Package edu.caltech.nanodb.plannodes
This package contains classes for representing query execution plans, as well as
analyzing their costs.
Class Summary Class Description FileScanNode A select plan-node that scans a tuple file, checking the optional predicate against each tuple in the file.GroupAggregateNode This class provides the common functionality necessary for grouping and aggregation.HashedGroupAggregateNode Implements grouping and aggregation by using hashing as a method to identify groups.NestedLoopJoinNode This plan node implements a nested-loop join operation, which can support arbitrary join conditions but is also the slowest join implementation.PlanNode The base class of all query execution plan nodes.PlanUtils A collection of helpful utilities that can be used for generating, analyzing and manipulating query execution plans.ProjectNode PlanNode representing the SELECT clause in a SQL query.RenameNode This plan-node implements the Rename relational algebra operation, for either renaming a table in a query, or assigning a table-name to a derived relation.SelectNode PlanNode representing the WHERE clause in a SELECT operation.SimpleFilterNode This select plan node implements a simple filter of a subplan based on a predicate.SortedGroupAggregateNode Implements grouping and aggregation by using sorting as a method to find groups.SortMergeJoinNode This class implements the basic sort-merge join algorithm for use in join evaluation.SortNode This plan node provides a simple in-memory sort operation for use in ORDER BY clauses.TableFunctionScanNode A select plan-node that produces the output of a specific table-returning function, checking the optional predicate against each tuple.ThetaJoinNode PlanNode representing the FROM clause in a SELECT operation.TupleBagNode This plan-node returns tuples from a collection specified on the node before it is prepared.