class |
Abs |
Implementation of the ABS(x) SQL function, computes the absolute
value of a single argument.
class |
ArcCos |
Implementation of the ACOS(x) SQL function, computes the
arc-cosine of a single argument.
class |
ArcSin |
Implementation of the ASIN(x) SQL function, computes the
arc-sine of a single argument.
class |
ArcTan |
Implementation of the ATAN(x) SQL function, computes the
arc-tangent of a single argument.
class |
ArcTan2 |
Implementation of the ATAN2(y, x) SQL function, computes the
arc-tangent of two arguments.
class |
Ceil |
Implementation of the CEIL(x) / CEILING(x) SQL function,
computes the smallest whole number larger than the argument.
class |
Coalesce |
Implementation of the COALESCE(a, b, ...) SQL function, returns
the first non-NULL argument.
class |
Concat |
Implementation of the CONCAT(s1, s2, ...) SQL function,
concatenates two or more arguments as strings.
class |
Cos |
Implementation of the COS(x) SQL function, computes the cosine of
a single argument.
class |
Floor |
Computes the largest whole number smaller than the argument.
class |
Greatest |
Returns the greatest value of all arguments.
class |
If |
Implements IF (cond, expr1, expr2) .
class |
IfNull |
Implements IFNULL(expr1, expr2) .
class |
Least |
Returns the least value of all arguments.
class |
NullIf |
Implements NULLIF(cond, expr) .
class |
Pow |
Returns the first argument, raised to the second argument power.
class |
ReadPerfCounter |
Returns the current value of the specified performance counter.
class |
ResetPerfCounter |
Resets the specified performance counter, and returns the old value.
class |
Round |
Computes the whole number that is closest to the argument.
class |
Sin |
Implementation of the SIN(x) SQL function, computes the sine of a
single argument.
class |
Sqrt |
Computes the square root of a single argument.
class |
Tan |
Implementation of the TAN(x) SQL function, computes the tangent of
a single argument.