex() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptionContext
getRuleIndex() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CmdPropertiesContext
getRuleIndex() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColumnConstraintContext
getRuleIndex() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColumnRefContext
getRuleIndex() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColumnTypeContext
getRuleIndex() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommandContext
getRuleIndex() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommandNoSemicolonContext
getRuleIndex() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommandsContext
getRuleIndex() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommitTxnStmtContext
getRuleIndex() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CrashStmtContext
getRuleIndex() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CreateIndexStmtContext
getRuleIndex() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CreateTableStmtContext
getRuleIndex() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DeleteStmtContext
getRuleIndex() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DropIndexStmtContext
getRuleIndex() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DropTableStmtContext
getRuleIndex() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DumpIndexStmtContext
getRuleIndex() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DumpTableStmtContext
getRuleIndex() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExitStmtContext
getRuleIndex() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExplainStmtContext
getRuleIndex() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExpressionContext
getRuleIndex() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExpressionListContext
getRuleIndex() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FlushStmtContext
getRuleIndex() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromExprContext
getRuleIndex() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FunctionCallContext
getRuleIndex() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.InsertStmtContext
getRuleIndex() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeContext
getRuleIndex() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.LiteralValueContext
getRuleIndex() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.OptimizeStmtContext
getRuleIndex() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.OrderByExprContext
getRuleIndex() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.RollbackTxnStmtContext
getRuleIndex() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SelectStmtContext
getRuleIndex() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SelectValueContext
getRuleIndex() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SetPropStmtContext
getRuleIndex() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ShowPropsStmtContext
getRuleIndex() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ShowSystemStatsStmtContext
getRuleIndex() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ShowTablesStmtContext
getRuleIndex() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ShowTableStatsStmtContext
getRuleIndex() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TableColDeclContext
getRuleIndex() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TableConstraintContext
getRuleIndex() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.UpdateStmtContext
getRuleIndex() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.VerifyStmtContext
getRuleNames() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
getRuleNames() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
getScalarSubquery() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectValue
getScale() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnType
Returns the scale of the data for NUMERIC attributes.
getScale(String) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.config.PropertyReader
Some properties can be a number plus a scale, such as "1024m" or "1G".
getSchema() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.TableFunction
Returns the schema of the results that this node produces.
getSchema() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexInfo
getSchema() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.PlanNode
Returns the schema of the results that this node produces.
getSchema() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
getSchema() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause
Returns the schema for this select clause, or null if the SelectClause.computeSchema(edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.TableManager, edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause) method hasn't yet been called on this clause.
getSchema() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.TableInfo
A helper function to simplify retrieving the table's schema.
getSchema() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.CommandResult
getSchema() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeapTupleFile
getSchema() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageTuple
getSchema() - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.TupleFile
Returns the schema of tuples stored in this tuple file.
getSchemaSize(DBPage) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeaderPage
Returns the number of bytes that the table's schema occupies for storage in the header page.
getSecondsToCrash() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CrashCommand
getSelectClause() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.InsertCommand
getSelectClause() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.SelectCommand
Returns the root select-clause for this select command.
getSelectClause() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
Returns the select clause for a derived table.
getSelectValues() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause
Retrieves the select values for this select clause.
getSerializedATN() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
getSerializedATN() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
getServer() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.StorageManager
getSessionID() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.SessionState
Returns the unique session ID for this client.
getShortName() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeapTupleFileManager
getShortName() - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.TupleFileManager
Returns the "short name" used to refer to this storage-file type.
getShortValue(Object) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TypeConverter
This method attempts to convert the input value into a Short value.
getSize() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageTuple
Returns the storage-size of the tuple in bytes.
getSlot() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeapFilePageTuple
getSlotIndexFromOffset(DBPage, int) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.DataPage
getSlotOffset(int) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.DataPage
getSlotsEndIndex(DBPage) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.DataPage
This static helper function returns the index where the slot list ends in the data page.
getSlotValue(DBPage, int) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.DataPage
This static helper function returns the value stored in the specified slot.
getSQLResultType(SQLDataType, SQLDataType) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ArithmeticOperator
getSQLType(Object) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TypeConverter
This method attempts to assign a SQL data type to a value produced by the expression classes.
getStats() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.TableFunction
Returns statistics (possibly estimated) describing the results that this plan node will produce.
getStats() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.PlanNode
Returns statistics (possibly estimated) describing the results that this plan node will produce.
getStats() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.TableInfo
getStats() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeapTupleFile
getStats() - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.TupleFile
Returns statistics describing the data in this tuple file.
getStatsOffset(DBPage) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeaderPage
Returns the offset in the header page that the table statistics start at.
getStatsSize(DBPage) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeaderPage
Returns the number of bytes that the table's statistics occupy for storage in the header page.
getStorageManager() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.NanoDBServer
Returns the storage manager for this database server.
getStorageSize() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TupleLiteral
Get the cached storage size of the tuple.
getStorageSize(ColumnType, int) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageTuple
Returns the storage size of a particular column's (non-NULL) value, in bytes.
getString(String, String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CommandProperties
getStringProperty(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.PropertyRegistry
Returns a property's value as a String.
getStringValue(Object) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TypeConverter
This method converts the input value into a String value by calling Object.toString() on the input.
getSubquery() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.SubqueryOperator
Returns the parsed representation of the subquery that is used by this operator.
getSubqueryPlan() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.SubqueryOperator
Retrieves the current execution plan for the subquery.
getSystemIntProperty(String, int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.config.PropertyReader
Retrieves an integer-valued property, possibly with a scale modifier, from the system properties.
getSystemLongProperty(String, long) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.config.PropertyReader
Retrieves a long-integer-valued property, possibly with a scale modifier, from the system properties.
getTableFileName(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.IndexedTableManager
This method takes a table name and returns a filename string that specifies where the table's data is stored.
getTableInfo() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexInfo
getTableManager() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.StorageManager
getTableName() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateIndexCommand
Get the name of the table containing the index to be dropped.
getTableName() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DeleteCommand
Returns the name of the table that this delete command operates on.
getTableName() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DropIndexCommand
Get the name of the table containing the index to be dropped.
getTableName() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DropTableCommand
Get the name of the table to be dropped.
getTableName() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DumpIndexCommand
Get the name of the table containing the index to be dumped.
getTableName() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DumpTableCommand
Get the name of the table to be dumped.
getTableName() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.InsertCommand
getTableName() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.UpdateCommand
getTableName() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ColumnName
getTableName() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexInfo
Returns the name of the table that the index is built against.
getTableName() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
Returns the table name.
getTableName() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnInfo
Returns the table-name of the attribute.
getTableName() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.TableInfo
Returns the associated table name.
getTableNames() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.AnalyzeCommand
Returns the set of tables to analyze in an unmodifiable set.
getTableNames() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.OptimizeCommand
Returns the set of tables to optimize in an unmodifiable set.
getTableNames() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.VerifyCommand
Returns the set of tables to verify in an unmodifiable set.
getTableNames() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
Returns a set containing all table names that appear in this schema.
getTables() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.IndexedTableManager
getTables() - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.TableManager
Returns a set of the names of the tables available.
getTerm(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.BooleanOperator
getTermsReferencingAllTables(String...) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.BooleanOperator
This method finds and returns a list of all terms in this Boolean expression that reference the exact set of tables specified in the arguments.
getTimeToFirstResult() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.CommandResult
Returns the time to the first result in milliseconds.
getTimeValue(Object) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TypeConverter
getTokenNames() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
getTokenNames() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
getTotalTime() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.CommandResult
Returns the total execution time of the command in milliseconds.
getTransactionID() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionState
getTransactionManager() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.StorageManager
getTransactionState() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.SessionState
getTuple(FilePointer) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeapTupleFile
Returns the tuple corresponding to the specified file pointer.
getTuple(FilePointer) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.TupleFile
Returns the tuple corresponding to the specified file pointer.
getTupleDataEnd(DBPage) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.DataPage
This static helper function returns the index of where tuple data currently ends in the specified data page.
getTupleDataStart(DBPage) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.DataPage
This static helper function returns the index of where tuple data currently starts in the specified data page.
getTupleFile() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexInfo
Returns the tuple file that holds this index's data.
getTupleFile() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.TableInfo
Returns the tuple file that holds the table's data.
getTupleFileManager(DBFileType) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.StorageManager
Returns the tuple-file manager for the specified file type.
getTupleLength(DBPage, int) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.DataPage
Returns the length of the tuple stored at the specified slot.
getTupleProcessor(EventDispatcher) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DeleteCommand
getTupleProcessor(EventDispatcher) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.InsertCommand
getTupleProcessor(EventDispatcher) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.QueryCommand
Creates a tuple-processor responsible for dealing with the tuples that are generated by the query command.
getTupleProcessor(EventDispatcher) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.SelectCommand
getTupleProcessor(EventDispatcher) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.UpdateCommand
getTuples() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.CommandResult
getTuplesToJoin() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.NestedLoopJoinNode
This helper function implements the logic that sets NestedLoopJoinNode.leftTuple and NestedLoopJoinNode.rightTuple based on the nested-loops logic.
getTupleStorageSize(Schema, Tuple) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageTuple
This helper function takes a tuple (from an arbitrary source) and computes how much space it would require to be stored in a heap table file with the specified schema.
getType() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ConstraintDecl
Returns the type of this constraint.
getType() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.BooleanOperator
Returns the type of this Boolean expression.
getType() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.CompareOperator
Returns the type of this comparison operator.
getType() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.StringMatchOperator
Returns the type of this comparison operator.
getType() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnInfo
Returns the type of the attribute.
getType() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFile
Returns the type of this data file.
getTypeID() - Method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ForeignKeyValueChangeOption
Returns the option's unique ID.
getTypeID() - Method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.SQLDataType
Returns this SQL data-type's unique ID.
getTypeID() - Method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.TableConstraintType
Returns the constraint type's unique ID.
getUnnamedIndexPrefix(IndexInfo) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.BasicIndexManager
This function generates the prefix of a name for an index with no actual name specified.
getUserStartedTxn() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionState
getUsingNames() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
For join conditions of the form USING (col1, col2, ...), this method returns the list of column names that were specified.
getValue() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.PropertyRegistry.PropertyDescriptor
getValues() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.InsertCommand
getValues() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.UpdateCommand
getValues() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.InValuesOperator
If the IN operation has a list of values on the righthand side, this will be the list of values.
getVocabulary() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
getVocabulary() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
getWALFileName(int) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALManager
This static helper method simply takes a WAL file number and translates it into a corresponding filename based on that number.
getWALFileReader(LogSequenceNumber, DBFileReader) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALManager
This method opens the WAL file specified in the passed-in Log Sequence Number, wraps it with a DBFileReader so that it can be read from, and then seeks to the specified file offset.
getWALFileWriter(LogSequenceNumber) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALManager
This method opens the WAL file specified in the passed-in Log Sequence Number, wraps it with a DBFileWriter so that it can be read and written, and then seeks to the specified file offset.
getWhereExpr() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DeleteCommand
Returns the WHERE predicate for this delete command, if specified, or null if there is no WHERE predicate.
getWhereExpr() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.UpdateCommand
getWhereExpr() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause
Retrieves the where clause from this from clause.
getWildcard() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectValue
Returns the wildcard ColumnName object or null if there is none.
GREATER_OR_EQUAL - edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.CompareOperator.Type
GREATER_THAN - edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.CompareOperator.Type
Greatest - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.functions
Returns the greatest value of all arguments.
Greatest() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Greatest
GROUP - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
GROUP - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
GROUP() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SelectStmtContext
GroupAggregateNode - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes
This class provides the common functionality necessary for grouping and aggregation.
GroupAggregateNode(PlanNode, List<Expression>, Map<String, FunctionCall>) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.GroupAggregateNode
groupByExprs - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.GroupAggregateNode
A list of zero or more expressions that the grouping/aggregate node will use for generating aggregates over.
groupByExprs - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause
This collection holds zero or more entries specifying GROUP BY values.
groupExpr - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SelectStmtContext
groupIterator - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.HashedGroupAggregateNode
guard - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.BufferManager
A simple object for synchronizing on, so that the buffer manager will be thread-safe.
guard - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALManager
A simple object for synchronizing on, so that the WAL manager will be thread-safe.
GUESS_NUM_UNIQUE_VALUES - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.ProjectNode
This is our guess of how many unique values will be produced by a project expression, when we cannot determine it from the child plan's statistics.


handleCommand(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.ExclusiveClient
handleCommand(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.InteractiveClient
Subclasses can implement this method to handle each command entered by the user.
handleCommand(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.SharedServerClient
handleShellCommand(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.InteractiveClient
Handle "shell commands," which are commands that the client itself handles on behalf of the user.
hasCandidateKeyValue(TableInfo, KeyColumnRefs, Tuple) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.DatabaseConstraintEnforcer
Checks to see if a particular candidate-key value already appears in a table.
hasDifferentMinMaxValues() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.ColumnStats
Returns true if this column-stats object has both minimum and maximum values, and they are actually different values.
hasEqualValues(Tuple, Map<Integer, Object>) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.TableUtils
hashCode() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ArithmeticOperator
Computes the hashcode of an Expression.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.BooleanOperator
Computes the hash-code of an Expression.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ColumnName
hashCode() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ColumnValue
Computes the hashcode of an Expression.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.CompareOperator
Computes the hashcode of an Expression.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ExistsOperator
hashCode() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.Expression
Computes the hashcode of an Expression.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.FunctionCall
hashCode() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.InSubqueryOperator
hashCode() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.InValuesOperator
hashCode() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.IsNullOperator
hashCode() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.LiteralValue
Computes the hashcode of an Expression.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.NegateOperator
Computes the hashcode of an Expression.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ScalarSubquery
Computes the hash-code of this scalar subquery expression.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.StringMatchOperator
Computes the hashcode of an Expression.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TupleLiteral
hashCode() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.FileScanNode
Computes the hashcode of a PlanNode.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.HashedGroupAggregateNode
hashCode() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.NestedLoopJoinNode
Computes the hash-code of the nested-loop plan node.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.PlanNode
Computes the hash-code of a plan-node, including any sub-plans of this plan.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.ProjectNode
Computes and returns the hash-code of a project node.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.RenameNode
hashCode() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SimpleFilterNode
Computes the hashcode of a PlanNode.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortedGroupAggregateNode
hashCode() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortMergeJoinNode
Computes the hash-code of the sort-merge join plan node.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortNode
Computes the hash-code of a plan-node, including any sub-plans of this plan.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.TableFunctionScanNode
hashCode() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.TupleBagNode
hashCode() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectValue
Computes the hashcode of a SelectValue.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnInfo
hashCode() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnType
hashCode() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.SessionState
hashCode() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.BufferManager.CachedPageInfo
hashCode() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFile
Returns a hash-code based on the filename of the backing file.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPageID
hashCode() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FilePointer
Calculate a hash-code for the file pointer.
hashCode() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.LogSequenceNumber
Calculate a hash-code for this log-sequence number object.
HASHED_INDEX - edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexType
Represents indexes that hash values to determine a tuple's location.
HashedGroupAggregateNode - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes
Implements grouping and aggregation by using hashing as a method to identify groups.
HashedGroupAggregateNode(PlanNode, List<Expression>, Map<String, FunctionCall>) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.HashedGroupAggregateNode
HashedTupleFile - Interface in edu.caltech.nanodb.storage
This interface extends the TupleFile interface, adding operations that can be provided on files of tuples that are hashed on a specific key.
hashTuple(Tuple) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TupleHasher
hashTuple(Tuple, List<Integer>) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TupleHasher
Collects tuple values according to colIndexes into an ArrayList and returns the hash of the list.
hasIncompleteTxns() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.RecoveryInfo
Returns true if there are any incomplete transactions, or false if all transactions are completed.
hasKeyOnColumns(int[]) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
Returns true if this schema has a candidate key on the set of columns specified in the argument.
hasKeyOnColumns(ColumnRefs) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
Returns true if this schema has a candidate key on the set of columns specified in the argument.
hasLength() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnType
Returns true if this column type supports/requires a length, or false if the type does not.
hasLoggedTxnStart() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionState
hasMinMaxValues() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.ColumnStats
Returns true if this column-stats object has both minimum and maximum values.
hasMultipleColumnsWithSameName() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
This helper method returns true if this schema contains any columns with the same column name but different table names.
hasOuterJoinOnLeft() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
hasOuterJoinOnRight() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
hasPerformedWrites() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionState
hasProperty(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.PropertyRegistry
Returns true if the server has a property of the specified name, false otherwise.
hasSameColumns(int[]) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnRefs
Returns true if the specified array of column-indexes has the same columns as this object, independent of order.
hasSameColumns(ColumnRefs) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnRefs
Returns true if the specified ColumnIndexes object has the same columns as this object, independent of order.
hasSymbols - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.Expression.SymbolFinder
A flag indicating whether the expression has any symbols.
hasSymbols() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.Expression
Returns true if this expression contains any symbols that will require an environment to evaluate.
hasTermsReferencingAllTables(String...) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.BooleanOperator
This method returns true if this Boolean expression contains any terms that reference the exact set of tables specified in the arguments.
HAVING - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
HAVING - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
HAVING() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SelectStmtContext
havingExpr - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause
If a HAVING expression is specified, this field will refer to the expression to be evaluated.
havingPred - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SelectStmtContext
HeaderPage - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile
This class contains constants and basic functionality for accessing and manipulating the contents of the header page of a heap table-file.
HeaderPage() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeaderPage
HEAP_TUPLE_FILE - edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileType
Represents a heap tuple file, which supports variable-size tuples and stores them in no particular order.
heapFileManager - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeapTupleFile
The manager for heap tuple files provides some higher-level operations such as saving the metadata of a heap tuple file, so it's useful to have a reference to it.
HeapFilePageTuple - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile
HeapFilePageTuple(Schema, DBPage, int, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeapFilePageTuple
Construct a new tuple object that is backed by the data in the database page.
HeapTupleFile - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile
This class implements the TupleFile interface for heap files.
HeapTupleFile(StorageManager, HeapTupleFileManager, DBFile, Schema, TableStats) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeapTupleFile
HeapTupleFileManager - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile
This class provides high-level operations on heap tuple files.
HeapTupleFileManager(StorageManager) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeapTupleFileManager


id - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.ClientHandlerThread
The unique ID assigned to this client.
id - Variable in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileType
A numeric ID that uniquely identifies this database file type.
id - Variable in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALRecordType
IDENT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
IDENT - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CmdPropertiesContext
IDENT - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CreateIndexStmtContext
IDENT - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromJoinUsingContext
IDENT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
IDENT - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.InsertStmtContext
IDENT - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintForeignKeyContext
IDENT - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintPrimaryKeyContext
IDENT - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintUniqueContext
IDENT - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.UpdateStmtContext
IDENT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.AnalyzeStmtContext
IDENT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CmdPropertiesContext
IDENT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintForeignKeyContext
IDENT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintNotNullContext
IDENT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintPrimaryKeyContext
IDENT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintUniqueContext
IDENT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColRefNoTableContext
IDENT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColRefTableContext
IDENT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColRefWildcardTableContext
IDENT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CreateIndexStmtContext
IDENT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CreateTableStmtContext
IDENT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DeleteStmtContext
IDENT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DropIndexStmtContext
IDENT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DropTableStmtContext
IDENT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DumpIndexStmtContext
IDENT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DumpTableStmtContext
IDENT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromJoinUsingContext
IDENT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromNestedSelectContext
IDENT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromTableContext
IDENT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromTableFunctionContext
IDENT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FunctionCallContext
IDENT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.InsertStmtContext
IDENT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.OptimizeStmtContext
IDENT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SelectValueContext
IDENT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ShowTableStatsStmtContext
IDENT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TableColDeclContext
IDENT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintForeignKeyContext
IDENT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintPrimaryKeyContext
IDENT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintUniqueContext
IDENT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.UpdateStmtContext
IDENT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.VerifyStmtContext
IDENT(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.AnalyzeStmtContext
IDENT(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CmdPropertiesContext
IDENT(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintForeignKeyContext
IDENT(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColRefTableContext
IDENT(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CreateIndexStmtContext
IDENT(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DropIndexStmtContext
IDENT(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DumpIndexStmtContext
IDENT(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromJoinUsingContext
IDENT(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromTableContext
IDENT(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.InsertStmtContext
IDENT(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.OptimizeStmtContext
IDENT(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintForeignKeyContext
IDENT(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintPrimaryKeyContext
IDENT(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintUniqueContext
IDENT(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.UpdateStmtContext
IDENT(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.VerifyStmtContext
If - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.functions
Implements IF (cond, expr1, expr2).
If() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.If
IF - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
IF - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
IF() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CreateIndexStmtContext
IF() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CreateTableStmtContext
IF() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DropIndexStmtContext
IF() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DropTableStmtContext
ifExists - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DropIndexCommand
This flag controls whether the drop-index command will fail if the index already doesn't exist when the removal is attempted.
ifExists - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DropTableCommand
This flag controls whether the drop-table command will fail if the table already doesn't exist when the removal is attempted.
ifNotExists - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateIndexCommand
If this flag is true then the create-index operation should only be performed if the specified index doesn't already exist.
ifNotExists - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateTableCommand
If this flag is true then the create-table operation should only be performed if the specified table doesn't already exist.
IfNull - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.functions
Implements IFNULL(expr1, expr2).
IfNull() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.IfNull
IN - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
IN - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
IN() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprMultiColInSubqueryContext
IN() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprOneColInSubqueryContext
IN() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprOneColInValuesContext
inc(String) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.performance.PerformanceCounters
incompleteTxns - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.RecoveryInfo
This is the set of incomplete transactions found during recovery processing, along with the last log sequence number seen for each transaction.
INDEX - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
INDEX - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
INDEX() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CreateIndexStmtContext
INDEX() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DropIndexStmtContext
INDEX() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DumpIndexStmtContext
indexColRefs - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexInfo
The indexes of the columns in the table that the index is built against.
IndexColumnRefs - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.relations
This class records that there is an index built on a particular set of columns.
IndexColumnRefs(String, int[]) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.IndexColumnRefs
IndexColumnRefs(String, KeyColumnRefs) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.IndexColumnRefs
IndexedColumnInfo(int, ColumnInfo) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema.IndexedColumnInfo
Stores the specified index and column-info value.
IndexedTableManager - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.storage
This class provides an implementation of the TableManager interface for tables that can have indexes and constraints on them.
IndexedTableManager(StorageManager) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.IndexedTableManager
indexes - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
This collection provides easy access to all the indexes defined on this table, including those for candidate keys and the primary key.
IndexException - Exception in edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes
This class represents errors that occur while manipulating indexes.
IndexException() - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexException
Construct an index exception with no message.
IndexException(String) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexException
Construct an index exception with the specified message.
IndexException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexException
Construct an index exception with the specified message and cause.
IndexException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexException
Construct an index exception with the specified cause and no message.
indexExists(String, String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.BasicIndexManager
indexExists(String, String) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexManager
indexInfo - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.FileScanNode
The index-info for the index being scanned, or null if the node is performing a scan over a table.
IndexInfo - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes
This class is used to hold information about a single index in the database.
IndexInfo(TableInfo, IndexColumnRefs) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexInfo
Construct an index file information object for the specified index name.
IndexInfo(TableInfo, IndexColumnRefs, TupleFile) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexInfo
indexManager - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexUpdater
A cached reference to the index manager since we use it a lot in this class.
indexManager - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.StorageManager
IndexManager - Interface in edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes
This interface specifies all operations that are necessary for supporting indexes in NanoDB.
indexName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateIndexCommand
The name of the index being created.
indexName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DropIndexCommand
The name of the index to drop.
indexName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DumpIndexCommand
The name of the index to dump.
indexName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.IndexColumnRefs
This is the actual name for referring to the index.
indexName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CreateIndexStmtContext
indexName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DropIndexStmtContext
indexName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DumpIndexStmtContext
IndexType - Enum in edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes
This enumeration represents the different kinds of indexes that NanoDB supports, since different kinds of indexes facilitate different kinds of lookups with different performance characteristics.
IndexType() - Constructor for enum edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexType
IndexUpdater - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes
This class implements the RowEventListener interface to make sure that all indexes on an updated table are kept up to date.
IndexUpdater(StorageManager) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexUpdater
IndexUtils - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes
This class provides a number of very useful utility operations that make it easier to create and work with indexes.
IndexUtils() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexUtils
initBuiltinFunctions() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.FunctionDirectory
This helper function initializes all of the built-in functions that are part of NanoDB.
initialize() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.TableFunction
Does any initialization the node might need.
initialize() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.FileScanNode
initialize() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.HashedGroupAggregateNode
Does any initialization the node might need.
initialize() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.NestedLoopJoinNode
initialize() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.PlanNode
Does any initialization the node might need, including setting up the node's execution environment.
initialize() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.ProjectNode
Do initialization for the select operation.
initialize() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.RenameNode
initialize() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SelectNode
Do initialization for the select operation.
initialize() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SimpleFilterNode
initialize() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortedGroupAggregateNode
Does any initialization the node might need.
initialize() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortMergeJoinNode
initialize() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortNode
Does any initialization the node might need.
initialize() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.ThetaJoinNode
Do initialization for the join operation.
initialize() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionManager
initialize(NanoDBServer) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.StorageManager
This method initializes the storage manager.
initialized - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.StorageManager
A flag recording whether the Storage Manager instance has been initialized.
initIndexDetails(Schema, String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexInfo
initIndexes(StorageManager, TableInfo) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateTableCommand
initNewPage(DBPage) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.DataPage
Initialize a newly allocated data page.
initProperties() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.PropertyRegistry
Initialize all of the properties that the database server knows about.
initTableConstraints(StorageManager, Schema, HashMap<String, TableInfo>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateTableCommand
INNER - edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.JoinType
Inner joins, where only matching rows are included in the result.
INNER - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
INNER - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
INNER() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeInnerContext
inputCost - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.ProjectNode
The cost of the input subplan.
inputSchema - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.GroupAggregateNode
The schema of the plan-node feeding this grouping/aggregate node.
inputSchema - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.ProjectNode
The schema of tuples produced by the subplan.
INSERT - edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.QueryCommand.Type
An INSERT query, which adds new rows of data to a table.
INSERT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
INSERT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
INSERT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.InsertStmtContext
InsertCommand - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.commands
This command object represents a top-level INSERT command issued against the database.
InsertCommand(String, List<String>, SelectClause) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.InsertCommand
Constructs a new insert command for INSERT ...
InsertCommand(String, List<String>, List<Expression>) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.InsertCommand
Constructs a new insert command for INSERT ...
InsertCommand.TupleInserter - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.commands
An implementation of the tuple processor interface used by the InsertCommand to insert tuples into a table, when the command is of the form INSERT ...
insertSingleRow(NanoDBServer) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.InsertCommand
This method is used when inserting only a single row of data.
insertStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommandNoSemicolonContext
insertStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExplainInsertContext
insertStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
InsertStmtContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.InsertStmtContext
insertTupleDataRange(int, int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeapFilePageTuple
insertTupleDataRange(int, int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageTuple
insertTupleDataRange(DBPage, int, int) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.DataPage
This static helper function creates a space in the data page of the specified size, sliding tuple data below the offset down to create a gap.
InSubqueryOperator - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions
This class implements the expr IN (subquery) operator.
InSubqueryOperator(Expression, SelectClause) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.InSubqueryOperator
InSubqueryOperator(List<Expression>, SelectClause) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.InSubqueryOperator
INT_LITERAL - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
INT_LITERAL - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
INT_LITERAL() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeCharContext
INT_LITERAL() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDecimalContext
INT_LITERAL() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeVarCharContext
INT_LITERAL() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CrashStmtContext
INT_LITERAL() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.LiteralIntegerContext
INT_LITERAL() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SelectStmtContext
INT_LITERAL(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDecimalContext
INT_LITERAL(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SelectStmtContext
INTEGER - edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.SQLDataType
A 4-byte signed integer, designated in SQL as INTEGER.
INTEGER - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnType
IntegerValueValidator - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties
Validates an integer property value using a predicate; if the value cannot be cast to an integer or the predicate returns false, then the specified error message will be reported.
IntegerValueValidator(int, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.IntegerValueValidator
IntegerValueValidator(Predicate<Integer>, String) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.IntegerValueValidator
InteractiveClient - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.client
This abstract class implements the basic functionality necessary for providing an interactive SQL client.
InteractiveClient() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.InteractiveClient
INTERSECT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
INTERSECT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
INTERVAL - edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.SQLDataType
A temporal interval value.
INTERVAL - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
INTERVAL - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
INTERVAL() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.LiteralIntervalContext
INTO - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
INTO - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
INTO() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.InsertStmtContext
invalidate() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
This method makes the DBPage invalid by clearing all of its internal references.
InvalidFilePointerException - Exception in edu.caltech.nanodb.storage
This exception class can be thrown when a file-pointer is discovered to be invalid for some reason.
InvalidFilePointerException() - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.InvalidFilePointerException
Construct an invalid file-pointer exception with no message.
InvalidFilePointerException(String) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.InvalidFilePointerException
Construct an invalid file-pointer exception with the specified message.
InvalidFilePointerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.InvalidFilePointerException
Construct an invalid file-pointer exception with the specified message and cause.
InvalidFilePointerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.InvalidFilePointerException
Construct an invalid file-pointer exception with the specified cause and no message.
InvalidSQLException - Exception in edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval
This exception is used to signal when a SQL query contains a semantic error that prevents its evaluation.
InvalidSQLException() - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.InvalidSQLException
InvalidSQLException(String) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.InvalidSQLException
InvalidSQLException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.InvalidSQLException
InvalidSQLException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.InvalidSQLException
InValuesOperator - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions
This class implements the expr IN (values) operator.
InValuesOperator(Expression, ArrayList<Expression>) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.InValuesOperator
invert - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.InSubqueryOperator
If this is false, the operator computes expr IN (subquery); if true, the operator computes expr NOT IN (subquery).
invert - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.InValuesOperator
If this is false, the operator computes expr IN (values); if true, the operator computes expr NOT IN (values).
invert - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.IsNullOperator
If this is false, the operator computes IS NULL; if true, the operator computes IS NOT NULL.
IS - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
IS - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
IS() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprIsNullContext
isAscending() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.OrderByExpression
Returns the flag indicating whether the results should be in ascending or descending order.
isBaseTable() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
Returns true if this from clause specifies a base table, as opposed to a derived table or a join expression.
isColumnConstraint() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ConstraintDecl
Returns true if this constraint is associated with a table-column, or false if it is a table-level constraint.
isColumnWildcard() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ColumnName
isCorrelated() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause
Returns true if the select clause is correlated with some enclosing query, or false otherwise.
isDerivedTable() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
Returns true if this from clause specifies a derived table, as opposed to a base table or a join expression.
isDirty() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
Returns true if the page's data has been changed in memory; false otherwise.
isDiskBacked() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TupleLiteral
In-memory tuples are obviously not disk-backed!
isDiskBacked() - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Tuple
Returns true if this tuple is backed by a disk page that must be kept in memory as long as the tuple is in use.
isDiskBacked() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageTuple
Page tuples are backed by data pages managed by the Buffer Manager, so this method always returns true.
isDistinct() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause
Returns true if the select clause's results are to be distinct, or false if the clause's results are not distinct.
isExit() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.CommandResult
isExpression() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectValue
isFromDBFile(DBFile) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
Returns true if this page is from the specified database file.
isJoinExpr() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
Returns true if this from clause specifies a join expression, as opposed to a base table or a join expression.
isNullable(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
IsNullOperator - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions
IsNullOperator(Expression, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.IsNullOperator
isNullValue(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TupleLiteral
isNullValue(int) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Tuple
Returns true if the specified column's value is NULL.
isNullValue(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageTuple
Returns true if the specified column is currently set to the SQL NULL value.
isNumber(SQLDataType) - Static method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.SQLDataType
isOuterJoin() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
Returns true if this join clause is an outer join, false otherwise.
isPinned() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TupleLiteral
For in-memory tuples, pinning and unpinning is a no-op.
isPinned() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
isPinned() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageTuple
isPinned() - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.Pinnable
Returns true if the object is currently pinned, false otherwise.
isRenamed() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
isScalarSubquery() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectValue
isSimpleColumnValue() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectValue
isString(SQLDataType) - Static method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.SQLDataType
isSwapped() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.ThetaJoinNode
Returns true if the schema is swapped in this theta join node, false otherwise.
isTableSpecified() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ColumnName
isTemporary() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateTableCommand
Returns true if the table is a temporary table, false otherwise.
isTrivial() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.ProjectNode
Returns true if the project node is a trivial * projection with no table references.
isTrivialProject() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause
isTupleSelected(Tuple) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SelectNode
isTxnComplete(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.RecoveryInfo
Returns true if the specified transaction is complete, or false if it appears in the set of incomplete transactions.
isTxnInProgress() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionState
isUnique() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateIndexCommand
Returns true if the requested index is a unique index; false otherwise.
isUnique() - Method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.TableConstraintType
isValidPageSize(int) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFile
This static helper method returns true if the specified page size is valid; i.e.
isWildcard() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectValue
Returns true if this SelectValue is a wildcard expression, either of the form "*" or "loan.*".
iterator() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
Provides support for iteration over the columns in the schema.


JOIN - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
JOIN - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
JOIN() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromCrossJoinContext
JOIN() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromJoinOnContext
JOIN() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromJoinUsingContext
JOIN() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromNaturalJoinContext
JOIN_EXPR - edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause.ClauseType
This clause is a derived relation specified as a join of two relations.
JOIN_ON_EXPR - edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause.JoinConditionType
The join clause specifies an ON clause with an expression that must evaluate to true.
JOIN_USING - edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause.JoinConditionType
The join clause specifies a USING clause, which explicitly lists the shared columns whose values must be equal.
JoinComponent(PlanNode, HashSet<Expression>) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.CostBasedJoinPlanner.JoinComponent
Constructs a new instance for a leaf node.
JoinComponent(PlanNode, HashSet<PlanNode>, HashSet<Expression>) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.CostBasedJoinPlanner.JoinComponent
Constructs a new instance for a non-leaf node.
JoinConditionType() - Constructor for enum edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause.JoinConditionType
joinOnExpr - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
The expression used for joining tables in this FROM clause.
joinPlan - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.CostBasedJoinPlanner.JoinComponent
This is the join plan itself, that joins together all leaves specified in the CostBasedJoinPlanner.JoinComponent.leavesUsed field.
joinTuples(Tuple, Tuple) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.ThetaJoinNode
Combine the left tuple and the right tuple.
joinType - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.ThetaJoinNode
The type of the join operation to perform.
joinType - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
If this object represents a join expression, this field specifies the type of join to use, whether it is an inner join, some kind of outer join, or a cross join.
joinType() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromJoinOnContext
joinType() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromJoinUsingContext
joinType() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromNaturalJoinContext
joinType() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
JoinType - Enum in edu.caltech.nanodb.relations
An enumeration specifying the different types of join operation.
JoinType() - Constructor for enum edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.JoinType
JoinTypeContext() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeContext
JoinTypeContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeContext
JoinTypeFullOuterContext(NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeFullOuterContext
JoinTypeInnerContext(NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeInnerContext
JoinTypeLeftOuterContext(NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeLeftOuterContext
JoinTypeRightOuterContext(NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeRightOuterContext
joinUsingNames - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
jumpToMarkedTuple - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.FileScanNode


KEY - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
KEY - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
KEY() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintPrimaryKeyContext
KEY() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintForeignKeyContext
KEY() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintPrimaryKeyContext
KeyColumnRefs - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.relations
This class represents a primary key or other unique key, specifying the indexes of the columns in the key.
KeyColumnRefs(int[], String, TableConstraintType) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.KeyColumnRefs
KeyColumnRefs(IndexColumnRefs) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.KeyColumnRefs
Builds a KeyColumnRefs object off of a unique index definition.


lastFileAccessed - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FileManagerImpl
The DBFile object of the file that was accessed most recently.
lastLSN - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionState
lastPageNoAccessed - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FileManagerImpl
The page number of the file that was accessed most recently.
lastValueSeen - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.CountAggregate
Stores the most recently seen object
Least - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.functions
Returns the least value of all arguments.
Least() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Least
leave(Expression) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.Expression.SymbolFinder
leave(Expression) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ExpressionProcessor
This method is called when expression-traversal is leaving a particular node in the expression tree.
leave(Expression) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SubquerySchemaComputer
This method is a no-op for this expression processor.
leavesUsed - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.CostBasedJoinPlanner.JoinComponent
This field specifies the collection of leaf-plans that are joined by the plan in this join-component.
LEFT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
LEFT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
LEFT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeLeftOuterContext
LEFT_OUTER - edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.JoinType
Left outer joins, where non-matching rows from the left table are included in the results.
leftChild - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.PlanNode
The left child of this plan node.
leftChild - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
If this FROM clause is a join expression then this references the left child of the join.
leftExpr - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ArithmeticOperator
The left expression in the comparison.
leftExpr - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.CompareOperator
The left expression in the comparison.
leftExpr - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.StringMatchOperator
The left expression in the comparison.
leftSchema - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.ThetaJoinNode
The cached schema of the left subplan, used for join-predicate evaluation.
leftStats - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.ThetaJoinNode
The cached statistics of the left subplan, used for cost estimation.
leftTuple - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.NestedLoopJoinNode
Most recently retrieved tuple of the left relation.
leftTuple - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortMergeJoinNode
Most recently retrieved tuple of the left relation.
length - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnType
For CHAR and VARCHAR attributes, this contains the length (or maximum length) of the character-sequence.
length - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeCharContext
length - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeVarCharContext
LESS_OR_EQUAL - edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.CompareOperator.Type
LESS_THAN - edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.CompareOperator.Type
LIKE - edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.StringMatchOperator.Type
LIKE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
LIKE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
LIKE() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprLikeContext
LIKE() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ShowPropsStmtContext
limit - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause
The maximum number of rows that may be returned by the SELECT clause.
limit - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SelectStmtContext
LIMIT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
LIMIT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
LIMIT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SelectStmtContext
LINE_COMMENT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
LINE_COMMENT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
LiteralDecimalContext(NanoSQLParser.LiteralValueContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.LiteralDecimalContext
LiteralFalseContext(NanoSQLParser.LiteralValueContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.LiteralFalseContext
LiteralIntegerContext(NanoSQLParser.LiteralValueContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.LiteralIntegerContext
LiteralIntervalContext(NanoSQLParser.LiteralValueContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.LiteralIntervalContext
LiteralNullContext(NanoSQLParser.LiteralValueContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.LiteralNullContext
LiteralStringContext(NanoSQLParser.LiteralValueContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.LiteralStringContext
LiteralTrueContext(NanoSQLParser.LiteralValueContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.LiteralTrueContext
literalValue() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CmdPropertiesContext
literalValue() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprLiteralContext
literalValue() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
literalValue(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CmdPropertiesContext
LiteralValue - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions
This expression class represents literal values.
LiteralValue(Object) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.LiteralValue
LiteralValueContext() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.LiteralValueContext
LiteralValueContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.LiteralValueContext
loadDBPage(DBFile, int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.StorageManager
This method returns a database page to use, retrieving it from the buffer manager if it is already loaded, or reading it from the specified data file if it is not already loaded.
loadDBPage(DBFile, int, boolean) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.StorageManager
This method returns a database page to use, retrieving it from the buffer manager if it is already loaded, or reading it from the specified data file if it is not already loaded.
loadIndexInfo(IndexInfo) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.BasicIndexManager
This method reads in the schema and other critical information for the specified table.
loadIndexInfo(IndexInfo) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexManager
This method loads the details for the specified index.
loadPage(DBFile, int, byte[]) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FileManager
Loads a page from the underlying data file, and returns a new DBPage object containing the data.
loadPage(DBFile, int, byte[]) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FileManagerImpl
loadPage(DBFile, int, byte[], boolean) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FileManager
Loads a page from the underlying data file, and returns a new DBPage object containing the data.
loadPage(DBFile, int, byte[], boolean) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FileManagerImpl
loadTxnStateFile() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionManager
logDBPageWrite(DBPage) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.StorageManager
This method causes any changes to the specified page to be logged by the transaction manager's write-ahead log, so that the changes can be redone or undone as may be appropriate.
logFileNo - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.LogSequenceNumber
The number of the write-ahead log file that the record is stored in.
loggedTxnStart - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionState
This value indicates whether the current transaction has been logged to the write-ahead log yet.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.ExclusiveClient
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.InteractiveClient
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.SharedClientState
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.SharedServerClient
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateIndexCommand
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateTableCommand
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DropTableCommand
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.QueryCommand
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.SelectCommand
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.VerifyCommand
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.StringMatchOperator
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.BasicIndexManager
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexUpdater
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.FileScanNode
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.GroupAggregateNode
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.HashedGroupAggregateNode
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.NestedLoopJoinNode
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.ProjectNode
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.RenameNode
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortedGroupAggregateNode
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortMergeJoinNode
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortNode
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SubquerySchemaComputer
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.CostBasedJoinPlanner
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.SelectivityEstimator
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.SimplestPlanner
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.DatabaseConstraintEnforcer
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.ClientHandlerThread
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.EventDispatcher
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.NanoDBServer
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.performance.PerformanceCounters
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.SharedServer
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.ParseUtil
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.BufferManager
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileReader
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileWriter
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FileManagerImpl
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.DataPage
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeaderPage
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeapTupleFile
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeapTupleFileManager
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.IndexedTableManager
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.SchemaWriter
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.StatsWriter
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.StorageManager
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALManager
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionManager
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
logger - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionStateUpdater
A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens.
LogSequenceNumber - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead
This class represents a Log Sequence Number (LSN) in the write-ahead log.
LogSequenceNumber(int, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.LogSequenceNumber
LogSequenceNumber(int, int, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.LogSequenceNumber
LogSequenceNumber(LogSequenceNumber, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.LogSequenceNumber


main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.ExclusiveClient
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.SharedServer
mainloop() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.InteractiveClient
This is the interactive mainloop that handles input from the standard input stream of the program.
makeDeleteCommand(TableInfo, int[], Tuple, int[]) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.DatabaseConstraintEnforcer
makeEqualityComparison(Schema, int, Tuple, int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.DatabaseConstraintEnforcer
makeEqualityPredicate(Schema, int[], Tuple, int[]) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.DatabaseConstraintEnforcer
makeErrorMessage(String, String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.DatabaseConstraintEnforcer
A simple helper method to include the constraint name if we actually know it, or just use the error message if we don't have a named constraint.
makeExistsPredicate(TableInfo, int[], Tuple, int[]) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.DatabaseConstraintEnforcer
makeForeignKey(Schema, TableInfo, ConstraintDecl) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DDLUtils
This method constructs a ForeignKeyColumnRefs object that includes the columns named in the input list, as well as the referenced table and column names.
makeIndexSchema(Schema, ColumnRefs) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexUtils
This method takes the schema of a table, and a description of an index, and it builds the schema that the index should have.
makeJoinPlan(FromClause, Collection<Expression>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.CostBasedJoinPlanner
Given the top-level FromClause for a SELECT-FROM-WHERE block, this helper generates an optimal join plan for the FromClause.
makeLeafPlan(FromClause, Collection<Expression>, HashSet<Expression>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.CostBasedJoinPlanner
Constructs a plan tree for evaluating the specified from-clause.
makePlan(SelectClause, List<SelectClause>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.CostBasedJoinPlanner
Returns the root of a plan tree suitable for executing the specified query.
makePlan(SelectClause, List<SelectClause>) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.Planner
Returns the root of a plan tree suitable for executing the specified query.
makePlan(SelectClause, List<SelectClause>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.SimplestPlanner
Returns the root of a plan tree suitable for executing the specified query.
makePredicate(Expression...) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.PredicateUtils
makePredicate(Collection<Expression>) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.PredicateUtils
This helper function takes a collection of conjuncts that should comprise a predicate, and creates a predicate for evaluating these conjuncts.
makeSelectStar(String) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.QueryUtils
Given a table name, this method constructs a query AST for the SQL "SELECT * FROM table".
makeSelectStar(String, Expression) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.QueryUtils
Given a table name and an optional WHERE predicate, this method constructs a query AST for the SQL "SELECT * FROM table [WHERE expr]".
makeSimpleSelect(String, Expression, List<SelectClause>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.CostBasedJoinPlanner
Constructs a simple select plan that reads directly from a table, with an optional predicate for selecting rows.
makeSimpleSelect(String, Expression, List<SelectClause>) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.Planner
Returns a plan tree for executing a simple select against a single table, whose tuples can also be used for updating and deletion.
makeSimpleSelect(String, Expression, List<SelectClause>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.SimplestPlanner
Constructs a simple select plan that reads directly from a table, with an optional predicate for selecting rows.
makeTableSearchKey(ColumnRefs, Tuple, boolean) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexUtils
This helper function creates a TupleLiteral that holds the key-values necessary for probing, storing or deleting a tuple in a table's index.
makeUpdateCommand(TableInfo, int[], Tuple, Tuple, int[]) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.DatabaseConstraintEnforcer
makeValueMap(int[], Tuple) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.TableUtils
makeValueMap(int[], Tuple, int[]) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.TableUtils
markCurrentPosition() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.FileScanNode
markCurrentPosition() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.HashedGroupAggregateNode
The hashed grouping/aggregate plan node doesn't support marking.
markCurrentPosition() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.NestedLoopJoinNode
markCurrentPosition() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.PlanNode
Marks the current tuple in the tuple-stream produced by this node.
markCurrentPosition() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.ProjectNode
markCurrentPosition() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.RenameNode
markCurrentPosition() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SimpleFilterNode
The simple filter node relies on marking/reset support in its subplan.
markCurrentPosition() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortedGroupAggregateNode
The sorted grouping/aggregate plan node doesn't support marking.
markCurrentPosition() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortMergeJoinNode
markCurrentPosition() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.TupleBagNode
markedTuple - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.FileScanNode
This field allows the file-scan node to mark a particular tuple in the tuple-stream and then rewind to that point in the tuple-stream.
markedTupleIndex - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.TupleBagNode
matcher - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.util.RegexFileFilter
This matcher is initialized from the regex pattern, and is used to do the actual filename testing.
Max - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.functions
Created by donnie on 12/7/13.
Max() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Max
MAX_PAGECACHE_SIZE - Static variable in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.ServerProperties
This is the maximum page-cache size allowed, 1GiB.
MAX_PAGESIZE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFile
The maximum page size is 64K bytes.
MAX_WAL_FILE_NUMBER - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALManager
Maximum file number for a write-ahead log file.
MAX_WAL_FILE_SIZE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALManager
Maximum size of a write-ahead log file is 10MB.
maxCacheSize - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.BufferManager
This field records the maximum allowed cache size.
maxTransactionID - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.RecoveryInfo
This is the maximum transaction ID seen in the write-ahead logs.
maxValue - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.ColumnStats
The maximum value of this column in the table, or null if the maximum value is unknown.
maxValue - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.ColumnStatsCollector
The maximum value seen in the column's values, or null if the maximum is unknown or won't be computed.
Min - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.functions
Created by donnie on 12/7/13.
Min() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Min
MIN_PAGECACHE_SIZE - Static variable in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.ServerProperties
This is the minimum page-cache size allowed.
MIN_PAGESIZE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFile
The minimum page size is 512 bytes.
minimumSwitch - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.MinMaxAggregate
This value is set to 1 if the aggregate function is computing the minimum value, or -1 if the aggregate function is computing the maximum value.
MinMaxAggregate - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.functions
This aggregate function can be used to compute either the minimum or the maximum of a collection of values.
MinMaxAggregate(boolean) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.MinMaxAggregate
MINUS - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
MINUS - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
minValue - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.ColumnStats
The minimum value of this column in the table, or null if the minimum value is unknown.
minValue - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.ColumnStatsCollector
The minimum value seen in the column's values, or null if the minimum is unknown or won't be computed.
modeNames - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
moveDataRange(int, int, int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
Move the specified data region in the page.
movePosition(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileReader
Move the current position by n bytes.
movePosition(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageReader
Move the current position by n bytes.
MULTIPLY - edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ArithmeticOperator.Type


name - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ConstraintDecl
The optional name of the constraint, or null if no name was specified.
name - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnInfo
The name of the attribute.
name - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.PropertyRegistry.PropertyDescriptor
The name of the property.
name - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CmdPropertiesContext
name - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SetPropStmtContext
name - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ShowSystemStatsStmtContext
NanoDBException - Exception in edu.caltech.nanodb.server
This is the base-class of all exceptions specific to NanoDB functionality.
NanoDBException() - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.server.NanoDBException
NanoDBException(String) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.server.NanoDBException
NanoDBException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.server.NanoDBException
NanoDBException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.server.NanoDBException
NanoDBServer - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.server
This class provides the entry-point operations for managing the database server, and executing commands against it.
NanoDBServer() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.NanoDBServer
NanoSQLBaseListener - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
This class provides an empty implementation of NanoSQLListener, which can be extended to create a listener which only needs to handle a subset of the available methods.
NanoSQLBaseListener() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
NanoSQLBaseVisitor<T> - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
This class provides an empty implementation of NanoSQLVisitor, which can be extended to create a visitor which only needs to handle a subset of the available methods.
NanoSQLBaseVisitor() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
NanoSQLLexer - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLLexer(CharStream) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
NanoSQLListener - Interface in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
This interface defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.
NanoSQLParser - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser(TokenStream) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
NanoSQLParser.AnalyzeStmtContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.BeginTxnStmtContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptCascadeContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptionContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptRestrictContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptSetNullContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.CmdPropertiesContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintForeignKeyContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintNotNullContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintPrimaryKeyContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintUniqueContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ColRefNoTableContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ColRefTableContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ColRefWildcardNoTableContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ColRefWildcardTableContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ColTypeBigIntContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ColTypeCharContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDateContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDateTimeContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDecimalContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDoubleContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ColTypeFloatContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ColTypeIntContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ColTypeTimeContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ColTypeTimestampContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ColTypeVarCharContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ColumnConstraintContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ColumnRefContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ColumnTypeContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.CommandContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.CommandNoSemicolonContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.CommandsContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.CommitTxnStmtContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.CrashStmtContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.CreateIndexStmtContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.CreateTableStmtContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.DeleteStmtContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.DropIndexStmtContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.DropTableStmtContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.DumpIndexStmtContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.DumpTableStmtContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ExitStmtContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ExplainDeleteContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ExplainInsertContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ExplainSelectContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ExplainStmtContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ExplainUpdateContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ExprAddContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ExprAndContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ExprBetweenContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ExprColumnRefContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ExprCompareContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ExpressionContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ExpressionListContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ExprExistsContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ExprFunctionCallContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ExprIsNullContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ExprLikeContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ExprLiteralContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ExprMulContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ExprMultiColInSubqueryContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ExprNotContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ExprOneColInSubqueryContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ExprOneColInValuesContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ExprOrContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ExprParenContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ExprScalarSubqueryContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ExprSimilarToContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ExprUnarySignContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.FlushStmtContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.FromCrossJoinContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.FromExprContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.FromImplicitCrossJoinContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.FromJoinOnContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.FromJoinUsingContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.FromNaturalJoinContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.FromNestedSelectContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.FromParensContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.FromTableContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.FromTableFunctionContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.FunctionCallContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.InsertStmtContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeFullOuterContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeInnerContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeLeftOuterContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeRightOuterContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.LiteralDecimalContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.LiteralFalseContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.LiteralIntegerContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.LiteralIntervalContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.LiteralNullContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.LiteralStringContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.LiteralTrueContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.LiteralValueContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.OptimizeStmtContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.OrderByExprContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.RollbackTxnStmtContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.SelectStmtContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.SelectValueContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.SetPropStmtContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ShowPropsStmtContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ShowSystemStatsStmtContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ShowTablesStmtContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.ShowTableStatsStmtContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.TableColDeclContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.TableConstraintContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintForeignKeyContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintPrimaryKeyContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintUniqueContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.UpdateStmtContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLParser.VerifyStmtContext - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
NanoSQLTranslator - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
This class translates NanoSQL parse trees generated by the ANTLR4 grammar into the corresponding hierarchy of Command and Expression objects used by the server for command execution.
NanoSQLTranslator() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
NanoSQLTranslator(FunctionDirectory) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
NanoSQLVisitor<T> - Interface in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
This interface defines a complete generic visitor for a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.
NATURAL - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
NATURAL - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
NATURAL() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromNaturalJoinContext
NATURAL_JOIN - edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause.JoinConditionType
Perform a natural join, which implicitly specifies that values in all shared columns must be equal.
NegateOperator - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions
This class implements unary negation.
NegateOperator(Expression) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.NegateOperator
NestedLoopJoinNode - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes
This plan node implements a nested-loop join operation, which can support arbitrary join conditions but is also the slowest join implementation.
NestedLoopJoinNode(PlanNode, PlanNode, JoinType, Expression) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.NestedLoopJoinNode
newValues - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.UpdateCommand.TupleUpdater
The map containing column names and their new values for the update operation.
nextLSN - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.RecoveryInfo
This is the "next LSN", one past the last valid log sequence number found in the write-ahead logs.
nextLSN - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALManager
This object holds the log sequence number where the next write-ahead log record will be written.
nextSessionID - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.SessionState
This static variable holds the next session ID to assign to a client session.
nextTxnID - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionManager
This variable keeps track of the next transaction ID that should be used for a transaction.
NO_TRANSACTION - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionState
NoCopyByteArrayOutputStream - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.util
This class is a simple extension of Java's ByteArrayOutputStream that exposes the internal buffer without having to make a copy of it via the normal ByteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray() method.
NoCopyByteArrayOutputStream() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.util.NoCopyByteArrayOutputStream
nonWildcardColumnInfos - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.ProjectNode
This collection holds the non-wildcard column information, so that we can more easily assign schema to projected tuples.
normalize() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.CompareOperator
Normalize the comparison expression.
NOT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
NOT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
NOT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintNotNullContext
NOT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CreateIndexStmtContext
NOT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CreateTableStmtContext
NOT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprBetweenContext
NOT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprIsNullContext
NOT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprMultiColInSubqueryContext
NOT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprNotContext
NOT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprOneColInSubqueryContext
NOT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprOneColInValuesContext
NOT_EQUALS - edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.CompareOperator.Type
NOT_EXPR - edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.BooleanOperator.Type
NOT_NULL - edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.TableConstraintType
Values in a column may not be null.
notNullCols - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
A set recording the indexes of the columns have NOT NULL constraints on them.
Null - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions
This class provides a type to associate with NULL literal values.
Null() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.Null
NULL - edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.SQLDataType
A placeholder type for NULL literals
NULL - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
NULL - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
NULL() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptSetNullContext
NULL() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintNotNullContext
NULL() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprIsNullContext
NULL() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.LiteralNullContext
NULL_OFFSET - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageTuple
This value is used in PageTuple.valueOffsets when a column value is set to NULL.
NullIf - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.functions
Implements NULLIF(cond, expr).
NullIf() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.NullIf
numBlockIOs - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.PlanCost
The estimated number of disk-block accesses required to perform the operation.
numCandidateKeys() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
Returns a count of how many candidate keys are present on the schema.
numColumns - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.PrettyPrintTools
The number of columns to print
numColumns - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.PrettyTuplePrinter
The number of columns to print
numColumns() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
Returns the number of columns in the schema.
numColumnsWithName(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
Returns the number of columns that have the specified column name.
numDataPages - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.TableStats
The total number of data pages in the table file.
NUMERIC - edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.SQLDataType
A decimal value with a specified precision and scale.
NUMERIC() - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnType
NUMERIC(int) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnType
NUMERIC(int, int) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnType
numForeignKeys() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
numLargeSeeks - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.PlanCost
The estimated number of large disk-seeks required to perform the operation.
numNullValues - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.ColumnStats
The total number of NULL values for this column in the table, or -1 if the total number of NULL values is unknown.
numNullValues - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.ColumnStatsCollector
A count of the number of NULL values seen in the column-values.
numTuples - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.PlanCost
The estimated number of tuples produced by the node.
numTuples - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.TableStats
The total number of tuples in the table file.
numUniqueValues - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.ColumnStats
The total number of unique values for this column in the table, or -1 if the total number of unique values is unknown.


objectInput - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.SharedClientState
objectInput - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.SharedServerClient
This stream is used to receive objects (tuples, messages, etc.) from the server.
objectInput - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.ClientHandlerThread
An input-stream for de-serializing objects sent from the client.
objectOutput - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.SharedClientState
This stream is used to send objects (commands, specifically) to the
objectOutput - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.SharedServerClient
This stream is used to send objects (commands, specifically) to the server.
objectOutput - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.ClientHandlerThread
An output-stream for serializing objects to send to the client.
objectOutput - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.ForwardingOutputStream
The underlying output stream over which objects are serialized.
objectOutput - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.TupleSender
observers - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.PropertyRegistry
A collection of property observers to be informed when property values change.
observers - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.BufferManager
offset - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause
The offset of the first row to return from the SELECT clause.
offset - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SelectStmtContext
offset - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FilePointer
The offset of the data within the page.
OFFSET - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
OFFSET - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
OFFSET() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SelectStmtContext
OFFSET_FIRST_LSN_FILENUM - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionStatePage
The offset in the checkpoint page where the "First Log Sequence Number" file-number is stored.
OFFSET_FIRST_LSN_OFFSET - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionStatePage
The offset in the checkpoint page where the "First Log Sequence Number" file-offset is stored.
OFFSET_FIRST_RECORD - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALManager
This is the file-offset of the first log entry in a WAL file.
OFFSET_NEXT_LSN_FILENUM - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionStatePage
The offset in the checkpoint page where the "Next Log Sequence Number" file-number is stored.
OFFSET_NEXT_LSN_OFFSET - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionStatePage
The offset in the checkpoint page where the "Next Log Sequence Number" file-offset is stored.
OFFSET_NEXT_TXN_ID - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionStatePage
The offset in the checkpoint page where the "Next Transaction ID" value is stored.
OFFSET_NUM_SLOTS - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.DataPage
The offset in the data page where the number of slots in the slot table is stored.
OFFSET_PREV_FILE_END - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALManager
This is the file-offset just past the last byte written in the previous WAL file, or 0 for the first WAL file.
OFFSET_SCHEMA_SIZE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeaderPage
The offset in the header page where the size of the table schema is stored.
OFFSET_SCHEMA_START - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeaderPage
The offset in the header page where the table schema starts.
OFFSET_STATS_SIZE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeaderPage
The offset in the header page where the size of the table statistics are stored.
ofSize(int) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TupleLiteral
Construct a new tuple-literal with the specified number of columns, each of which is initialized to the SQL NULL (Java null) value.
oldPageData - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
When the page is marked dirty, this gets set to the original version of the page, so that we can properly record changes to the write-ahead log.
ON - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
ON - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
ON() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintForeignKeyContext
ON() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CreateIndexStmtContext
ON() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DropIndexStmtContext
ON() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromJoinOnContext
ON() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintForeignKeyContext
ON(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintForeignKeyContext
ON(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintForeignKeyContext
onDeleteOption - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ConstraintDecl
For TableConstraintType.FOREIGN_KEY constraints, this is the ForeignKeyValueChangeOption for ON DELETE behavior.
onDeleteOption - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ForeignKeyColumnRefs
This is the ON DELETE behavior
onUpdateOption - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ConstraintDecl
For TableConstraintType.FOREIGN_KEY constraints, this is the ForeignKeyValueChangeOption for ON UPDATE behavior.
onUpdateOption - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ForeignKeyColumnRefs
This is the ON UPDATE behavior
op - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprAddContext
op - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprCompareContext
op - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprMulContext
op - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprUnarySignContext
openDBFile(String) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FileManager
This method opens a database file, and reads in the file's type and page size from the first two bytes of the first page.
openDBFile(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FileManagerImpl
openDBFile(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.StorageManager
openIndex(TableInfo, String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.BasicIndexManager
This method opens the data file corresponding to the specified index name and reads in the index's details.
openIndex(TableInfo, String) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexManager
This method opens the data file corresponding to the specified index name and reads in the index's details.
openIndexes - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.BasicIndexManager
openTable(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.IndexedTableManager
openTable(String) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.TableManager
This method opens the data file corresponding to the specified table name and reads in the table's schema.
openTables - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.IndexedTableManager
openTupleFile(DBFile) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeapTupleFileManager
openTupleFile(DBFile) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.TupleFileManager
Open the specified DBFile as a TupleFile of a specific type, containing tuples of data conforming to a specific schema.
openTupleFile(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.StorageManager
openWALFile(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALManager
This helper method opens an existing write-ahead log file using the Storage Manager, generating a suitable filename and passing the appropriate arguments to the Storage Manager.
optimize() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeapTupleFile
optimize() - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.TupleFile
Optimizes the tuple file's layout or other characteristics to ensure optimal performance and space usage.
OPTIMIZE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
OPTIMIZE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
OPTIMIZE() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.OptimizeStmtContext
OptimizeCommand - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.commands
This Command class represents the OPTIMIZE SQL command, which optimizes a table's representation (along with any indexes) to improve access performance and space utilization.
OptimizeCommand() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.OptimizeCommand
Construct a new OPTIMIZE command with an empty table list.
OptimizeCommand(String) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.OptimizeCommand
Construct a new OPTIMIZE command to optimize the specified table.
optimizeIndex(IndexInfo) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.BasicIndexManager
optimizeIndex(IndexInfo) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexManager
This method performs whatever optimization is suitable for the specific kind of index that is implemented.
optimizeStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommandNoSemicolonContext
optimizeStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
OptimizeStmtContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.OptimizeStmtContext
OR - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
OR - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
OR() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprOrContext
OR_EXPR - edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.BooleanOperator.Type
ORDER - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
ORDER - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
ORDER() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SelectStmtContext
orderByExpr() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
orderByExpr() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SelectStmtContext
orderByExpr(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SelectStmtContext
OrderByExprContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.OrderByExprContext
OrderByExpression - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions
This class represents an expression that results are ordered by, as well as whether the order is ascending or descending.
OrderByExpression(Expression) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.OrderByExpression
Initialize a new order-by object with the specified expression.
OrderByExpression(Expression, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.OrderByExpression
Initialize a new order-by object with the specified expression and order.
orderByExprs - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortedGroupAggregateNode
orderByExprs - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortNode
A specification of the ordering of the results of this plan node.
orderByExprs - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause
This collection holds zero or more entries specifying ORDER BY values.
ORDERED_INDEX - edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexType
Represents indexes that order values to determine a tuple's location.
orderSpec - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TupleComparator
The specification of how to order the tuples being compared.
out - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.SharedClientState
out - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.SharedClientState.Receiver
out - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.SharedServerClient.Receiver
The print-stream to output server results on.
out - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.Command
This is the output stream for the current session, so that command output goes to the appropriate client.
out - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.PrettyPrintTools
out - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.PrettyTuplePrinter
out - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.TuplePrinter
OUTER - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
OUTER - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
OUTER() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeFullOuterContext
OUTER() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeLeftOuterContext
OUTER() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeRightOuterContext
outputCommandResult(CommandResult) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.InteractiveClient
Outputs relevant information from the command-result object.
outputStream - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.SessionState
This is the output stream for the current client.


padString(Integer, String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.PrettyPrintTools
Pads a string with the spaces on either end necessary when printing.
padString(Integer, String, int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.PrettyPrintTools
Pads a string with the spaces on either end necessary when printing.
PAGECACHE_POLICY_VALUES - Static variable in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.ServerProperties
pageData - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
The actual data for the table-page.
pageLSN - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
For dirty pages, this field is set to the Log Sequence Number of the write-ahead log record corresponding to the most recent write to the page.
pageNo - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.BufferManager.CachedPageInfo
pageNo - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
The page number in the table file.
pageNo - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPageID
pageNo - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FilePointer
The page number in the table file.
pageOffset - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageTuple
The offset in the page of the tuple's start.
PageReader - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.storage
This class facilitates sequences of read operations against a single DBPage object, by providing "position" state that is also updated after each read is performed.
PageReader(DBPage) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageReader
pageSize - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFile
This is the size of pages that are read and written to the data file.
pageSize - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileReader
The page-size of the database file being read from.
PageTuple - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.storage
This class is a partial implementation of the Tuple interface that handles reading and writing tuple data against a DBPage object.
PageTuple(DBPage, int, Schema) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageTuple
Construct a new tuple object that is backed by the data in the database page.
PageWriter - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.storage
This class extends the PageReader class to provide write operations as well as read operations.
PageWriter(DBPage) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageWriter
Pair - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.util
A simple read-only wrapper-class for holding two values.
Pair(Object, Object) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.util.Pair
Construct a new pair using the specified values.
parents - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.Environment
In the case of correlated evaluation, this field holds parent environments that can be used to resolve symbol names into values.
parentSelect - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause
The parent of this select-clause, if it is a nested subquery; null otherwise.
parseCommand(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.NanoDBServer
parseCommand(String) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.ParseUtil
Parse an input string into some kind of Command.
parseCommand(String, FunctionDirectory) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.ParseUtil
Parse an input string into some kind of Command.
parseCommands(String, FunctionDirectory) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.ParseUtil
parseDate(String) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.DateTimeUtils
Attempts to parse a string into a date value using the formats specified in DateTimeUtils.DATE_FORMATS.
parseDateTime(String) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.DateTimeUtils
Attempts to parse a string into a date/time value using the formats specified in DateTimeUtils.DATETIME_FORMATS.
parseExpression(String) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.ParseUtil
parseExpression(String, FunctionDirectory) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.ParseUtil
parseInterval(String) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.DateTimeUtils
Attempts to parse a string into some kind of "temporal amount" or INTERVAL value.
parseTemporal(String) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.DateTimeUtils
Attempts to parse a string into some kind of temporal value using the formats specified in DateTimeUtils.DATETIME_FORMATS, DateTimeUtils.DATE_FORMATS, and DateTimeUtils.TIME_FORMATS.
parseTime(String) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.DateTimeUtils
Attempts to parse a string into a time value using the formats specified in DateTimeUtils.TIME_FORMATS.
ParseUtil - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
This helper class parses a string into a SQL operation using the NanoSQL parser.
ParseUtil() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.ParseUtil
pattern - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ShowPropsStmtContext
pattern - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.util.RegexFileFilter
The regex pattern used for matching against filenames.
PERF_COUNTERS - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ShowSystemStatsCommand
These are the performance counters corresponding to various subsystems.
PerformanceCounters - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.server.performance
This class provides a basic performance-counter mechanism that can be used concurrently from many different threads.
PerformanceCounters() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.performance.PerformanceCounters
performedWrites - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionState
performRedo(RecoveryInfo) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALManager
This helper function performs redo processing using the write-ahead log.
performUndo(RecoveryInfo) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALManager
This helper function performs undo processing using the write-ahead log.
pin() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TupleLiteral
For in-memory tuples, pinning and unpinning is a no-op.
pin() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
pin() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageTuple
pin() - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.Pinnable
Increase the pin-count on the object by one.
pinCount - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.BufferManager.SessionPinCount
The number of times the session has pinned the page.
pinCount - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
The pin-count of this page.
pinCount - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageTuple
The pin-count of this tuple.
Pinnable - Interface in edu.caltech.nanodb.storage
This interface provides the basic "pin" and "unpin" operations that pinnable objects need to provide.
plan - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.QueryCommand
PlanCost - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval
This class holds a collection of values that represent the cost of an operation against the database.
PlanCost(float, float, float, long, long) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.PlanCost
Constructs a PlanCost object from its component fields.
PlanCost(PlanCost) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.PlanCost
Constructs a PlanCost object from another cost object.
Planner - Interface in edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval
This interface specifies the common entry-point for all query planner/optimizer implementations.
PlannerClassValidator - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties
This class validates the query-planner class name by making sure the specified class actually derives from Planner, and that it may be instantiated via a no-argument constructor.
PlannerClassValidator() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.PlannerClassValidator
PlanNode - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes
The base class of all query execution plan nodes.
PlanNode() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.PlanNode
Constructs a PlanNode with no child nodes.
PlanNode(PlanNode) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.PlanNode
Constructs a PlanNode with a given operation type, and the specified left child-plan.
PlanNode(PlanNode, PlanNode) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.PlanNode
Constructs a PlanNode with a given operation type, and the specified left child-plan.
PlanUtils - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes
A collection of helpful utilities that can be used for generating, analyzing and manipulating query execution plans.
PlanUtils() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.PlanUtils
This class should not be instantiated.
populateIndex(TableInfo, IndexInfo) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.BasicIndexManager
position - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileReader
The current position in the file where reads will occur from.
position - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageReader
The current position in the page where reads will occur from.
Pow - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.functions
Returns the first argument, raised to the second argument power.
Pow() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Pow
POWER - edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ArithmeticOperator.Type
precision - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnType
For NUMERIC attributes, this contains the precision of the number, or the total number of significant digits in the number.
precision - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDecimalContext
predicate - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SelectNode
Predicate used for selection.
predicate - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.ThetaJoinNode
Join condition.
predicate - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.IntegerValueValidator
A predicate for validating an integer value.
predicate - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.UpdateStmtContext
PredicateUtils - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions
A collection of helpful utilities that can be used for generating, analyzing and manipulating predicates.
PredicateUtils() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.PredicateUtils
This class should not be instantiated.
prepare() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.TableFunction
This method is responsible for computing critical details about the plan node, such as the schema of the results that are produced, the estimated cost of evaluating the plan node (and its children), and statistics describing the results produced by the plan node.
prepare() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.FileScanNode
prepare() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.HashedGroupAggregateNode
prepare() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.NestedLoopJoinNode
prepare() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.PlanNode
This method is responsible for computing critical details about the plan node, such as the schema of the results that are produced, the estimated cost of evaluating the plan node (and its children), and statistics describing the results produced by the plan node.
prepare() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.ProjectNode
prepare() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.RenameNode
prepare() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SimpleFilterNode
prepare() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortedGroupAggregateNode
prepare() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortMergeJoinNode
prepare() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortNode
The sort plan-node produces the same schema as its child plan-node, so this method simply caches the subplan's schema object.
prepare() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.TableFunctionScanNode
prepare() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.TupleBagNode
prepared - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.TupleBagNode
prepareDumpPlan(NanoDBServer) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DumpCommand
prepareDumpPlan(NanoDBServer) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DumpIndexCommand
prepareDumpPlan(NanoDBServer) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DumpTableCommand
prepareQueryPlan(NanoDBServer) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DeleteCommand
prepareQueryPlan(NanoDBServer) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.InsertCommand
prepareQueryPlan(NanoDBServer) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.QueryCommand
Prepares an execution plan for generating the tuples that this query command will operate on.
prepareQueryPlan(NanoDBServer) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.SelectCommand
Prepares the SELECT statement for evaluation by analyzing the schema details of the statement, and then preparing an execution plan for the statement.
prepareQueryPlan(NanoDBServer) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.UpdateCommand
prepareSchema() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.FileScanNode
prepareSchemaStats() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.GroupAggregateNode
This helper function computes the schema of the grouping/aggregate plan-node, based on the schema of its child-plan, and also the expressions specified in the grouping/aggregate operation.
prepareSchemaStats() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.ThetaJoinNode
This helper method can be used by the PlanNode.prepare() method in subclasses, to compute the output schema and initial stats of the join operation.
prepareSchemaStats(Schema, ArrayList<ColumnStats>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.ProjectNode
This helper function computes the schema of the project plan-node, based on the schema of its child-plan, and also the expressions specified in the project operation.
prepareSortedResults() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortNode
PrettyPrintTools - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval
Various methods to use for pretty-printing, such as delimiters, padding, and such.
PrettyPrintTools(PrintStream, ArrayList<Integer>, ArrayList<ColumnType>, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.PrettyPrintTools
PrettyTuplePrinter - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval
This implementation of the tuple-processor interface prints out the schema and the tuples produced by the SELECT statement in a cooler, prettier fashion.
PrettyTuplePrinter(PrintStream) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.PrettyTuplePrinter
PRIMARY - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
PRIMARY - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
PRIMARY() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintPrimaryKeyContext
PRIMARY() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintPrimaryKeyContext
PRIMARY_KEY - edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.TableConstraintType
The column or set of columns is the table's primary key.
printDelimiter() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.PrettyPrintTools
Prints the delimiter, i.e.
printNodeTree(PrintStream) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.PlanNode
Prints the entire node tree with indentation to the specified output stream starting from indentation level 0.
printNodeTree(PrintStream, boolean) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.PlanNode
Prints the entire node tree with indentation to the specified output stream starting from indentation level 0.
printNodeTree(PrintStream, boolean, String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.PlanNode
Prints the entire plan subtree starting at this node.
printNodeTreeToString(PlanNode) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.PlanNode
Generates the same result as PlanNode.printNodeTree(PrintStream), but into a string instead of to an output stream.
printNodeTreeToString(PlanNode, boolean) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.PlanNode
Generates the same result as PlanNode.printNodeTree(PrintStream), but into a string instead of to an output stream.
printOutput - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.ClientHandlerThread
A print-stream that will send printed output to the client.
printTuples - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.SharedClientState
process(Tuple) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DeleteCommand.TupleRemover
This implementation simply deletes each tuple it is handed.
process(Tuple) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DumpCommand.TupleExporter
This implementation simply prints out each tuple it is handed.
process(Tuple) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.InsertCommand.TupleInserter
This implementation simply inserts each tuple it is handed.
process(Tuple) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.UpdateCommand.TupleUpdater
This implementation updates each tuple it is handed, based on the set of update-specs that were given in the constructor.
process(Tuple) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.PrettyTuplePrinter
process(Tuple) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.TuplePrinter
process(Tuple) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.TupleProcessor
Processes a single tuple generated from evaluating a query plan.
process(Tuple) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.CommandResult.ResultCollector
process(Tuple) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.TupleSender
processEnteredText() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.InteractiveClient
This helper function processes the contents of the InteractiveClient.enteredText field, consuming comments, handling client "shell commands" and regular commands that are handled by the NanoDBServer.
projectionSpec - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.ProjectNode
The new schema that this project node creates
projectIsTrivial - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.ProjectNode
This flag is set to true if the project is a trivial projection, where tuples are passed through unmodified.
ProjectNode - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes
PlanNode representing the SELECT clause in a SQL query.
ProjectNode(PlanNode, List<SelectValue>) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.ProjectNode
Constructs a ProjectNode that pulls tuples from a child node.
ProjectNode(List<SelectValue>) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.ProjectNode
Constructs a "leaf ProjectNode"; i.e.
projectTuple(Tuple) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.ProjectNode
This helper method takes an input tuple and projects it to a result tuple based on the project
PROP_BASE_DIRECTORY - Static variable in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.ServerProperties
The system property that specifies where all of the database's files will be stored.
PROP_CREATE_INDEXES_ON_KEYS - Static variable in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.ServerProperties
The name of the property to enable or disable the "create indexes on keys" functionality in "CREATE TABLE ...".
PROP_ENABLE_INDEXES - Static variable in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.ServerProperties
The system property that can be used to turn on or off indexes.
PROP_ENABLE_TRANSACTIONS - Static variable in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.ServerProperties
The system property that can be used to turn on or off transaction processing.
PROP_ENFORCE_KEY_CONSTRAINTS - Static variable in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.ServerProperties
PROP_FLUSH_AFTER_CMD - Static variable in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.ServerProperties
The name of the property to enable or disable the "flush data after each command" functionality.
PROP_PAGE_SIZE - Static variable in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.ServerProperties
The system property that can be used to specify the default page-size to use when creating new database files.
PROP_PAGECACHE_POLICY - Static variable in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.ServerProperties
PROP_PAGECACHE_SIZE - Static variable in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.ServerProperties
The system property that can be used to specify the size of the page cache in the buffer manager.
PROP_PLANNER_CLASS - Static variable in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.ServerProperties
This property can be used to specify a different query-planner class for NanoDB to use.
properties - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateIndexCommand
Any additional properties specified in the command.
properties - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateTableCommand
Any additional properties specified in the command.
properties - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.PropertyRegistry
A mapping of property names to values.
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
PROPERTIES() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CmdPropertiesContext
PROPERTIES() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ShowPropsStmtContext
PROPERTY - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
PROPERTY - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
PROPERTY() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SetPropStmtContext
propertyChanged(String, Object) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.PropertyObserver
This method is called on all property observers when a given property is changed to a new value.
propertyChanged(String, Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.BufferManager.BufferPropertyObserver
PropertyDescriptor(String, PropertyValidator, Object, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.PropertyRegistry.PropertyDescriptor
PropertyException - Exception in edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties
This exception is thrown when an attempt is made to write to a read-only property.
PropertyException() - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.PropertyException
PropertyException(String) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.PropertyException
PropertyException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.PropertyException
PropertyException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.PropertyException
propertyName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.SetPropertyCommand
The name of the property to set.
PropertyObserver - Interface in edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties
An interface that components can implement to be notified of changes to property-values during system operation.
PropertyReader - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.config
This class provides helper operations for reading typed properties out of Java Properties files, or out of the Java environment.
PropertyReader() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.config.PropertyReader
propertyRegistry - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.NanoDBServer
The property registry for this database server.
PropertyRegistry - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties
This is the central location where all properties exposed by the database can be registered and accessed.
PropertyRegistry() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.PropertyRegistry
PropertyRegistry.PropertyDescriptor - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties
PropertyValidator - Interface in edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties
pTools - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.PrettyTuplePrinter
Tools to aid in pretty printing


QueryCommand - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.commands
This class represents all SQL query commands, including SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE.
QueryCommand(QueryCommand.Type) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.QueryCommand
Initializes a new query-command object.
QueryCommand.Type - Enum in edu.caltech.nanodb.commands
Typesafe enumeration of query-command types.
QueryEvaluator - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval
QueryEvaluator() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.QueryEvaluator
queryType - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.QueryCommand
The type of this query command, from the QueryCommand.Type enum.
QueryUtils - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast
QueryUtils() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.QueryUtils
QUIT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
QUIT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
QUIT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExitStmtContext


read(byte[]) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileReader
Read a sequence of bytes into the provided byte-array.
read(byte[]) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageReader
Read a sequence of bytes into the provided byte-array.
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileReader
Read a sequence of bytes into the provided byte-array, starting with the specified offset, and reading the specified number of bytes.
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageReader
Read a sequence of bytes into the provided byte-array, starting with the specified offset, and reading the specified number of bytes.
read(int, byte[]) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
Read a sequence of bytes into the provided byte-array.
read(int, byte[], int, int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
Read a sequence of bytes into the provided byte-array, starting with the specified offset, and reading the specified number of bytes.
readBoolean() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileReader
Reads and returns a Boolean value from the current position.
readBoolean() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageReader
Reads and returns a Boolean value from the current position.
readBoolean(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
Reads and returns a Boolean value from the specified position.
readByte() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileReader
Reads and returns a signed byte from the current position.
readByte() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageReader
Reads and returns a signed byte from the current position.
readByte(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
Reads and returns a signed byte from the specified position.
readChar() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileReader
Reads and returns a two-byte char value from the current position.
readChar() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageReader
Reads and returns a two-byte char value from the current position.
readChar(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
Reads and returns a two-byte char value from the specified position.
readColumnInfos(PageReader, Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.SchemaWriter
readDate() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageReader
readDate(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
readDateTime() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageReader
readDateTime(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
readDouble() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileReader
readDouble() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageReader
readDouble(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
readFixedSizeString(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageReader
This method reads and returns a string whose length is fixed at a consant size.
readFixedSizeString(int, int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
This method reads and returns a string whose length is fixed at a constant size.
readFloat() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileReader
readFloat() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageReader
readFloat(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
readForeignKey(PageReader, int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.SchemaWriter
readIndex(PageReader) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.SchemaWriter
This helper function reads an index to the table's schema stored in the header page.
readIndexes(PageReader, Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.SchemaWriter
readInt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileReader
Reads and returns a four-byte integer value from the current position.
readInt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageReader
Reads and returns a four-byte integer value from the current position.
readInt(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
Reads and returns a 4-byte integer value from the specified position.
readKey(PageReader, int, TableConstraintType) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.SchemaWriter
This helper function writes a primary key or candidate key to the table's schema stored in the header page.
readKeyConstraints(PageReader, Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.SchemaWriter
readLong() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileReader
Reads and returns an eight-byte long integer value from the current position.
readLong() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageReader
Reads and returns an eight-byte long integer value from the current position.
readLong(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
Reads and returns an 8-byte long integer value from the specified position.
readNotNullConstraints(PageReader, Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.SchemaWriter
readNumeric() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageReader
readNumeric(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
readObject(int, ColumnType) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
This method provides a higher-level wrapper around the other methods in the DBPage class, allowing object-values to be read, as long as the data-type is provided along with the object.
readObject(ColumnType) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageReader
readonly - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.PropertyRegistry.PropertyDescriptor
A flag indicating whether the property is read-only or read-write.
ReadPerfCounter - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.functions
Returns the current value of the specified performance counter.
ReadPerfCounter() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.ReadPerfCounter
readReferencingTables(PageReader, Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.SchemaWriter
readSchema(PageReader) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.SchemaWriter
This method opens the data file corresponding to the specified table name and reads in the table's schema.
readShort() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileReader
Reads and returns a signed short from the current position.
readShort() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageReader
Reads and returns a signed short from the current position.
readShort(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
Reads and returns a signed short from the specified position.
readTableStats(PageReader, Schema) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.StatsWriter
Reads the table-statistics from the specified data file.
readTime() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageReader
readTime(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
readUnsignedByte() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileReader
Reads and returns an unsigned byte from the current position.
readUnsignedByte() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageReader
Reads and returns an unsigned byte from the current position.
readUnsignedByte(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
Reads and returns an unsigned byte from the specified position.
readUnsignedInt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileReader
Reads and returns a four-byte unsigned integer value from the current position.
readUnsignedInt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageReader
Reads and returns a four-byte unsigned integer value from the current position.
readUnsignedInt(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
Reads and returns a 4-byte unsigned integer value from the specified position.
readUnsignedShort() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileReader
Reads and returns an unsigned short from the current position.
readUnsignedShort() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageReader
Reads and returns an unsigned short from the current position.
readUnsignedShort(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
Reads and returns an unsigned short from the specified position.
readVarString255() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileReader
This method reads and returns a variable-length string whose maximum length is 255 bytes.
readVarString255() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageReader
This method reads and returns a variable-length string whose maximum length is 255 bytes.
readVarString255(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
This method reads and returns a variable-length string whose maximum length is 255 bytes.
readVarString65535() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileReader
This method reads and returns a variable-length string whose maximum length is 65535 bytes.
readVarString65535() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageReader
This method reads and returns a variable-length string whose maximum length is 65535 bytes.
readVarString65535(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
This method reads and returns a variable-length string whose maximum length is 65535 bytes.
receiver - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.SharedClientState
receiver - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.SharedServerClient
This object receives data from the server asynchronously, and prints out whatever it receives.
Receiver(PrintStream) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.SharedClientState.Receiver
Receiver(PrintStream) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.SharedServerClient.Receiver
receiverThread - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.SharedClientState
This thread receives data from the server asynchronously, and prints out whatever it receives.
receiverThread - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.SharedServerClient
This is the thread that the SharedServerClient.receiver object runs within.
recordFailure(Exception) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.CommandResult
recordPageInvalidated(DBPage) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.BufferManager
recordPagePinned(DBPage) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.BufferManager
Records that the page was pinned by the current session.
recordPageUnpinned(DBPage) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.BufferManager
Records that the page was unpinned by the current session.
recordPageUpdate(DBPage) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionManager
recordSize - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.LogSequenceNumber
The size of the record that this LSN points to, in bytes.
recordTxnCompleted(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.RecoveryInfo
This helper function records that the specified transaction is completed in the write-ahead log.
RecoveryInfo - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead
This class holds information necessary for the WALManager to perform recovery processing, such as the LSNs to scan for redo/undo processing, and the set of incomplete transactions.
RecoveryInfo(LogSequenceNumber, LogSequenceNumber) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.RecoveryInfo
RECURSIVE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
RECURSIVE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
refColumnName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintForeignKeyContext
refColumnName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintForeignKeyContext
refColumnNames - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ConstraintDecl
For TableConstraintType.FOREIGN_KEY constraints, this is a list of one or more column names in the reference-table that are referenced by the foreign-key constraint.
referencedColIndexes - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ForeignKeyColumnRefs
These are the indexes of the columns in the referenced table.
referencedTable - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ForeignKeyColumnRefs
This is the name of the referenced table in the foreign key.
referencedTableHasValue(ForeignKeyColumnRefs, Tuple) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.DatabaseConstraintEnforcer
This helper function enforces a foreign key constraint by checking the referenced table to ensure that the tuple being added has values that appear in the referenced table.
REFERENCES - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
REFERENCES - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
REFERENCES() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintForeignKeyContext
REFERENCES() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintForeignKeyContext
referencingTables - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
A set of the tables that reference this table.
refTableName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ConstraintDecl
For TableConstraintType.FOREIGN_KEY constraints, this is the table that is referenced by the column.
refTableName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintForeignKeyContext
refTableName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintForeignKeyContext
REGEX - edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.StringMatchOperator.Type
RegexFileFilter - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.util
This class provides a simple regex-based file filter for use with File.listFiles(java.io.FileFilter).
RegexFileFilter(String) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.util.RegexFileFilter
Initialize a new regex file filter with the specified regex pattern.
releaseBuffer(byte[]) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.BufferManager
REMAINDER - edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ArithmeticOperator.Type
remove() - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.SessionState
Removes the session-state from the thread's thread-local storage.
removeAll() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.BufferManager
This method removes ALL files from the cache, first flushing all pages from the cache so that any dirty pages will be saved to disk (possibly updating the write-ahead log in the process).
removeDBFile(DBFile) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.BufferManager
This method removes a file from the cache, first flushing all pages from the file out of the cache.
removeNotNull(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
Removes a column with given index from the list of NOT NULL constrained columns.
removeReferencingTable(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
removeRowFromIndexes(TableInfo, PageTuple) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexUpdater
This helper method handles the case when a tuple is being removed from the table, before the row has actually been removed from the table.
removeTerm(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.BooleanOperator
Removes the ith term, starting from 0.
removeTermsReferencingAllTables(String...) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.BooleanOperator
This method finds, removes, and returns a list of all terms in this Boolean expression that reference the exact set of tables specified in the arguments.
RENAME - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
RENAME - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
renameDBFile(DBFile, String) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FileManager
Attempts to rename the specified DBFile to a new filename.
renameDBFile(DBFile, String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FileManagerImpl
RenameNode - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes
This plan-node implements the Rename relational algebra operation, for either renaming a table in a query, or assigning a table-name to a derived relation.
RenameNode(PlanNode, String) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.RenameNode
replacementPolicy - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.BufferManager
A string indicating the buffer manager's page replacement policy.
requiresLeftMarking() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.FileScanNode
This node has no children so of course it doesn't require marking.
requiresLeftMarking() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.HashedGroupAggregateNode
The hashed grouping/aggregate operation does not require marking.
requiresLeftMarking() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.NestedLoopJoinNode
True if the node requires that its left child supports marking.
requiresLeftMarking() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.PlanNode
This method reports whether this plan node requires the left child to support marking for proper evaluation.
requiresLeftMarking() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.RenameNode
requiresLeftMarking() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SimpleFilterNode
The simple filter node doesn't require any marking from either child.
requiresLeftMarking() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortedGroupAggregateNode
The sorted grouping/aggregate operation does not require marking.
requiresLeftMarking() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortMergeJoinNode
This plan-node does not require marking on the left child-plan.
requiresLeftMarking() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortNode
The sort plan-node doesn't require marking from either of its children.
requiresRightMarking() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.FileScanNode
This node has no children so of course it doesn't require marking.
requiresRightMarking() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.HashedGroupAggregateNode
The hashed grouping/aggregate operation does not require marking.
requiresRightMarking() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.NestedLoopJoinNode
True if the node requires that its right child supports marking.
requiresRightMarking() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.PlanNode
This method reports whether this plan node requires the right child to support marking for proper evaluation.
requiresRightMarking() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.RenameNode
requiresRightMarking() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SimpleFilterNode
The simple filter node doesn't require any marking from either child.
requiresRightMarking() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortedGroupAggregateNode
The sorted grouping/aggregate operation does not require marking.
requiresRightMarking() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortMergeJoinNode
This plan-node requires marking on the right child-plan.
requiresRightMarking() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortNode
The sort plan-node doesn't require marking from either of its children.
ResetPerfCounter - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.functions
Resets the specified performance counter, and returns the old value.
ResetPerfCounter() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.ResetPerfCounter
resetToLastMark() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.FileScanNode
resetToLastMark() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.HashedGroupAggregateNode
The hashed grouping/aggregate plan node doesn't support marking.
resetToLastMark() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.NestedLoopJoinNode
resetToLastMark() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.PlanNode
Resets the node's tuple-stream to the most recently marked position.
resetToLastMark() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.ProjectNode
resetToLastMark() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.RenameNode
resetToLastMark() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SimpleFilterNode
The simple filter node relies on marking/reset support in its subplan.
resetToLastMark() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortedGroupAggregateNode
The sorted grouping/aggregate plan node doesn't support marking.
resetToLastMark() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortMergeJoinNode
resetToLastMark() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.TupleBagNode
resolve(FunctionDirectory) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.FunctionCall
Resolve this function-call against the function directory so that the implementation of the function is available at evaluation time.
resolveColumnRef(String, Expression, ColumnName, Schema, boolean) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause
This helper function attempts to resolve a specific column-name against a query's schema.
resolveExpressionRefs(String, Expression, Schema, boolean) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause
This helper function goes through the expression and verifies that every symbol-reference corresponds to an actual value produced by the FROM-clause of the SELECT query.
RESTRICT - edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ForeignKeyValueChangeOption
Rejects the delete or update command on the parent table
RESTRICT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
RESTRICT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RESTRICT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptRestrictContext
result - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ScalarSubquery
The cached result of evaluating the scalar subquery.
result - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.MinMaxAggregate
The actual result of the aggregate function, or null if the function hasn't been handed a non-NULL value yet.
resultAlias - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectValue
If this select-value is an expression or a scalar subquery, this field will optionally specify an alias for the expression's value.
ResultCollector() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.CommandResult.ResultCollector
resultSchema - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause
When preparing SQL commands for execution, this value is filled in with the schema that this SELECT clause produces.
resultsOrderedBy() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.TableFunction
If the results are ordered in some way, this method returns a collection of expressions specifying what columns or expressions the results are ordered by.
resultsOrderedBy() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.FileScanNode
Currently we will always say that the file-scan node produces unsorted results.
resultsOrderedBy() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.HashedGroupAggregateNode
The hashed grouping/aggregate operation does not order its results in any way.
resultsOrderedBy() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.NestedLoopJoinNode
Nested-loop joins can conceivably produce sorted results in situations where the outer relation is ordered, but we will keep it simple and just report that the results are not ordered.
resultsOrderedBy() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.PlanNode
If the results are ordered in some way, this method returns a collection of expressions specifying what columns or expressions the results are ordered by.
resultsOrderedBy() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.ProjectNode
Determines whether the results of the node are sorted.
resultsOrderedBy() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.RenameNode
resultsOrderedBy() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SimpleFilterNode
This node's results are sorted if its subplan produces sorted results.
resultsOrderedBy() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortedGroupAggregateNode
The sorted grouping/aggregate operation orders its results according to the columns in the GROUP BY clause.
resultsOrderedBy() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortMergeJoinNode
Sort-merge join produces results in the same order as the children.
resultsOrderedBy() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortNode
resultsOrderedBy() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.TableFunctionScanNode
resultsOrderedBy() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.TupleBagNode
resultTableName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.RenameNode
The result table-name to use in the output schema of this plan-node.
RIGHT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
RIGHT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RIGHT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeRightOuterContext
RIGHT_OUTER - edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.JoinType
Right outer joins, where non-matching rows from the right table are included in the results.
rightChild - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.PlanNode
If the plan node has two children, this field is set to the right child node.
rightChild - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
If this FROM clause is a join expression then this references the right child of the join.
rightExpr - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ArithmeticOperator
The right expression in the comparison.
rightExpr - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.CompareOperator
The right expression in the comparison.
rightExpr - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.StringMatchOperator
The right expression in the comparison.
rightSchema - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.ThetaJoinNode
The cached schema of the right subplan, used for join-predicate evaluation.
rightStats - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.ThetaJoinNode
The cached statistics of the right subplan, used for cost estimation.
rightTuple - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.NestedLoopJoinNode
Most recently retrieved tuple of the right relation.
rightTuple - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortMergeJoinNode
Most recently retrieved tuple of the right relation.
ROLLBACK - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
ROLLBACK - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
ROLLBACK() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.RollbackTxnStmtContext
rollbackTransaction() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALManager
This method performs the operations necessary to rollback the current transaction from the database.
rollbackTransaction() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionManager
RollbackTransactionCommand - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.commands
This class represents a command that rolls back a transaction, such as ROLLBACK or ROLLBACK WORK.
RollbackTransactionCommand() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.RollbackTransactionCommand
rollbackTxnStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommandNoSemicolonContext
rollbackTxnStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RollbackTxnStmtContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.RollbackTxnStmtContext
Round - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.functions
Computes the whole number that is closest to the argument.
Round() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Round
RowEventListener - Interface in edu.caltech.nanodb.server
This interface can be implemented by components that need to do processing before and/or after a row is inserted, updated, or deleted.
rowEventListeners - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.EventDispatcher
A list of listeners that are registered to receive row event notifications.
rowsProduced - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.EvalStats
The total rows produced by the query evaluation.
RULE_analyzeStmt - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RULE_beginTxnStmt - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RULE_cascadeOption - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RULE_cmdProperties - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RULE_columnConstraint - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RULE_columnRef - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RULE_columnType - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RULE_command - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RULE_commandNoSemicolon - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RULE_commands - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RULE_commitTxnStmt - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RULE_crashStmt - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RULE_createIndexStmt - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RULE_createTableStmt - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RULE_deleteStmt - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RULE_dropIndexStmt - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RULE_dropTableStmt - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RULE_dumpIndexStmt - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RULE_dumpTableStmt - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RULE_exitStmt - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RULE_explainStmt - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RULE_expression - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RULE_expressionList - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RULE_flushStmt - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RULE_fromExpr - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RULE_functionCall - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RULE_insertStmt - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RULE_joinType - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RULE_literalValue - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RULE_optimizeStmt - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RULE_orderByExpr - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RULE_rollbackTxnStmt - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RULE_selectStmt - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RULE_selectValue - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RULE_setPropStmt - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RULE_showPropsStmt - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RULE_showSystemStatsStmt - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RULE_showTablesStmt - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RULE_showTableStatsStmt - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RULE_tableColDecl - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RULE_tableConstraint - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RULE_updateStmt - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
RULE_verifyStmt - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
ruleNames - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
ruleNames - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
run() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.SharedClientState.Receiver
run() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.SharedServerClient.Receiver
run() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.ClientHandlerThread
This is the main loop that handles the commands from the client.


sanityCheck(DBPage) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.DataPage
This static helper method verifies that the specified data page has proper structure and organization by performing various sanity checks.
saveIndexInfo(IndexInfo) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.BasicIndexManager
saveIndexInfo(IndexInfo) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexManager
This method initializes a newly created index file, using the details specified in the passed-in IndexInfo object.
saveMetadata(TupleFile) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeapTupleFileManager
saveMetadata(TupleFile) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.TupleFileManager
Writes the metadata (schema and stats information) for the tuple-file back into the tuple-file.
savePage(DBFile, int, byte[]) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FileManager
Saves a page to the DB file, and then clears the page's dirty flag.
savePage(DBFile, int, byte[]) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FileManagerImpl
saveTableInfo(TableInfo) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.IndexedTableManager
saveTableInfo(TableInfo) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.TableManager
This method saves the schema and other details of a table into the backing table file, using the schema and other details specified in the passed-in TableInfo object.
ScalarFunction - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.functions
This class represents functions that return a scalar value.
ScalarFunction() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.ScalarFunction
scalarSubquery - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectValue
If this select-value is a scalar subquery then this field references the subquery expression.
ScalarSubquery - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions
This class represents a scalar subquery embedded in another query's predicate.
ScalarSubquery(SelectClause) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ScalarSubquery
scale - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnType
For NUMERIC attributes, this contains the scale of the number, or the number of significant digits that are to the right of the decimal place.
scale - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDecimalContext
schema - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.SharedClientState
schema - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.UpdateCommand.TupleUpdater
The schema of the input tuples produced by the query evaluation.
schema - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TupleComparator
The schema of the tuples that will be compared by this comparator object.
schema - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.PlanNode
The schema of the results produced by this plan-node.
schema - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.PrettyTuplePrinter
Contains the schema to be printed
schema - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.CommandResult
If the command was a SELECT query and the results are to be kept, this will be the schema of the results as computed by the database.
schema - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeapTupleFile
The schema of tuples in this tuple file.
schema - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageTuple
The schema of the tuple.
Schema - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.relations
A schema is an ordered collection of column names and associated types.
Schema() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
Construct an empty schema.
Schema(ColumnInfo...) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
Construct a schema containing the specified array of column-info objects.
Schema(Schema...) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
Create a schema that is the concatenation of one or more other schemas.
Schema(Iterable<ColumnInfo>) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
Construct a schema whose columns are taken from the specified iterable.
Schema.IndexedColumnInfo - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.relations
This helper class is used for the internal hashed column structure, so that we can do fast lookups based on table names and column names.
schemaLock - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.NanoDBServer
A read-write lock to force DDL operations to occur serially, and without any overlap from DML operations.
SchemaNameException - Exception in edu.caltech.nanodb.relations
This exception is thrown when there are any schema name issues, such as duplicate column names, duplicate table names, ambiguous or invalid names, and so forth.
SchemaNameException() - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.SchemaNameException
Create a new SchemaNameException with no message or cause.
SchemaNameException(String) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.SchemaNameException
Create a new SchemaNameException with the specified message.
SchemaNameException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.SchemaNameException
Create a new SchemaNameException with the specified message and cause.
SchemaNameException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.SchemaNameException
Create a new SchemaNameException with the specified cause.
schemaSwapped - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.ThetaJoinNode
True if the output schema of this node is swapped.
SchemaWriter - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.storage
This class contains a general purpose implementation for reading and writing a table schema into a data page.
SchemaWriter() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.SchemaWriter
secondsToCrash - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CrashCommand
Stores how many seconds to wait before crashing the database.
selClause - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.InsertCommand
When the insert command is of the form INSERT ...
selClause - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.SelectCommand
This object contains all the details of the top-level select clause, including any subqueries, that is going to be evaluated.
SELECT - edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.QueryCommand.Type
A SELECT query, which simply retrieves rows of data.
SELECT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
SELECT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
SELECT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SelectStmtContext
SELECT_SUBQUERY - edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause.ClauseType
This clause is a derived relation specified as a named SELECT subquery.
selectClause - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateViewCommand
selectClause - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SubquerySchemaComputer
This is the parent query that may contain subqueries.
SelectClause - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast
This class represents a single SELECT ... statement or clause.
SelectClause() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause
SelectCommand - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.commands
This command object represents a top-level SELECT command issued against the database.
SelectCommand(SelectClause) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.SelectCommand
SelectivityEstimator - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval
This utility class is used to estimate the selectivity of predicates that appear on Select and Theta-Join plan-nodes.
SelectivityEstimator() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.SelectivityEstimator
This class should not be instantiated.
SelectNode - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes
PlanNode representing the WHERE clause in a SELECT operation.
SelectNode(Expression) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SelectNode
Constructs a SelectNode that scans a file for tuples.
SelectNode(PlanNode, Expression) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SelectNode
selectStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommandNoSemicolonContext
selectStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExplainSelectContext
selectStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprExistsContext
selectStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprMultiColInSubqueryContext
selectStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprOneColInSubqueryContext
selectStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprScalarSubqueryContext
selectStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromNestedSelectContext
selectStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.InsertStmtContext
selectStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
SelectStmtContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SelectStmtContext
selectValue() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SelectStmtContext
selectValue() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
selectValue(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SelectStmtContext
SelectValue - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast
This class represents a single expression in a SELECT clause.
SelectValue(Expression) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectValue
Construct a select-value object from an expression, with no alias.
SelectValue(Expression, String) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectValue
Construct a select-value object from an expression and an optional alias or nickname value.
SelectValueContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SelectValueContext
selectValues - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause
The specification of values to be produced by the SELECT clause.
semCommandDone - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.SharedClientState
semCommandDone - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.SharedServerClient
This semaphore is used to coordinate when a command has been sent to the server, and when the server is finished sending results back to the client, so that another command cannot be sent until the current one is finished.
SEMIJOIN - edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.JoinType
Semijoin, where the left table's rows are included when they match one or more rows from the right table.
sempred(RuleContext, int, int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
SequentialTupleFile - Interface in edu.caltech.nanodb.storage
This interface extends the TupleFile interface, adding operations that can be provided on files of tuples that are stored in a specific sequential order.
server - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.ExclusiveClient
The server that this exclusive client is using.
server - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.DatabaseConstraintEnforcer
server - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.ClientHandlerThread
A reference to the NanoDB server object.
server - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.SharedServer
The actual NanoDB server that handles incoming requests from various clients.
server - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.StorageManager
The database server that this storage manager is a part of.
server - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionManager
A reference to the server that this transaction manager is operating within.
ServerConfig - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.server
ServerConfig() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.ServerConfig
serverPort - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.SharedServer
The actual server port being used.
ServerProperties - Interface in edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties
sessionID - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.SessionState
The unique session ID assigned to this client session.
SessionPinCount(DBPage) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.BufferManager.SessionPinCount
sessionPinCounts - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.BufferManager
This collection maps session IDs to the files and pages that each session has pinned, so that we can forcibly unpin pages used by a given session when the session is done with the current command.
SessionState - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.server
This class holds all session state associated with a particular client accessing the database.
SessionState(int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.SessionState
set - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.SumAvgAggregate
Set to keep track of distinct values
set(String, Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CommandProperties
SET - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
SET - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
SET() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptSetNullContext
SET() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SetPropStmtContext
SET() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.UpdateStmtContext
SET_NULL - edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ForeignKeyValueChangeOption
Delete or update the row from the parent table and set the foreign key column(s) in the child table to NULL
setAlias(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectValue
Sets this SelectValue's alias result name to the specifie string.
setColumnName(ColumnName) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ColumnValue
Sets the column name object
setColumnName(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ColumnName
setColumnValue(int, Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TupleLiteral
setColumnValue(int, Object) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Tuple
Sets the value of a column.
setColumnValue(int, Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageTuple
Sets the column to the specified value, or NULL if the value is the Java null value.
setConditionType(FromClause.JoinConditionType) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
Sets the join condition type.
setConstraintName(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnRefs
setConstraintName(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ForeignKeyColumnRefs
setConstraintType(TableConstraintType) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnRefs
setDataFile(File) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFile
Sets the actual file that holds the data on the disk.
setDataRange(int, int, byte) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
Write the specified alueMove the specified data region in the page.
setDirty(boolean) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
Sets the dirty flag to true or false, indicating whether the page's data has or has not been changed in memory.
setDistinct(boolean) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause
Mark the select clause's results as being distinct or not distinct.
setEnvironment(Environment) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.PlanNode
Sets the plan node's environment to the specified environment object.
setExit() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.CommandResult
setExplain(boolean) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.QueryCommand
setExpression(Expression) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectValue
setFilter(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ShowPropertiesCommand
setFirstLSN(LogSequenceNumber) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionStatePage
setFromClause(FromClause) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause
Sets the hierarchy of base and derived relations that produce the rows considered by this SELECT clause.
setHavingExpr(Expression) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause
setIfNotExists(boolean) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateIndexCommand
Sets the flag indicating whether index creation should only be attempted if it doesn't already exist.
setIfNotExists(boolean) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateTableCommand
Sets the flag indicating whether table creation should only be attempted if it doesn't already exist.
setIndexName(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexInfo
setIndexName(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.IndexColumnRefs
setInvert(boolean) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.InSubqueryOperator
setInvert(boolean) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.InValuesOperator
setLastLSN(LogSequenceNumber) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionState
setLength(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnType
Specify the length of the data for CHAR and VARCHAR attributes.
setLimit(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause
Set the upper limit of how many rows should be produced by this query.
setLoggedTxnStart(boolean) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionState
setMaxCacheSize(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.BufferManager
Sets the maximum buffer-cache size in bytes.
setMaxValue(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.ColumnStats
Sets the maximum value for the column.
setMinValue(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.ColumnStats
Sets the minimum value for the column.
setNextLSN(LogSequenceNumber) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionStatePage
setNextTransactionID(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionStatePage
setNodeParents() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.PlanNode
Iterates through the tree and sets node parents to correct references.
setNonNullColumnValue(int, Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageTuple
This helper function is used by the PageTuple.setColumnValue(int, java.lang.Object) method in the specific case when a column is being set to a non-NULL value.
setNullColumnValue(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageTuple
This helper function is used by the PageTuple.setColumnValue(int, java.lang.Object) method in the specific case when a column is being set to the SQL NULL value.
setNullFlag(int, boolean) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageTuple
This is a helper function to set or clear the value of a column's NULL flag.
setNullFlag(DBPage, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageTuple
This is a helper function to set or clear the value of a column's NULL flag.
setNumNullValues(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.ColumnStats
Sets the number of NULL values for the column.
setNumSlots(DBPage, int) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.DataPage
Sets the number of slots in this data page.
setNumUniqueValues(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.ColumnStats
Sets the number of unique values for the column.
setOffset(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause
Set the starting offset for the rows that should be produced by this query.
setOnDeleteOption(ForeignKeyValueChangeOption) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ConstraintDecl
Add an ON DELETE option to a TableConstraintType.FOREIGN_KEY constraint.
setOnExpression(Expression) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
Sets the join predicate if this from clause specifies an ON clause.
setOnUpdateOption(ForeignKeyValueChangeOption) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ConstraintDecl
Add an ON UPDATE option to a TableConstraintType.FOREIGN_KEY constraint.
setOutputStream(PrintStream) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.SessionState
setPageLSN(LogSequenceNumber) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
setPerformedWrites(boolean) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionState
setPosition(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileReader
Sets the location in the page where the next operation will start from.
setPosition(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageReader
Sets the location in the page where the next operation will start from.
setPrecision(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnType
Specify the precision of the data for NUMERIC attributes.
setProperties(CommandProperties) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateIndexCommand
Sets any additional properties associated with the command.
setProperties(CommandProperties) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateTableCommand
Sets any additional properties associated with the command.
setProperties(Properties) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.PropertyRegistry
This helper function sets the server properties based on the contents of a Java Properties object.
SetPropertyCommand - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.commands
Implements the "SET VARIABLE ..." command.
SetPropertyCommand(String, Expression) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.SetPropertyCommand
setPropertyValue(String, Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.PropertyRegistry
setPropStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommandNoSemicolonContext
setPropStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
SetPropStmtContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SetPropStmtContext
setRefTable(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ConstraintDecl
Add a reference-table to a TableConstraintType.FOREIGN_KEY constraint.
setScale(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnType
Specify the scale of the data for NUMERIC attributes.
setSchema(Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DeleteCommand.TupleRemover
This tuple-processor implementation doesn't care about the schema.
setSchema(Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DumpCommand.TupleExporter
The exporter can output the schema to the dump file.
setSchema(Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.InsertCommand.TupleInserter
This implementation ignores the schema of the results, since we just don't care.
setSchema(Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.UpdateCommand.TupleUpdater
Stores the schema that will be produced during result evaluation.
setSchema(Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.PrettyTuplePrinter
setSchema(Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.TuplePrinter
setSchema(Schema) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.TupleProcessor
This method is called once by the query evaluator before any tuples are passed to the TupleProcessor.process(edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Tuple) method, so that the tuple-processor knows what the expected tuple-schema will be.
setSchema(Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.CommandResult.ResultCollector
setSchema(Schema) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.TupleSender
setSchemaSize(DBPage, int) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeaderPage
Sets the number of bytes that the table's schema occupies for storage in the header page.
setSlotValue(DBPage, int, int) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.DataPage
This static helper function sets the value for the specified slot.
setStatsSize(DBPage, int) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeaderPage
Sets the number of bytes that the table's statistics occupy for storage in the header page.
setStorageManager(StorageManager) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.CostBasedJoinPlanner
Sets the server to be used during query planning.
setStorageManager(StorageManager) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.Planner
Allows the storage manager to be injected into the planner implementation, so that the planner can retrieve schema and statistics on tables that are referenced by the query.
setStorageManager(StorageManager) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.SimplestPlanner
Sets the server to be used during query planning.
setStorageSize(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TupleLiteral
Set the cached storage size of the tuple.
setSubqueryPlan(PlanNode) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.SubqueryOperator
Sets the execution plan for evaluating the subquery.
setTableName(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ColumnName
setTableName(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
This method iterates through all columns in the schema, setting them to all have the specified table name.
setTemporary(boolean) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateTableCommand
Specifies whether the table is a temporary table or not.
setTransactionID(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionState
setTupleFile(TupleFile) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexInfo
setTupleProcessor(TupleProcessor) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.SelectCommand
setup - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.PropertyRegistry
This flag indicates whether the database is still in "start-up mode" or not.
setupCompleted() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.PropertyRegistry
Records that setup has been completed, and read-only properties should no longer be allowed to change.
setUserStartedTxn(boolean) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionState
setValue(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.PropertyRegistry.PropertyDescriptor
setWhereExpr(Expression) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.UpdateCommand
Sets the expression for the WHERE clause.
setWhereExpr(Expression) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause
Sets the expression for the WHERE clause.
SharedClientState - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.client
This class represents
SharedClientState(PrintStream, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.SharedClientState
SharedClientState.Receiver - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.client
SharedServer - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.server
This class implements a "shared" database server that listens for incoming connections on a socket, so that the database can have multiple concurrent clients connected at the same time.
SharedServer() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.SharedServer
SharedServerClient - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.client
This class implements a client the can connect to the NanoDB shared server and send/receive commands and data.
SharedServerClient(String, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.SharedServerClient
SharedServerClient.Receiver - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.client
This helper class prints out the results that come back from the server.
SHOW - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
SHOW - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
SHOW() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ShowPropsStmtContext
SHOW() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ShowSystemStatsStmtContext
SHOW() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ShowTablesStmtContext
SHOW() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ShowTableStatsStmtContext
ShowPropertiesCommand - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.commands
Implements the "SHOW VARIABLES" command.
ShowPropertiesCommand() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ShowPropertiesCommand
showPropsStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommandNoSemicolonContext
showPropsStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
ShowPropsStmtContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ShowPropsStmtContext
ShowSystemStatsCommand - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.commands
Implements the "SHOW [system] STATS" command.
ShowSystemStatsCommand(String) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ShowSystemStatsCommand
showSystemStatsStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommandNoSemicolonContext
showSystemStatsStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
ShowSystemStatsStmtContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ShowSystemStatsStmtContext
ShowTablesCommand - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.commands
Implements the "SHOW TABLES" command.
ShowTablesCommand() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ShowTablesCommand
showTablesStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommandNoSemicolonContext
showTablesStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
ShowTablesStmtContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ShowTablesStmtContext
ShowTableStatsCommand - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.commands
Implements the "SHOW TABLE t STATS" command.
ShowTableStatsCommand(String) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ShowTableStatsCommand
showTableStatsStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommandNoSemicolonContext
showTableStatsStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
ShowTableStatsStmtContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ShowTableStatsStmtContext
shutdown() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.ExclusiveClient
shutdown() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.InteractiveClient
Shut down the interactive client.
shutdown() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.SharedClientState.Receiver
shutdown() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.SharedServerClient.Receiver
shutdown() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.SharedServerClient
shutdown() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.NanoDBServer
This method encapsulates all of the operations necessary for cleanly shutting down the NanoDB server.
shutdown() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.SharedServer
shutdown() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.StorageManager
This method shuts down the storage manager.
shutdownClient() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.ClientHandlerThread
SIMILAR - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
SIMILAR - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
SIMILAR() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprSimilarToContext
SimpleFilterNode - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes
This select plan node implements a simple filter of a subplan based on a predicate.
SimpleFilterNode(PlanNode, Expression) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SimpleFilterNode
SimpleFunction - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.functions
Created by donnie on 12/5/13.
SimpleFunction() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.SimpleFunction
SimplestPlanner - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval
This class generates execution plans for very simple SQL SELECT * FROM tbl [WHERE P] queries.
SimplestPlanner() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.SimplestPlanner
simplify() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ArithmeticOperator
Simplifies an arithmetic expression, computing as much of the expression as possible.
simplify() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.BooleanOperator
Simplifies a Boolean expression by eliminating and de-nesting as much of the expression as possible.
simplify() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ColumnValue
Column values cannot be simplified any further, so this method just returns the expression it's called on.
simplify() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.Expression
Returns an Expression reference to a (possibly) simplified version of this expression.
simplify() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.IsNullOperator
Simplifies this expression, computing as much of the expression as possible.
simplify() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.LiteralValue
Literal values cannot be simplified any further, so this method just returns the expression it's called on.
simplify() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.NegateOperator
Simplifies an arithmetic expression, computing as much of the expression as possible.
Sin - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.functions
Implementation of the SIN(x) SQL function, computes the sine of a single argument.
Sin() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Sin
size() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnRefs
size() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ForeignKeyColumnRefs
Returns the number of columns in the foreign key constraint.
sizeOfDifferentRange(byte[], byte[], int) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.util.ArrayUtil
This function reports how many bytes are different between two arrays, starting at the specified index.
sizeOfIdenticalRange(byte[], byte[], int) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.util.ArrayUtil
This function reports how many bytes are identical between two arrays, starting at the specified index.
slot - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeapFilePageTuple
The slot that this tuple corresponds to.
SMALLINT - edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.SQLDataType
A 2-byte signed integer, designated in SQL as SMALLINT.
SMALLINT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnType
sock - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.ClientHandlerThread
The socket this client-handler uses to interact with its client.
socket - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.SharedClientState
socket - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.SharedServerClient
The socket used to communicate with the shared server.
SOME - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
SOME - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
SortedGroupAggregateNode - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes
Implements grouping and aggregation by using sorting as a method to find groups.
SortedGroupAggregateNode(PlanNode, List<Expression>, Map<String, FunctionCall>) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortedGroupAggregateNode
sortedInputs - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.CountAggregate
True if the inputs are sorted.
sortedResults - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortNode
This array receives all tuples from the child plan node, and then they are sorted and passed along to the parent from this array.
SortMergeJoinNode - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes
This class implements the basic sort-merge join algorithm for use in join evaluation.
SortMergeJoinNode(PlanNode, PlanNode, JoinType, Expression) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortMergeJoinNode
SortNode - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes
This plan node provides a simple in-memory sort operation for use in ORDER BY clauses.
SortNode(PlanNode, List<OrderByExpression>) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortNode
Constructs a PlanNode with a given operation type.
SQLDataType - Enum in edu.caltech.nanodb.relations
An enumeration of the SQL data-types that are supported by NanoDB.
SQLDataType(byte) - Constructor for enum edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.SQLDataType
Construct a new SQLDataType instance with the specified type ID.
sqlLikeToRegex(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.StringMatchOperator
This helper method converts a SQL LIKE match-expression into a corresponding regular expression.
sqlType - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.ColumnStatsCollector
The SQL data-type for the column that stats are being collected for.
sqlTypeMapping - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TypeConverter
A mapping from the various Java types used for expression results, to their corresponding SQL data types.
Sqrt - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.functions
Computes the square root of a single argument.
Sqrt() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Sqrt
squareDifference(Object, Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.StdDevVarAggregate
Helper function that computes the square of the difference between two values.
START - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
START - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
START() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.BeginTxnStmtContext
START_TXN - edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALRecordType
The record represents a "<Ti: start transaction>" record.
startExecution() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.CommandResult
startTimestamp - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.CommandResult
The system time when command execution started.
startTransaction(boolean) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionManager
startup() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.ExclusiveClient
startup() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.InteractiveClient
Start up the interactive client.
startup() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.SharedServerClient
startup() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.NanoDBServer
This static method encapsulates all of the operations necessary for cleanly starting the NanoDB server.
startup() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.SharedServer
startup(Properties) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.NanoDBServer
This static method encapsulates all of the operations necessary for cleanly starting the NanoDB server.
StatisticsUpdater - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval
This helper class provides basic functionality for updating column statistics based on a selection predicate.
StatisticsUpdater() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.StatisticsUpdater
This class should not be instantiated.
stats - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.PlanNode
Statistics (possibly estimated) describing the results produced by this plan node.
stats - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeapTupleFile
Statistics for this tuple file.
STATS - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
STATS - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
STATS() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ShowSystemStatsStmtContext
STATS() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ShowTableStatsStmtContext
StatsWriter - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.storage
This class encapsulates the operations of reading and writing table-statistics to a data file.
StatsWriter() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.StatsWriter
StdDev - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.functions
Created by donnie on 12/7/13.
StdDev() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.StdDev
StdDevVarAggregate - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.functions
This aggregate function can be used to compute either the standard deviation or the variance of a collection of values.
StdDevVarAggregate(boolean) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.StdDevVarAggregate
STORAGE_BYTES_READ - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.performance.PerformanceCounters
STORAGE_BYTES_WRITTEN - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.performance.PerformanceCounters
STORAGE_FILE_CHANGES - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.performance.PerformanceCounters
STORAGE_FILE_DISTANCE_TRAVELED - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.performance.PerformanceCounters
STORAGE_PAGES_READ - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.performance.PerformanceCounters
STORAGE_PAGES_WRITTEN - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.performance.PerformanceCounters
STORAGE_SYSTEM - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ShowSystemStatsCommand
StorageException - Exception in edu.caltech.nanodb.storage
This class and its subclasses represent general storage errors that can be encountered when manipulating the various data files that comprise the database.
StorageException() - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.StorageException
Construct a storage exception with no message.
StorageException(String) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.StorageException
Construct a storage exception with the specified message.
StorageException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.StorageException
Construct a storage exception with the specified message and cause.
StorageException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.StorageException
Construct a storage exception with the specified cause and no message.
storageManager - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.BasicIndexManager
The index manager uses the storage manager a lot, so it caches a reference to the storage manager at initialization.
storageManager - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.CostBasedJoinPlanner
The storage manager used during query planning.
storageManager - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.SimplestPlanner
The storage manager used during query planning.
storageManager - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.NanoDBServer
The storage manager for this database server.
storageManager - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileReader
A reference to the storage manager, which we will use to read pages needed for the various operations.
storageManager - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeapTupleFile
The storage manager to use for reading and writing file pages, pinning and unpinning pages, write-ahead logging, and so forth.
storageManager - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeapTupleFileManager
A reference to the storage manager.
storageManager - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.IndexedTableManager
storageManager - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALManager
storageManager - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionManager
A reference to the storage manager that this transaction manager is operating within.
StorageManager - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.storage
The Storage Manager provides facilities for managing files of tuples, including in-memory buffering of data pages and support for transactions.
StorageManager() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.StorageManager
storageSize - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TupleLiteral
The cached storage size of the tuple literal in bytes, or -1 if the size has not been computed and cached.
storeNewTuple(Schema, DBPage, int, int, Tuple) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeapFilePageTuple
storeTuple(DBPage, int, Schema, Tuple) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageTuple
storeTxnStateToFile() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionManager
STRING_LITERAL - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
STRING_LITERAL - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
STRING_LITERAL() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DumpIndexStmtContext
STRING_LITERAL() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DumpTableStmtContext
STRING_LITERAL() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.LiteralIntervalContext
STRING_LITERAL() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.LiteralStringContext
STRING_LITERAL() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SetPropStmtContext
STRING_LITERAL() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ShowPropsStmtContext
STRING_LITERAL() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ShowSystemStatsStmtContext
STRING_LITERAL(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DumpIndexStmtContext
STRING_LITERAL(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DumpTableStmtContext
StringEnumValidator - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties
Validates a string property value against a collection of valid values; if the value cannot be cast to a string or the value doesn't appear in the collection of valid values, then an error will be reported.
StringEnumValidator(String[]) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.StringEnumValidator
StringMatchOperator - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions
This class implements string matching operations.
StringMatchOperator(StringMatchOperator.Type, Expression, Expression) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.StringMatchOperator
StringMatchOperator.Type - Enum in edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions
This enumeration specifies the types of matching that can be performed.
stringRep - Variable in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ArithmeticOperator.Type
The string representation for each operator.
stringRep - Variable in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.BooleanOperator.Type
The string representation for each operator.
stringRep - Variable in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.CompareOperator.Type
The string representation for each operator.
stringRep - Variable in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.StringMatchOperator.Type
The string representation for each operator.
stringRep() - Method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ArithmeticOperator.Type
Accessor for the operator type's string representation.
stringRep() - Method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.BooleanOperator.Type
Accessor for the operator type's string representation.
stringRep() - Method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.CompareOperator.Type
Accessor for the operator type's string representation.
stringRep() - Method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.StringMatchOperator.Type
Accessor for the operator type's string representation.
StringValueValidator - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties
Validates a string property value; if the value cannot be cast to a string then an error will be reported.
StringValueValidator() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.StringValueValidator
sub(String, long) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.performance.PerformanceCounters
subquery - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.SubqueryOperator
This is the parsed representation of the subquery that the operator uses for its operation.
SubqueryOperator - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions
This class is the superclass of all expressions that can hold subqueries, such as the IN operator, the EXISTS operator, and scalar subqueries.
SubqueryOperator() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.SubqueryOperator
subqueryPlan - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.SubqueryOperator
The execution plan for the subquery that is used by the operator.
SubquerySchemaComputer - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast
This expression-processor implementation looks for subqueries within an expression, and calls the SelectClause.computeSchema(edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.TableManager, edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause) method on them.
SubquerySchemaComputer(SelectClause, TableManager) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SubquerySchemaComputer
SUBTRACT - edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ArithmeticOperator.Type
sum - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.StdDevVarAggregate
sum - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.SumAvgAggregate
Contains the actual value of the sum
Sum - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.functions
Created by donnie on 12/7/13.
Sum() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Sum
SumAvgAggregate - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.functions
This aggregate function can be used to compute both SUM and AVERAGE functions.
SumAvgAggregate(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.SumAvgAggregate
SumDistinct - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.functions
Created by donnie on 12/7/13.
SumDistinct() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.SumDistinct
SUPPORTED_TYPES_COMPARE_ESTIMATES - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.SelectivityEstimator
This collection specifies the data-types that support comparison selectivity estimates (not including equals or not-equals).
supportsDistinct - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.AggregateFunction
If this flag is true, the aggregate function supports the DISTINCT keyword before its first argument.
supportsDistinct() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.AggregateFunction
supportsMarking() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.FileScanNode
This node supports marking.
supportsMarking() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.HashedGroupAggregateNode
The hashed grouping/aggregate operation does not support marking, since it must fully consume its input before it can produce any results.
supportsMarking() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.NestedLoopJoinNode
True if the node supports position marking.
supportsMarking() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.PlanNode
This method reports whether this plan node supports marking a certain point in the tuple-stream so that processing can return to that point as needed.
supportsMarking() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.ProjectNode
This node supports marking if its subplan supports marking.
supportsMarking() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.RenameNode
supportsMarking() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SimpleFilterNode
This node supports marking if its subplan supports marking.
supportsMarking() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortedGroupAggregateNode
The sorted grouping/aggregate operation does not support marking, since it must fully consume its input before it can produce any results.
supportsMarking() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortMergeJoinNode
This plan-node does not support marking.
supportsMarking() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortNode
The sort plan-node doesn't support marking.
supportsMarking() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.TupleBagNode
swap() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.ThetaJoinNode
Swaps the left child and right child subtrees.
swap() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.util.Pair
Returns a new Pair object with the values swapped.
SymbolFinder() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.Expression.SymbolFinder
Construct a symbol-finder that only identifies whether an expression has symbols or not, but does not collect the symbols themselves.
SymbolFinder(Collection<ColumnName>) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.Expression.SymbolFinder
Construct a symbol-finder that can identify whether an expression has symbols or not, as well as optionally collecting the symbols themselves into the Expression.SymbolFinder.symbols collection.
symbols - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.Expression.SymbolFinder
If not null, this is the collection of symbols that have been found in the expression.
syncDBFile(DBFile) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FileManager
This method ensures that all file-writes on the specified DB-file have actually been synchronized to the disk.
syncDBFile(DBFile) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FileManagerImpl
syncOldPageData() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
For a dirty page, this method copies the "new page data" into the "old page data" so that they are the same.
systemName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ShowSystemStatsCommand
The subsystem that we are displaying statistics for.


T__0 - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
T__0 - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
T__1 - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
T__1 - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
T__10 - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
T__10 - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
T__11 - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
T__11 - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
T__12 - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
T__12 - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
T__13 - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
T__13 - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
T__14 - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
T__14 - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
T__15 - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
T__15 - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
T__16 - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
T__16 - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
T__17 - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
T__17 - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
T__2 - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
T__2 - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
T__3 - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
T__3 - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
T__4 - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
T__4 - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
T__5 - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
T__5 - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
T__6 - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
T__6 - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
T__7 - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
T__7 - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
T__8 - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
T__8 - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
T__9 - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
T__9 - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
TABLE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
TABLE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
TABLE() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CreateTableStmtContext
TABLE() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DropTableStmtContext
TABLE() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DumpTableStmtContext
TABLE() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ShowTableStatsStmtContext
TABLE_FUNCTION - edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause.ClauseType
This clause is a table-returning function.
tableColDecl() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CreateTableStmtContext
tableColDecl() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
tableColDecl(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CreateTableStmtContext
TableColDeclContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TableColDeclContext
TableColumnDecl - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.commands
This class represents a single column declaration within a CREATE TABLE command.
TableColumnDecl(ColumnInfo) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.TableColumnDecl
tableConstraint() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CreateTableStmtContext
tableConstraint() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
tableConstraint(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CreateTableStmtContext
TableConstraintContext() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TableConstraintContext
TableConstraintContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TableConstraintContext
TableConstraintType - Enum in edu.caltech.nanodb.relations
An enumeration specifying the constraint types allowed on tables.
TableConstraintType(int) - Constructor for enum edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.TableConstraintType
Construct a new TableConstraintType instance with the specified type ID.
TableException - Exception in edu.caltech.nanodb.storage
This class represents errors that occur while manipulating tables.
TableException() - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.TableException
Construct a table exception with no message.
TableException(String) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.TableException
Construct a table exception with the specified message.
TableException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.TableException
Construct a table exception with the specified message and cause.
TableException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.TableException
Construct a table exception with the specified cause and no message.
tableExists(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.IndexedTableManager
tableExists(String) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.TableManager
Returns true if the specified table exists, or false otherwise.
tableFunc - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.TableFunctionScanNode
The table-returning function whose tuples will be output by this plan-node.
tableFunction - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
If the FROM clause is a table-returning function then this field holds the name of the table-function and its arguments.
TableFunction - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.functions
This is the base-class for all table-returning functions.
TableFunction() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.TableFunction
TableFunctionScanNode - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes
A select plan-node that produces the output of a specific table-returning function, checking the optional predicate against each tuple.
TableFunctionScanNode(TableFunction) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.TableFunctionScanNode
tableInfo - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DeleteCommand
tableInfo - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DeleteCommand.TupleRemover
The table whose tuples will be deleted.
tableInfo - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.InsertCommand
The table that the data will be inserted into, once it has been opened.
tableInfo - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.InsertCommand.TupleInserter
The table into which the new tuples will be inserted.
tableInfo - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.UpdateCommand
tableInfo - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.UpdateCommand.TupleUpdater
The table whose tuples will be modified.
tableInfo - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexInfo
The details of the table that the index is built against.
tableInfo - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.FileScanNode
The table-info for the table being scanned, or null if the node is performing a scan over an index.
TableInfo - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.relations
This class represents a single table in the database, including the table's name, and the tuple file that holds the table's data.
TableInfo(String, TupleFile) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.TableInfo
Construct a table-information object that represents the specified table name and associated tuple file.
tableManager - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SubquerySchemaComputer
This is the table-manager used to access table schemas.
tableManager - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.DatabaseConstraintEnforcer
tableManager - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.StorageManager
TableManager - Interface in edu.caltech.nanodb.storage
This interface specifies the operations performed specifically on table files.
tableName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateIndexCommand
The name of the table that the index is built against.
tableName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateTableCommand
Name of the table to be created.
tableName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DeleteCommand
The name of the table that the data will be deleted from.
tableName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DropIndexCommand
The name of the table that the index is built against.
tableName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DropTableCommand
The name of the table to drop from the database.
tableName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DumpIndexCommand
The name of the table containing the index to dump.
tableName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DumpTableCommand
The name of the table to dump.
tableName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.InsertCommand
The name of the table that the data will be inserted into.
tableName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ShowTableStatsCommand
The name of the table whose statistics to print out.
tableName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.UpdateCommand
The name of the table that the rows will be updated on.
tableName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ColumnName
The name of the table that the column name (or wildcard) is associated with.
tableName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
If the FROM clause specifies a base table then this field holds the table or function's name.
tableName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnInfo
An optional table-name for the attribute, in cases where a join or Cartesian product generates a result with duplicate attribute-names.
tableName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.TableInfo
The name of this table.
tableName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColRefTableContext
tableName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColRefWildcardTableContext
tableName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CreateIndexStmtContext
tableName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CreateTableStmtContext
tableName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DeleteStmtContext
tableName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DropIndexStmtContext
tableName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DropTableStmtContext
tableName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DumpIndexStmtContext
tableName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DumpTableStmtContext
tableName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromTableContext
tableName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.InsertStmtContext
tableName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ShowTableStatsStmtContext
tableName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.UpdateStmtContext
tableNames - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.AnalyzeCommand
Table names are kept in a set so that we don't need to worry about a particular table being specified multiple times.
tableNames - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.OptimizeCommand
Table names are kept in a set so that we don't need to worry about a particular table being specified multiple times.
tableNames - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.VerifyCommand
Table names are kept in a set so that we don't need to worry about a particular table being specified multiple times.
TABLES - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
TABLES - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
TABLES() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ShowTablesStmtContext
TableStats - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval
This class is a simple wrapper for table-file statistics.
TableStats(int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.TableStats
Create a new table-statistics object with all statistics initialized to zero or NULL values.
TableStats(int, int, float, ArrayList<ColumnStats>) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.TableStats
Create a new table-statistics object with the stats set to the specified values.
TableUtils - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.relations
Created by donnie on 7/16/17.
TableUtils() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.TableUtils
Tan - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.functions
Implementation of the TAN(x) SQL function, computes the tangent of a single argument.
Tan() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Tan
TblConstraintForeignKeyContext(NanoSQLParser.TableConstraintContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintForeignKeyContext
TblConstraintPrimaryKeyContext(NanoSQLParser.TableConstraintContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintPrimaryKeyContext
TblConstraintUniqueContext(NanoSQLParser.TableConstraintContext) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintUniqueContext
temporary - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateTableCommand
If this flag is true then the table is a temporary table.
TEMPORARY - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
TEMPORARY - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
TEMPORARY() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CreateTableStmtContext
terms - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.BooleanOperator
The list of one or more terms in this expression.
TEST_FILE - edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileType
Represents a file used during testing.
TEXT - edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.SQLDataType
A large character-sequence, with a very large maximum length.
ThetaJoinNode - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes
PlanNode representing the FROM clause in a SELECT operation.
ThetaJoinNode(PlanNode, PlanNode, JoinType, Expression) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.ThetaJoinNode
Constructs a ThetaJoinNode that joins the tuples from the left and right subplans, using the specified join type and join predicate.
threadLocalState - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.SessionState
TIME - edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.SQLDataType
A time value containing hours, minutes, and seconds.
TIME - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnType
TIME_FORMATS - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.DateTimeUtils
An array of time format specifications that NanoDB recognizes.
TIMESTAMP - edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.SQLDataType
A date/time value with higher precision than the SQLDataType.DATETIME value.
TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnType
TINYINT - edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.SQLDataType
A 1-byte signed integer, designated in SQL as TINYINT.
TINYINT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnType
tmpBuf - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileReader
This temporary buffer is used to read primitive values that overlap the boundaries between two pages.
TO - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
TO - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
TO() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DumpIndexStmtContext
TO() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DumpTableStmtContext
TO() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExprSimilarToContext
toFormattedString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
tokenNames - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
tokenNames - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.AnalyzeCommand
Prints a simple representation of the analyze command, including the names of the tables to be analyzed.
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CommandProperties
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ConstraintDecl
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CrashCommand
Prints a simple representation of the crash command.
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateTableCommand
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DeleteCommand
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DropTableCommand
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DumpIndexCommand
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DumpTableCommand
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.FlushCommand
Prints a simple representation of the flush command.
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.InsertCommand
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.OptimizeCommand
Prints a simple representation of the optimize command, including the names of the tables to be optimized.
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.SelectCommand
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.UpdateCommand
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.UpdateValue
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.VerifyCommand
Prints a simple representation of the verify command, including the names of the tables to be verified.
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ArithmeticOperator
Returns a string representation of this arithmetic expression and its subexpressions, including parentheses where necessary to specify precedence.
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.BooleanOperator
Returns a string representation of this Boolean logical expression and its subexpressions, including parentheses where necessary to specify precedence.
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ColumnName
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ColumnValue
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.CompareOperator
Returns a string representation of this comparison expression and its subexpressions.
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ExistsOperator
Returns a string representation of this EXISTS expression.
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.FunctionCall
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.InSubqueryOperator
Returns a string representation of this comparison expression and its subexpressions.
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.InValuesOperator
Returns a string representation of this comparison expression and its subexpressions.
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.IsNullOperator
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.LiteralValue
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.NegateOperator
Returns a string representation of this arithmetic expression and its subexpressions, including parentheses where necessary to specify precedence.
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.OrderByExpression
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ScalarSubquery
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.StringMatchOperator
Returns a string representation of this comparison expression and its subexpressions.
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TupleLiteral
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.FileScanNode
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.HashedGroupAggregateNode
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.NestedLoopJoinNode
Returns a string representing this nested-loop join's vital information.
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.PlanNode
Reports this node and its vital parameters as a string.
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.ProjectNode
Returns a string representing this project node's details.
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.RenameNode
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SimpleFilterNode
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortedGroupAggregateNode
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortMergeJoinNode
Returns a string representing this sort-merge join's vital information.
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.SortNode
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.TableFunctionScanNode
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.TupleBagNode
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectValue
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.PlanCost
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.TableStats
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnInfo
Returns a string representation of the column-info.
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnRefs
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnType
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ForeignKeyColumnRefs
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFile
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FilePointer
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageTuple
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.LogSequenceNumber
toString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionState
totalBytesCached - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.BufferManager
This field records how many bytes are currently cached, in total.
toVerboseString() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateTableCommand
Returns a verbose, multi-line string containing all of the details of this table.
TRANSACTION - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
TRANSACTION - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
TRANSACTION() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.BeginTxnStmtContext
TransactionException - Exception in edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions
This class represents errors that occur as part of transaction processing.
TransactionException() - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionException
TransactionException(String) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionException
TransactionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionException
TransactionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionException
transactionID - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionState
transactionManager - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.StorageManager
If transactions are enabled, this will be the transaction manager instance; otherwise, it will be null.
transactionManager - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionStateUpdater
TransactionManager - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions
The Transaction Manager is responsible for managing all aspects of proper transaction processing within the database.
TransactionManager(NanoDBServer) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionManager
TransactionState - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions
This class manages the transaction state associated with every client session.
TransactionState() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionState
TransactionStatePage - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions
This class wraps the transaction-state page to provide basic operations necessary for reading and storing essential values.
TransactionStatePage(DBPage) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionStatePage
TransactionStateUpdater - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions
This implementation of the CommandEventListener interface manages the transaction state enclosing each command executed by the database.
TransactionStateUpdater(TransactionManager) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionStateUpdater
traverse(ExpressionProcessor) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ArithmeticOperator
traverse(ExpressionProcessor) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.BooleanOperator
traverse(ExpressionProcessor) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ColumnValue
traverse(ExpressionProcessor) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.CompareOperator
traverse(ExpressionProcessor) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ExistsOperator
traverse(ExpressionProcessor) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.Expression
This method allows the entire expression tree to be traversed node by node, either for analysis or for transformation.
traverse(ExpressionProcessor) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.FunctionCall
traverse(ExpressionProcessor) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.InSubqueryOperator
traverse(ExpressionProcessor) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.InValuesOperator
traverse(ExpressionProcessor) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.IsNullOperator
traverse(ExpressionProcessor) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.LiteralValue
traverse(ExpressionProcessor) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.NegateOperator
traverse(ExpressionProcessor) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ScalarSubquery
traverse(ExpressionProcessor) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.StringMatchOperator
TRUE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
TRUE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
TRUE() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.LiteralTrueContext
TruncationException - Exception in edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions
This exception is a specific subtype of the type-cast exception that is thrown when a type-conversion would cause a truncation of a value.
TruncationException() - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TruncationException
Create a new TruncationException with no message or cause.
TruncationException(String) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TruncationException
Create a new TruncationException with the specified message.
TruncationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TruncationException
Create a new TruncationException with the specified message and cause.
TruncationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TruncationException
Create a new TruncationException with the specified cause.
Tuple - Interface in edu.caltech.nanodb.relations
This interface provides the operations that can be performed with a tuple.
TupleBagNode - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes
This plan-node returns tuples from a collection specified on the node before it is prepared.
TupleBagNode(Schema) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.TupleBagNode
TupleComparator - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions
This class allows us to sort and compare tuples based on an order-by specification.
TupleComparator(Schema, List<OrderByExpression>) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TupleComparator
Construct a new tuple-comparator with the given ordering specification.
TupleExporter(PrintStream) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DumpCommand.TupleExporter
Initialize the tuple-exporter object with the details it needs to print out tuples from the specified table.
tupleFile - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DeleteCommand.TupleRemover
tupleFile - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.InsertCommand.TupleInserter
tupleFile - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.UpdateCommand.TupleUpdater
tupleFile - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexInfo
The tuple file that stores the index's data.
tupleFile - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.FileScanNode
The table to select from if this node is a leaf.
tupleFile - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.TableInfo
The tuple file that holds the table's data.
TupleFile - Interface in edu.caltech.nanodb.storage
This interface defines the most basic operations that all files storing tuples must support.
TupleFileException - Exception in edu.caltech.nanodb.storage
This class represents errors that occur while manipulating tuple files.
TupleFileException() - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.TupleFileException
Construct a tuple-file exception with no message.
TupleFileException(String) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.TupleFileException
Construct a tuple-file exception with the specified message.
TupleFileException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.TupleFileException
Construct a tuple-file exception with the specified message and cause.
TupleFileException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.TupleFileException
Construct a tuple-file exception with the specified cause and no message.
TupleFileManager - Interface in edu.caltech.nanodb.storage
This interface defines the operations that can be performed on TupleFiles, but that are at a higher level of implementation than the tuple file itself.
tupleFileManagers - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.StorageManager
This mapping is used to keep track of the tuple-file managers for all the kinds of tuple-files we support.
TupleHasher - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions
TupleHasher() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TupleHasher
TupleInserter(EventDispatcher, TableInfo) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.InsertCommand.TupleInserter
Initialize the tuple-inserter object with the details it needs to insert tuples into the specified table.
TupleLiteral - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions
A simple implementation of the Tuple interface for storing literal tuple values.
TupleLiteral() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TupleLiteral
Construct a new tuple-literal that initially has zero columns.
TupleLiteral(Object...) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TupleLiteral
Constructs a new tuple-literal that contains the specified values.
TuplePrinter - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval
This implementation of the tuple-processor interface simply prints out the schema and tuples produced by the SELECT statement.
TuplePrinter(PrintStream) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.TuplePrinter
tupleProcessor - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.SelectCommand
TupleProcessor - Interface in edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval
This interface allows us to decouple the implementation of the query evaluation loop from the operations performed on each tuple generated by the evaluator.
TupleRemover(EventDispatcher, TableInfo) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DeleteCommand.TupleRemover
Initialize the tuple-remover object with the details it needs to delete tuples from the specified table.
tuples - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.client.SharedClientState
tuples - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.TupleBagNode
The collection of tuples that are returned by this plan node.
tuples - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.PrettyTuplePrinter
Contains all the tuples to be printed
tuples - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.CommandResult
If the command was a SELECT query and the results are to be kept, this will be a collection of the tuples in the order they were produced by the database.
tupleSender - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.ClientHandlerThread
A tuple-processor for sending tuples to the client.
TupleSender - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.server
This implementation of the tuple-processor interface sends the schema and tuples produced by the SELECT statement over an ObjectOutputStream.
TupleSender(ObjectOutputStream) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.TupleSender
tupleSize - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.PlanCost
The average tuple size of tuples produced by the node.
TupleUpdater(EventDispatcher, TableInfo, List<UpdateValue>) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.UpdateCommand.TupleUpdater
Initialize the tuple-updater object with the details it needs to modify tuples in the specified table.
TupleUtils - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.relations
TupleUtils() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.TupleUtils
txnState - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.SessionState
The transaction state of this session.
TXNSTATE_FILE - edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileType
Represents a transaction-state file used for write-ahead logging and recovery.
TXNSTATE_FILENAME - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionManager
This is the name of the file that the Transaction Manager uses to keep track of overall transaction state.
txnStateNextLSN - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionManager
This is the last value of nextLSN saved to the transaction-state file.
type - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.ConstraintDecl
The type of the constraint.
type - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ArithmeticOperator
The kind of comparison, such as "subtract" or "multiply."
type - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.BooleanOperator
Specifies the type of this Boolean operator.
type - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.CompareOperator
The kind of comparison, such as "equals" or "less than."
type - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.StringMatchOperator
The kind of comparison, such as "LIKE" or "SIMILAR TO."
type - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnInfo
The type information for the column.
type - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFile
The type of the data file.
Type() - Constructor for enum edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.Command.Type
Type() - Constructor for enum edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.QueryCommand.Type
Type(String) - Constructor for enum edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ArithmeticOperator.Type
Construct a Type enum with the specified string representation.
Type(String) - Constructor for enum edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.BooleanOperator.Type
Construct a Type enum with the specified string representation.
Type(String) - Constructor for enum edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.CompareOperator.Type
Construct a Type enum with the specified string representation.
Type(String) - Constructor for enum edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.StringMatchOperator.Type
Construct a Type enum with the specified string representation.
TYPE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
TYPE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
TYPE_BIGINT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
TYPE_BIGINT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
TYPE_BIGINT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeBigIntContext
TYPE_BLOB - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
TYPE_BLOB - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
TYPE_CHAR - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
TYPE_CHAR - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
TYPE_CHAR() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeCharContext
TYPE_CHARACTER - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
TYPE_CHARACTER - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
TYPE_CHARACTER() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeCharContext
TYPE_CHARACTER() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeVarCharContext
TYPE_DATE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
TYPE_DATE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
TYPE_DATE() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDateContext
TYPE_DATETIME - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
TYPE_DATETIME - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
TYPE_DATETIME() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDateTimeContext
TYPE_DECIMAL - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
TYPE_DECIMAL - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
TYPE_DECIMAL() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDecimalContext
TYPE_DOUBLE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
TYPE_DOUBLE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
TYPE_DOUBLE() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDoubleContext
TYPE_FLOAT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
TYPE_FLOAT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
TYPE_FLOAT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeFloatContext
TYPE_INT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
TYPE_INT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
TYPE_INT() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeIntContext
TYPE_INTEGER - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
TYPE_INTEGER - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
TYPE_INTEGER() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeIntContext
TYPE_NUMERIC - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
TYPE_NUMERIC - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
TYPE_NUMERIC() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDecimalContext
TYPE_SMALLINT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
TYPE_SMALLINT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
TYPE_TEXT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
TYPE_TEXT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
TYPE_TIME - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
TYPE_TIME - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
TYPE_TIME() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeTimeContext
TYPE_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
TYPE_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
TYPE_TIMESTAMP() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeTimestampContext
TYPE_TINYINT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
TYPE_TINYINT - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
TYPE_VARCHAR - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
TYPE_VARCHAR - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
TYPE_VARCHAR() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeVarCharContext
TYPE_VARYING - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
TYPE_VARYING - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
TYPE_VARYING() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColTypeVarCharContext
TypeCastException - Exception in edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions
This exception is thrown when the TypeConverter tries to cast a value from one type to another incompatible type.
TypeCastException() - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TypeCastException
Create a new TypeCastException with no message or cause.
TypeCastException(String) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TypeCastException
Create a new TypeCastException with the specified message.
TypeCastException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TypeCastException
Create a new TypeCastException with the specified message and cause.
TypeCastException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TypeCastException
Create a new TypeCastException with the specified cause.
TypeConverter - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions
This class provides a whole bunch of helper functions for performing type conversions on values produced by various expressions.
TypeConverter() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TypeConverter
typeID - Variable in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ForeignKeyValueChangeOption
The ID of the option type.
typeID - Variable in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.SQLDataType
The ID of the datatype.
typeID - Variable in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.TableConstraintType
The ID of the constraint type.
typeSupportsCompareEstimates(SQLDataType) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.SelectivityEstimator
Returns true if the database supports selectivity estimates for comparisons (other than equals and not-equals) on the specified SQL data type.


UnderlineErrorListener - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse
UnderlineErrorListener() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.UnderlineErrorListener
UNION - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
UNION - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
unique - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateIndexCommand
This flag specifies whether the index is a unique index or not.
UNIQUE - edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.TableConstraintType
Values in a column or set of columns must be unique.
UNIQUE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
UNIQUE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
UNIQUE() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintUniqueContext
UNIQUE() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CreateIndexStmtContext
UNIQUE() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintUniqueContext
uniqueValues - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.ColumnStatsCollector
The set of all values seen in this column.
UNKNOWN - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
UNKNOWN - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
UNNAMED_COLUMN_PREFIX - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectValue
UNNAMED_TABLE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.TableInfo
If a table name isn't specified, this value is used instead.
unpin() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TupleLiteral
For in-memory tuples, pinning and unpinning is a no-op.
unpin() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
unpin() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageTuple
unpin() - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.Pinnable
Decrease the pin-count on the object by one.
unpinAllSessionPages() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.BufferManager
This method unpins all pages pinned by the current session.
UPDATE - edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.QueryCommand.Type
An UPDATE query, which retrieves and then modifies rows of data in a table.
UPDATE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
UPDATE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
UPDATE() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintForeignKeyContext
UPDATE() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintForeignKeyContext
UPDATE() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.UpdateStmtContext
UPDATE_PAGE - edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALRecordType
The record represents a "<Ti: update PP' >" record.
UPDATE_PAGE_REDO_ONLY - edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALRecordType
The record represents a "<Ti: update P' (redo only)>" record.
updateAggregates(Map<String, FunctionCall>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.GroupAggregateNode
This helper method updates a collection of aggregate functions with values based on the state of the plan node's current Environment object.
UpdateCommand - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.commands
This command object represents a top-level UPDATE command issued against the database.
UpdateCommand(String) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.UpdateCommand
Constructs a new update command for UPDATE statements.
UpdateCommand.TupleUpdater - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.commands
An implementation of the tuple processor interface used by the UpdateCommand to update each tuple.
updateCompareStats(CompareOperator, Schema, List<ColumnStats>) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.StatisticsUpdater
Try to update the column-statistics based on the passed-in comparison operation.
updateFileIOPerfStats(DBFile, int, boolean, int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FileManagerImpl
updateInfo(int, LogSequenceNumber) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.RecoveryInfo
This helper method updates the recovery information with the specified transaction ID and log sequence number.
updateStats(Expression, Schema, List<ColumnStats>) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.StatisticsUpdater
This static helper takes a selection predicate, a schema the predicate is evaluated against, and input column-statistics, and produces output column-statistics that reflect the input arguments.
updateStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommandNoSemicolonContext
updateStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ExplainUpdateContext
updateStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
UpdateStmtContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.UpdateStmtContext
updateTrivialFlag() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes.ProjectNode
This helper method sets the ProjectNode.projectIsTrivial flag based on whether the passed-in projection specification is a single wildcard operation that would allow tuples to pass through unmodified.
updateTuple(Tuple, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeapTupleFile
updateTuple(Tuple, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.TupleFile
Modifies the values in the specified tuple.
UpdateValue - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.commands
This class represents a single column-name/expression pair in an UPDATE statement's SET clause.
UpdateValue(String, Expression) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.UpdateValue
Construct an update-value object from a column name and an expression.
updOpt - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintForeignKeyContext
updOpt - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintForeignKeyContext
userStartedTxn - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionState
USING - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
USING - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
USING() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.FromJoinUsingContext
UTILITY - edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.Command.Type
A utility command.


validate(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.BooleanFlagValidator
validate(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.IntegerValueValidator
validate(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.PlannerClassValidator
validate(Object) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.PropertyValidator
validate(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.StringEnumValidator
validate(Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.StringValueValidator
validator - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.PropertyRegistry.PropertyDescriptor
A validator to ensure the property's values are correct.
validValues - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.StringEnumValidator
An array of valid values for the string enumeration.
value - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.LiteralValue
The literal value of this expression.
value - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.server.properties.PropertyRegistry.PropertyDescriptor
The current value of the property.
value1 - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.util.Pair
The first value of the pair.
value2 - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.util.Pair
The second value of the pair.
valueExpr - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.SetPropertyCommand
The value to set the property to.
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileType
Given a numeric type ID, returns the corresponding type value for the ID, or null if no type corresponds to the ID.
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALRecordType
Given a numeric type ID, returns the corresponding type value for the ID, or null if no type corresponds to the ID.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.Command.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.QueryCommand.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ArithmeticOperator.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.BooleanOperator.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.CompareOperator.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.StringMatchOperator.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause.ClauseType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause.JoinConditionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ForeignKeyValueChangeOption
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.JoinType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.SQLDataType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.TableConstraintType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.server.CommandState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALRecordType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOffsets - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageTuple
This array contains the cached offsets of each value in this tuple.
values - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CommandProperties
A map of name-value pairs that represent the actual properties.
values - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.InsertCommand
When the insert command is of the form INSERT ...
values - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.UpdateCommand.TupleUpdater
This is the list of values to change in the UPDATE statement.
values - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.UpdateCommand
This field holds the list of names and expressions that will be applied in the update command.
values - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.InValuesOperator
If the righthand side of the IN operator is a list of values (expressions, specifically), this is the list of values.
values - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TupleLiteral
The actual values of the columns in the tuple.
values - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.StdDevVarAggregate
values() - Static method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.Command.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.QueryCommand.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ArithmeticOperator.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.BooleanOperator.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.CompareOperator.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.StringMatchOperator.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause.ClauseType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.FromClause.JoinConditionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ForeignKeyValueChangeOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.JoinType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.SQLDataType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.TableConstraintType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.server.CommandState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALRecordType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VALUES - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
VALUES - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
VALUES() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.InsertStmtContext
valuesSeen - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.CountAggregate
Contains all of the values seen so far, used for COUNT DISTINCT to keep track of distinct values
VARCHAR - edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.SQLDataType
A variable-length character-sequence, with a specified maximum length.
VARCHAR(int) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnType
Variance - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.functions
Created by donnie on 12/7/13.
Variance() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.functions.Variance
verbose - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.AnalyzeCommand
VERBOSE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
VERBOSE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
verify() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeapTupleFile
verify() - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.TupleFile
Verifies the tuple file's internal storage format, identifying any potential structural errors in the file.
VERIFY - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
VERIFY - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
VERIFY() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.VerifyStmtContext
VerifyCommand - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.commands
This Command class represents the VERIFY SQL command, which verifies a table's representation (along with any indexes) to ensure that all structural details are valid.
VerifyCommand() - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.VerifyCommand
Construct a new VERIFY command with an empty table list.
VerifyCommand(String) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.VerifyCommand
Construct a new VERIFY command to verify the specified table.
verifyIndex(IndexInfo) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.BasicIndexManager
verifyIndex(IndexInfo) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexManager
This function allows an index to be verified for proper structure and contents.
verifyIndex(TupleFile, TupleFile) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.indexes.IndexUtils
This method performs a basic but important verification, that every tuple in a table is referenced once by the table's index, and no index entry has a tuple-reference to a non-existent tuple.
verifyIsHeaderPage(DBPage) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.heapfile.HeaderPage
This helper method simply verifies that the data page provided to the HeaderPage class is in fact a header-page (i.e.
verifyStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommandNoSemicolonContext
verifyStmt() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
VerifyStmtContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.VerifyStmtContext
VIEW - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
VIEW - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
viewDefinitions - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.Definitions
A collection of view definitions from the query, specified as WITH clauses.
viewName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.CreateViewCommand
visitAnalyzeStmt(NanoSQLParser.AnalyzeStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.analyzeStmt().
visitAnalyzeStmt(NanoSQLParser.AnalyzeStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitAnalyzeStmt(NanoSQLParser.AnalyzeStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.analyzeStmt().
visitBeginTxnStmt(NanoSQLParser.BeginTxnStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.beginTxnStmt().
visitBeginTxnStmt(NanoSQLParser.BeginTxnStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitBeginTxnStmt(NanoSQLParser.BeginTxnStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.beginTxnStmt().
visitCascadeOptCascade(NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptCascadeContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the CascadeOptCascade labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.cascadeOption().
visitCascadeOptCascade(NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptCascadeContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitCascadeOptCascade(NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptCascadeContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the CascadeOptCascade labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.cascadeOption().
visitCascadeOptRestrict(NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptRestrictContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the CascadeOptRestrict labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.cascadeOption().
visitCascadeOptRestrict(NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptRestrictContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitCascadeOptRestrict(NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptRestrictContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the CascadeOptRestrict labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.cascadeOption().
visitCascadeOptSetNull(NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptSetNullContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the CascadeOptSetNull labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.cascadeOption().
visitCascadeOptSetNull(NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptSetNullContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitCascadeOptSetNull(NanoSQLParser.CascadeOptSetNullContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the CascadeOptSetNull labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.cascadeOption().
visitCmdProperties(NanoSQLParser.CmdPropertiesContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.cmdProperties().
visitCmdProperties(NanoSQLParser.CmdPropertiesContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitCmdProperties(NanoSQLParser.CmdPropertiesContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.cmdProperties().
visitColConstraintForeignKey(NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintForeignKeyContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ColConstraintForeignKey labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnConstraint().
visitColConstraintForeignKey(NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintForeignKeyContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitColConstraintForeignKey(NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintForeignKeyContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ColConstraintForeignKey labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnConstraint().
visitColConstraintNotNull(NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintNotNullContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ColConstraintNotNull labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnConstraint().
visitColConstraintNotNull(NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintNotNullContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitColConstraintNotNull(NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintNotNullContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ColConstraintNotNull labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnConstraint().
visitColConstraintPrimaryKey(NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintPrimaryKeyContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ColConstraintPrimaryKey labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnConstraint().
visitColConstraintPrimaryKey(NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintPrimaryKeyContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitColConstraintPrimaryKey(NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintPrimaryKeyContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ColConstraintPrimaryKey labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnConstraint().
visitColConstraintUnique(NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintUniqueContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ColConstraintUnique labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnConstraint().
visitColConstraintUnique(NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintUniqueContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitColConstraintUnique(NanoSQLParser.ColConstraintUniqueContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ColConstraintUnique labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnConstraint().
visitColRefNoTable(NanoSQLParser.ColRefNoTableContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ColRefNoTable labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnRef().
visitColRefNoTable(NanoSQLParser.ColRefNoTableContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitColRefNoTable(NanoSQLParser.ColRefNoTableContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ColRefNoTable labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnRef().
visitColRefTable(NanoSQLParser.ColRefTableContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ColRefTable labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnRef().
visitColRefTable(NanoSQLParser.ColRefTableContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitColRefTable(NanoSQLParser.ColRefTableContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ColRefTable labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnRef().
visitColRefWildcardNoTable(NanoSQLParser.ColRefWildcardNoTableContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ColRefWildcardNoTable labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnRef().
visitColRefWildcardNoTable(NanoSQLParser.ColRefWildcardNoTableContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitColRefWildcardNoTable(NanoSQLParser.ColRefWildcardNoTableContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ColRefWildcardNoTable labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnRef().
visitColRefWildcardTable(NanoSQLParser.ColRefWildcardTableContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ColRefWildcardTable labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnRef().
visitColRefWildcardTable(NanoSQLParser.ColRefWildcardTableContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitColRefWildcardTable(NanoSQLParser.ColRefWildcardTableContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ColRefWildcardTable labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnRef().
visitColTypeBigInt(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeBigIntContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ColTypeBigInt labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
visitColTypeBigInt(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeBigIntContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitColTypeBigInt(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeBigIntContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ColTypeBigInt labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
visitColTypeChar(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeCharContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ColTypeChar labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
visitColTypeChar(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeCharContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitColTypeChar(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeCharContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ColTypeChar labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
visitColTypeDate(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDateContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ColTypeDate labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
visitColTypeDate(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDateContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitColTypeDate(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDateContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ColTypeDate labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
visitColTypeDateTime(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDateTimeContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ColTypeDateTime labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
visitColTypeDateTime(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDateTimeContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitColTypeDateTime(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDateTimeContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ColTypeDateTime labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
visitColTypeDecimal(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDecimalContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ColTypeDecimal labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
visitColTypeDecimal(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDecimalContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitColTypeDecimal(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDecimalContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ColTypeDecimal labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
visitColTypeDouble(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDoubleContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ColTypeDouble labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
visitColTypeDouble(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDoubleContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitColTypeDouble(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeDoubleContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ColTypeDouble labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
visitColTypeFloat(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeFloatContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ColTypeFloat labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
visitColTypeFloat(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeFloatContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitColTypeFloat(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeFloatContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ColTypeFloat labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
visitColTypeInt(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeIntContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ColTypeInt labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
visitColTypeInt(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeIntContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitColTypeInt(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeIntContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ColTypeInt labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
visitColTypeTime(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeTimeContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ColTypeTime labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
visitColTypeTime(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeTimeContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitColTypeTime(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeTimeContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ColTypeTime labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
visitColTypeTimestamp(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeTimestampContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ColTypeTimestamp labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
visitColTypeTimestamp(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeTimestampContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitColTypeTimestamp(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeTimestampContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ColTypeTimestamp labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
visitColTypeVarChar(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeVarCharContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ColTypeVarChar labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
visitColTypeVarChar(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeVarCharContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitColTypeVarChar(NanoSQLParser.ColTypeVarCharContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ColTypeVarChar labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.columnType().
visitCommand(NanoSQLParser.CommandContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.command().
visitCommand(NanoSQLParser.CommandContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitCommand(NanoSQLParser.CommandContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.command().
visitCommandNoSemicolon(NanoSQLParser.CommandNoSemicolonContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.commandNoSemicolon().
visitCommandNoSemicolon(NanoSQLParser.CommandNoSemicolonContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.commandNoSemicolon().
visitCommands(NanoSQLParser.CommandsContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.commands().
visitCommands(NanoSQLParser.CommandsContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitCommands(NanoSQLParser.CommandsContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.commands().
visitCommitTxnStmt(NanoSQLParser.CommitTxnStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.commitTxnStmt().
visitCommitTxnStmt(NanoSQLParser.CommitTxnStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitCommitTxnStmt(NanoSQLParser.CommitTxnStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.commitTxnStmt().
visitCrashStmt(NanoSQLParser.CrashStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.crashStmt().
visitCrashStmt(NanoSQLParser.CrashStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitCrashStmt(NanoSQLParser.CrashStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.crashStmt().
visitCreateIndexStmt(NanoSQLParser.CreateIndexStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.createIndexStmt().
visitCreateIndexStmt(NanoSQLParser.CreateIndexStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitCreateIndexStmt(NanoSQLParser.CreateIndexStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.createIndexStmt().
visitCreateTableStmt(NanoSQLParser.CreateTableStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.createTableStmt().
visitCreateTableStmt(NanoSQLParser.CreateTableStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitCreateTableStmt(NanoSQLParser.CreateTableStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.createTableStmt().
visitDeleteStmt(NanoSQLParser.DeleteStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.deleteStmt().
visitDeleteStmt(NanoSQLParser.DeleteStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitDeleteStmt(NanoSQLParser.DeleteStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.deleteStmt().
visitDropIndexStmt(NanoSQLParser.DropIndexStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.dropIndexStmt().
visitDropIndexStmt(NanoSQLParser.DropIndexStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitDropIndexStmt(NanoSQLParser.DropIndexStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.dropIndexStmt().
visitDropTableStmt(NanoSQLParser.DropTableStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.dropTableStmt().
visitDropTableStmt(NanoSQLParser.DropTableStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitDropTableStmt(NanoSQLParser.DropTableStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.dropTableStmt().
visitDumpIndexStmt(NanoSQLParser.DumpIndexStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.dumpIndexStmt().
visitDumpIndexStmt(NanoSQLParser.DumpIndexStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitDumpIndexStmt(NanoSQLParser.DumpIndexStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.dumpIndexStmt().
visitDumpTableStmt(NanoSQLParser.DumpTableStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.dumpTableStmt().
visitDumpTableStmt(NanoSQLParser.DumpTableStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitDumpTableStmt(NanoSQLParser.DumpTableStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.dumpTableStmt().
visitErrorNode(ErrorNode) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
visitExitStmt(NanoSQLParser.ExitStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.exitStmt().
visitExitStmt(NanoSQLParser.ExitStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitExitStmt(NanoSQLParser.ExitStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.exitStmt().
visitExplainDelete(NanoSQLParser.ExplainDeleteContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExplainDelete labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.explainStmt().
visitExplainDelete(NanoSQLParser.ExplainDeleteContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitExplainDelete(NanoSQLParser.ExplainDeleteContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExplainDelete labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.explainStmt().
visitExplainInsert(NanoSQLParser.ExplainInsertContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExplainInsert labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.explainStmt().
visitExplainInsert(NanoSQLParser.ExplainInsertContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitExplainInsert(NanoSQLParser.ExplainInsertContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExplainInsert labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.explainStmt().
visitExplainSelect(NanoSQLParser.ExplainSelectContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExplainSelect labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.explainStmt().
visitExplainSelect(NanoSQLParser.ExplainSelectContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitExplainSelect(NanoSQLParser.ExplainSelectContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExplainSelect labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.explainStmt().
visitExplainUpdate(NanoSQLParser.ExplainUpdateContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExplainUpdate labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.explainStmt().
visitExplainUpdate(NanoSQLParser.ExplainUpdateContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitExplainUpdate(NanoSQLParser.ExplainUpdateContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExplainUpdate labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.explainStmt().
visitExprAdd(NanoSQLParser.ExprAddContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExprAdd labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
visitExprAdd(NanoSQLParser.ExprAddContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitExprAdd(NanoSQLParser.ExprAddContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExprAdd labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
visitExprAnd(NanoSQLParser.ExprAndContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExprAnd labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
visitExprAnd(NanoSQLParser.ExprAndContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitExprAnd(NanoSQLParser.ExprAndContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExprAnd labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
visitExprBetween(NanoSQLParser.ExprBetweenContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExprBetween labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
visitExprBetween(NanoSQLParser.ExprBetweenContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitExprBetween(NanoSQLParser.ExprBetweenContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExprBetween labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
visitExprColumnRef(NanoSQLParser.ExprColumnRefContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExprColumnRef labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
visitExprColumnRef(NanoSQLParser.ExprColumnRefContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitExprColumnRef(NanoSQLParser.ExprColumnRefContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExprColumnRef labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
visitExprCompare(NanoSQLParser.ExprCompareContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExprCompare labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
visitExprCompare(NanoSQLParser.ExprCompareContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitExprCompare(NanoSQLParser.ExprCompareContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExprCompare labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
visitExpressionList(NanoSQLParser.ExpressionListContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.expressionList().
visitExpressionList(NanoSQLParser.ExpressionListContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitExpressionList(NanoSQLParser.ExpressionListContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.expressionList().
visitExprExists(NanoSQLParser.ExprExistsContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExprExists labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
visitExprExists(NanoSQLParser.ExprExistsContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitExprExists(NanoSQLParser.ExprExistsContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExprExists labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
visitExprFunctionCall(NanoSQLParser.ExprFunctionCallContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExprFunctionCall labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
visitExprFunctionCall(NanoSQLParser.ExprFunctionCallContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitExprFunctionCall(NanoSQLParser.ExprFunctionCallContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExprFunctionCall labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
visitExprIsNull(NanoSQLParser.ExprIsNullContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExprIsNull labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
visitExprIsNull(NanoSQLParser.ExprIsNullContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitExprIsNull(NanoSQLParser.ExprIsNullContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExprIsNull labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
visitExprLike(NanoSQLParser.ExprLikeContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExprLike labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
visitExprLike(NanoSQLParser.ExprLikeContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitExprLike(NanoSQLParser.ExprLikeContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExprLike labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
visitExprLiteral(NanoSQLParser.ExprLiteralContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExprLiteral labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
visitExprLiteral(NanoSQLParser.ExprLiteralContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitExprLiteral(NanoSQLParser.ExprLiteralContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExprLiteral labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
visitExprMul(NanoSQLParser.ExprMulContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExprMul labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
visitExprMul(NanoSQLParser.ExprMulContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitExprMul(NanoSQLParser.ExprMulContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExprMul labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
visitExprMultiColInSubquery(NanoSQLParser.ExprMultiColInSubqueryContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExprMultiColInSubquery labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
visitExprMultiColInSubquery(NanoSQLParser.ExprMultiColInSubqueryContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitExprMultiColInSubquery(NanoSQLParser.ExprMultiColInSubqueryContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExprMultiColInSubquery labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
visitExprNot(NanoSQLParser.ExprNotContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExprNot labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
visitExprNot(NanoSQLParser.ExprNotContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitExprNot(NanoSQLParser.ExprNotContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExprNot labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
visitExprOneColInSubquery(NanoSQLParser.ExprOneColInSubqueryContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExprOneColInSubquery labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
visitExprOneColInSubquery(NanoSQLParser.ExprOneColInSubqueryContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitExprOneColInSubquery(NanoSQLParser.ExprOneColInSubqueryContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExprOneColInSubquery labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
visitExprOneColInValues(NanoSQLParser.ExprOneColInValuesContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExprOneColInValues labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
visitExprOneColInValues(NanoSQLParser.ExprOneColInValuesContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitExprOneColInValues(NanoSQLParser.ExprOneColInValuesContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExprOneColInValues labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
visitExprOr(NanoSQLParser.ExprOrContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExprOr labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
visitExprOr(NanoSQLParser.ExprOrContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitExprOr(NanoSQLParser.ExprOrContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExprOr labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
visitExprParen(NanoSQLParser.ExprParenContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExprParen labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
visitExprParen(NanoSQLParser.ExprParenContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitExprParen(NanoSQLParser.ExprParenContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExprParen labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
visitExprScalarSubquery(NanoSQLParser.ExprScalarSubqueryContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExprScalarSubquery labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
visitExprScalarSubquery(NanoSQLParser.ExprScalarSubqueryContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitExprScalarSubquery(NanoSQLParser.ExprScalarSubqueryContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExprScalarSubquery labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
visitExprSimilarTo(NanoSQLParser.ExprSimilarToContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExprSimilarTo labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
visitExprSimilarTo(NanoSQLParser.ExprSimilarToContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitExprSimilarTo(NanoSQLParser.ExprSimilarToContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExprSimilarTo labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
visitExprUnarySign(NanoSQLParser.ExprUnarySignContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExprUnarySign labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
visitExprUnarySign(NanoSQLParser.ExprUnarySignContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitExprUnarySign(NanoSQLParser.ExprUnarySignContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the ExprUnarySign labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.expression().
visitFlushStmt(NanoSQLParser.FlushStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.flushStmt().
visitFlushStmt(NanoSQLParser.FlushStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitFlushStmt(NanoSQLParser.FlushStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.flushStmt().
visitFromCrossJoin(NanoSQLParser.FromCrossJoinContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the FromCrossJoin labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
visitFromCrossJoin(NanoSQLParser.FromCrossJoinContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitFromCrossJoin(NanoSQLParser.FromCrossJoinContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the FromCrossJoin labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
visitFromImplicitCrossJoin(NanoSQLParser.FromImplicitCrossJoinContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the FromImplicitCrossJoin labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
visitFromImplicitCrossJoin(NanoSQLParser.FromImplicitCrossJoinContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitFromImplicitCrossJoin(NanoSQLParser.FromImplicitCrossJoinContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the FromImplicitCrossJoin labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
visitFromJoinOn(NanoSQLParser.FromJoinOnContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the FromJoinOn labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
visitFromJoinOn(NanoSQLParser.FromJoinOnContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitFromJoinOn(NanoSQLParser.FromJoinOnContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the FromJoinOn labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
visitFromJoinUsing(NanoSQLParser.FromJoinUsingContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the FromJoinUsing labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
visitFromJoinUsing(NanoSQLParser.FromJoinUsingContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitFromJoinUsing(NanoSQLParser.FromJoinUsingContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the FromJoinUsing labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
visitFromNaturalJoin(NanoSQLParser.FromNaturalJoinContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the FromNaturalJoin labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
visitFromNaturalJoin(NanoSQLParser.FromNaturalJoinContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitFromNaturalJoin(NanoSQLParser.FromNaturalJoinContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the FromNaturalJoin labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
visitFromNestedSelect(NanoSQLParser.FromNestedSelectContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the FromNestedSelect labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
visitFromNestedSelect(NanoSQLParser.FromNestedSelectContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitFromNestedSelect(NanoSQLParser.FromNestedSelectContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the FromNestedSelect labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
visitFromParens(NanoSQLParser.FromParensContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the FromParens labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
visitFromParens(NanoSQLParser.FromParensContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitFromParens(NanoSQLParser.FromParensContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the FromParens labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
visitFromTable(NanoSQLParser.FromTableContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the FromTable labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
visitFromTable(NanoSQLParser.FromTableContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitFromTable(NanoSQLParser.FromTableContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the FromTable labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
visitFromTableFunction(NanoSQLParser.FromTableFunctionContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the FromTableFunction labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
visitFromTableFunction(NanoSQLParser.FromTableFunctionContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitFromTableFunction(NanoSQLParser.FromTableFunctionContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the FromTableFunction labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.fromExpr().
visitFunctionCall(NanoSQLParser.FunctionCallContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.functionCall().
visitFunctionCall(NanoSQLParser.FunctionCallContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitFunctionCall(NanoSQLParser.FunctionCallContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.functionCall().
visitInsertStmt(NanoSQLParser.InsertStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.insertStmt().
visitInsertStmt(NanoSQLParser.InsertStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitInsertStmt(NanoSQLParser.InsertStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.insertStmt().
visitJoinTypeFullOuter(NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeFullOuterContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the JoinTypeFullOuter labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.joinType().
visitJoinTypeFullOuter(NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeFullOuterContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitJoinTypeFullOuter(NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeFullOuterContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the JoinTypeFullOuter labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.joinType().
visitJoinTypeInner(NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeInnerContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the JoinTypeInner labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.joinType().
visitJoinTypeInner(NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeInnerContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitJoinTypeInner(NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeInnerContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the JoinTypeInner labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.joinType().
visitJoinTypeLeftOuter(NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeLeftOuterContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the JoinTypeLeftOuter labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.joinType().
visitJoinTypeLeftOuter(NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeLeftOuterContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitJoinTypeLeftOuter(NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeLeftOuterContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the JoinTypeLeftOuter labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.joinType().
visitJoinTypeRightOuter(NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeRightOuterContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the JoinTypeRightOuter labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.joinType().
visitJoinTypeRightOuter(NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeRightOuterContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitJoinTypeRightOuter(NanoSQLParser.JoinTypeRightOuterContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the JoinTypeRightOuter labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.joinType().
visitLiteralDecimal(NanoSQLParser.LiteralDecimalContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the LiteralDecimal labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.literalValue().
visitLiteralDecimal(NanoSQLParser.LiteralDecimalContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitLiteralDecimal(NanoSQLParser.LiteralDecimalContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the LiteralDecimal labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.literalValue().
visitLiteralFalse(NanoSQLParser.LiteralFalseContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the LiteralFalse labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.literalValue().
visitLiteralFalse(NanoSQLParser.LiteralFalseContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitLiteralFalse(NanoSQLParser.LiteralFalseContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the LiteralFalse labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.literalValue().
visitLiteralInteger(NanoSQLParser.LiteralIntegerContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the LiteralInteger labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.literalValue().
visitLiteralInteger(NanoSQLParser.LiteralIntegerContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitLiteralInteger(NanoSQLParser.LiteralIntegerContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the LiteralInteger labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.literalValue().
visitLiteralInterval(NanoSQLParser.LiteralIntervalContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the LiteralInterval labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.literalValue().
visitLiteralInterval(NanoSQLParser.LiteralIntervalContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitLiteralInterval(NanoSQLParser.LiteralIntervalContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the LiteralInterval labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.literalValue().
visitLiteralNull(NanoSQLParser.LiteralNullContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the LiteralNull labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.literalValue().
visitLiteralNull(NanoSQLParser.LiteralNullContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitLiteralNull(NanoSQLParser.LiteralNullContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the LiteralNull labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.literalValue().
visitLiteralString(NanoSQLParser.LiteralStringContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the LiteralString labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.literalValue().
visitLiteralString(NanoSQLParser.LiteralStringContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitLiteralString(NanoSQLParser.LiteralStringContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the LiteralString labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.literalValue().
visitLiteralTrue(NanoSQLParser.LiteralTrueContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the LiteralTrue labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.literalValue().
visitLiteralTrue(NanoSQLParser.LiteralTrueContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitLiteralTrue(NanoSQLParser.LiteralTrueContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the LiteralTrue labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.literalValue().
visitOptimizeStmt(NanoSQLParser.OptimizeStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.optimizeStmt().
visitOptimizeStmt(NanoSQLParser.OptimizeStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitOptimizeStmt(NanoSQLParser.OptimizeStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.optimizeStmt().
visitOrderByExpr(NanoSQLParser.OrderByExprContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.orderByExpr().
visitOrderByExpr(NanoSQLParser.OrderByExprContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitOrderByExpr(NanoSQLParser.OrderByExprContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.orderByExpr().
visitRollbackTxnStmt(NanoSQLParser.RollbackTxnStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.rollbackTxnStmt().
visitRollbackTxnStmt(NanoSQLParser.RollbackTxnStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitRollbackTxnStmt(NanoSQLParser.RollbackTxnStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.rollbackTxnStmt().
visitSelectStmt(NanoSQLParser.SelectStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.selectStmt().
visitSelectStmt(NanoSQLParser.SelectStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitSelectStmt(NanoSQLParser.SelectStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.selectStmt().
visitSelectValue(NanoSQLParser.SelectValueContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.selectValue().
visitSelectValue(NanoSQLParser.SelectValueContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitSelectValue(NanoSQLParser.SelectValueContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.selectValue().
visitSetPropStmt(NanoSQLParser.SetPropStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.setPropStmt().
visitSetPropStmt(NanoSQLParser.SetPropStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitSetPropStmt(NanoSQLParser.SetPropStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.setPropStmt().
visitShowPropsStmt(NanoSQLParser.ShowPropsStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.showPropsStmt().
visitShowPropsStmt(NanoSQLParser.ShowPropsStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitShowPropsStmt(NanoSQLParser.ShowPropsStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.showPropsStmt().
visitShowSystemStatsStmt(NanoSQLParser.ShowSystemStatsStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.showSystemStatsStmt().
visitShowSystemStatsStmt(NanoSQLParser.ShowSystemStatsStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitShowSystemStatsStmt(NanoSQLParser.ShowSystemStatsStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.showSystemStatsStmt().
visitShowTablesStmt(NanoSQLParser.ShowTablesStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.showTablesStmt().
visitShowTablesStmt(NanoSQLParser.ShowTablesStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitShowTablesStmt(NanoSQLParser.ShowTablesStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.showTablesStmt().
visitShowTableStatsStmt(NanoSQLParser.ShowTableStatsStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.showTableStatsStmt().
visitShowTableStatsStmt(NanoSQLParser.ShowTableStatsStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitShowTableStatsStmt(NanoSQLParser.ShowTableStatsStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.showTableStatsStmt().
visitTableColDecl(NanoSQLParser.TableColDeclContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.tableColDecl().
visitTableColDecl(NanoSQLParser.TableColDeclContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitTableColDecl(NanoSQLParser.TableColDeclContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.tableColDecl().
visitTblConstraintForeignKey(NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintForeignKeyContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the TblConstraintForeignKey labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.tableConstraint().
visitTblConstraintForeignKey(NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintForeignKeyContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitTblConstraintForeignKey(NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintForeignKeyContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the TblConstraintForeignKey labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.tableConstraint().
visitTblConstraintPrimaryKey(NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintPrimaryKeyContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the TblConstraintPrimaryKey labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.tableConstraint().
visitTblConstraintPrimaryKey(NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintPrimaryKeyContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitTblConstraintPrimaryKey(NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintPrimaryKeyContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the TblConstraintPrimaryKey labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.tableConstraint().
visitTblConstraintUnique(NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintUniqueContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the TblConstraintUnique labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.tableConstraint().
visitTblConstraintUnique(NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintUniqueContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitTblConstraintUnique(NanoSQLParser.TblConstraintUniqueContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by the TblConstraintUnique labeled alternative in NanoSQLParser.tableConstraint().
visitTerminal(TerminalNode) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseListener
visitUpdateStmt(NanoSQLParser.UpdateStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.updateStmt().
visitUpdateStmt(NanoSQLParser.UpdateStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitUpdateStmt(NanoSQLParser.UpdateStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.updateStmt().
visitVerifyStmt(NanoSQLParser.VerifyStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLBaseVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.verifyStmt().
visitVerifyStmt(NanoSQLParser.VerifyStmtContext) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLTranslator
visitVerifyStmt(NanoSQLParser.VerifyStmtContext) - Method in interface edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLVisitor
Visit a parse tree produced by NanoSQLParser.verifyStmt().
VOCABULARY - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
VOCABULARY - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser


WAL_FILENAME_PATTERN - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALManager
Write-ahead log files follow this pattern.
WALFileException - Exception in edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead
This exception class represents issues with write-ahead log files, when they contain corrupt or invalid information in some way.
WALFileException() - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALFileException
WALFileException(String) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALFileException
WALFileException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALFileException
WALFileException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALFileException
walManager - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.transactions.TransactionManager
The write-ahead logger that records transaction details.
WALManager - Class in edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead
This class manages the write-ahead logs of the database.
WALManager(StorageManager) - Constructor for class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALManager
WALRecordType - Enum in edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead
This enumeration specifies the various types of records that can appear in the write-ahead log, along with their numeric values that actually appear within the write-ahead log.
WALRecordType(int) - Constructor for enum edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALRecordType
WHERE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
WHERE - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
WHERE() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.DeleteStmtContext
WHERE() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SelectStmtContext
WHERE() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.UpdateStmtContext
whereExpr - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.DeleteCommand
If a WHERE expression is specified, this field will refer to the expression to be evaluated.
whereExpr - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.commands.UpdateCommand
If a WHERE expression is specified, this field will refer to the expression to be evaluated.
whereExpr - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectClause
If a WHERE expression is specified, this field will refer to the expression to be evaluated.
wherePred - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.SelectStmtContext
wildcardColumnName - Variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast.SelectValue
If the SELECT clause includes a wildcard column specifier (e.g.
WITH - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
WITH - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
WORK - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
WORK - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
WORK() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.BeginTxnStmtContext
WORK() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.CommitTxnStmtContext
WORK() - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser.RollbackTxnStmtContext
write(byte[]) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileWriter
write(byte[]) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageWriter
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileWriter
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageWriter
write(int, byte[]) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
Write a sequence of bytes from a byte-array into the page.
write(int, byte[], int, int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
Write a sequence of bytes from a byte-array into the page, starting with the specified offset in the buffer, and writing the specified number of bytes.
WRITE_AHEAD_LOG_FILE - edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileType
Represents a write-ahead log file used for transaction processing and recovery.
writeAll(boolean) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.BufferManager
This method writes all dirty pages in the buffer manager to disk.
writeBoolean(boolean) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileWriter
writeBoolean(boolean) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageWriter
writeBoolean(int, boolean) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
Writes a Boolean value to the specified position.
writeByte(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileWriter
writeByte(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageWriter
writeByte(int, int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
Writes a (signed or unsigned) byte to the specified position.
writeChar(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileWriter
writeChar(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageWriter
writeChar(int, int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
Writes a char to the specified position.
writeColumnInfos(Schema, PageWriter) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.SchemaWriter
This helper writes out the column details of the schema.
writeDate(int, LocalDate) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
writeDate(LocalDate) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageWriter
writeDateTime(int, LocalDateTime) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
writeDateTime(LocalDateTime) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageWriter
writeDBFile(DBFile, boolean) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.BufferManager
This method writes all dirty pages in the specified file, optionally syncing the file after performing the write.
writeDBFile(DBFile, int, int, boolean) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.BufferManager
This method writes all dirty pages in the specified file, optionally syncing the file after performing the write.
writeDirtyPages(List<DBPage>, boolean) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.BufferManager
This helper method writes out a list of dirty pages from the buffer manager, ensuring that if transactions are enabled, the write-ahead-logging rule is satisfied.
writeDouble(double) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileWriter
writeDouble(double) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageWriter
writeDouble(int, double) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
writeFixedSizeString(int, String, int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
This method stores a string whose length is fixed at a constant size.
writeFixedSizeString(String, int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageWriter
writeFloat(float) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileWriter
writeFloat(float) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageWriter
writeFloat(int, float) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
writeForeignKey(PageWriter, ForeignKeyColumnRefs) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.SchemaWriter
writeIndex(PageWriter, IndexColumnRefs) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.SchemaWriter
This helper function writes an index to the table's schema stored in the header page.
writeIndexes(Schema, PageWriter) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.SchemaWriter
writeInt(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileWriter
writeInt(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageWriter
writeInt(int, int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
Writes a 4-byte integer to the specified position.
writeKey(PageWriter, TableConstraintType, KeyColumnRefs) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.SchemaWriter
This helper function writes a primary key or candidate key to the schema representation.
writeKeyConstraints(Schema, PageWriter) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.SchemaWriter
writeLong(int, long) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
Writes an 8-byte long integer to the specified position.
writeLong(long) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileWriter
writeLong(long) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageWriter
writeNonNullValue(DBPage, int, ColumnType, Object) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageTuple
This helper function is used by the PageTuple.setColumnValue(int, java.lang.Object) method in the specific case when a column is being set to a non-NULL value.
writeNotNullConstraints(Schema, PageWriter) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.SchemaWriter
writeNumeric(int, BigDecimal) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
writeNumeric(BigDecimal) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageWriter
writeObject(int, ColumnType, Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
This method provides a higher-level wrapper around the other methods in the DBPage class, allowing object-values to be stored, as long as the object isn't null and the data-type is provided along with the object.
writeObject(ColumnType, Object) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageWriter
writeRedoOnlyUpdatePageRecord(int, LogSequenceNumber, DBPage, int, byte[]) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALManager
This method writes a redo-only update-page record to the write-ahead log, including only redo details.
writeRedoOnlyUpdatePageRecord(DBPage, int, byte[]) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALManager
This method writes a redo-only update-page record to the write-ahead log, including only redo details.
writeReferencingTables(Schema, PageWriter) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.SchemaWriter
writeSchema(Schema, PageWriter) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.SchemaWriter
writeShort(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileWriter
writeShort(int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageWriter
writeShort(int, int) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
Writes a (signed or unsigned) short to the specified position.
writeTableStats(Schema, TableStats, PageWriter) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.StatsWriter
Writes the specified table-statistics to a data file.
writeTime(int, LocalTime) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
writeTime(LocalTime) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageWriter
writeTxnRecord(WALRecordType) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALManager
This function writes a transaction demarcation record (WALRecordType.START_TXN, WALRecordType.COMMIT_TXN, or WALRecordType.ABORT_TXN) to the write-ahead log.
writeTxnRecord(WALRecordType, int, LogSequenceNumber) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALManager
This function writes a transaction demarcation record (WALRecordType.START_TXN, WALRecordType.COMMIT_TXN, or WALRecordType.ABORT_TXN) to the write-ahead log.
writeUpdatePageRecord(DBPage) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.writeahead.WALManager
This method writes an update-page record to the write-ahead log, including both undo and redo details.
writeVarString255(int, String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
This method stores a variable-length string whose maximum length is 255 bytes.
writeVarString255(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileWriter
writeVarString255(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageWriter
writeVarString65535(int, String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBPage
This method stores a variable-length string whose maximum length is 65535 bytes.
writeVarString65535(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.DBFileWriter
writeVarString65535(String) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.PageWriter
WS - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
WS - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser


ZERO_FILE_POINTER - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.storage.FilePointer


_ATN - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
_ATN - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
_compareTuples(Tuple, Tuple, boolean) - Static method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TupleComparator
_decisionToDFA - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
_decisionToDFA - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
_getTermsReferencingAllTables(String[], boolean) - Method in class edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.BooleanOperator
_LITERAL_NAMES - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
_LITERAL_NAMES - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
_serializedATN - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
_serializedATN - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
_sharedContextCache - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
_sharedContextCache - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
_SYMBOLIC_NAMES - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLLexer
_SYMBOLIC_NAMES - Static variable in class edu.caltech.nanodb.sqlparse.NanoSQLParser
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