Reading for Monday, October 30

  1. B. S. Landman and R. L. Russo. On Pin Versus Block Relationship for Partitions of Logic Circuits. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 20:1469--1479, 1971. (n.b. This is the classic paper showing empirical evidence for Rent's Rule.)
  2. Charles E. Leiserson, VLSI Theory and Parallel Supercomputing, 1989 Caltech Decennial VLSI Conference. Also MIT/LCS/TM 402.

Supplemental Reading

  1. Abbas El Gamal. Two-Dimensional Stochastic Model for Interconnections in Master Slice Integrated Circuits. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, 28(2):127--138, February 1981. (n.b. The math gets a bit heavy. Read this for the key results and don't sweat the more technical portions unless you really want.)
  2. W. R. Heller, C. George Hsi, Wadi F. Mikhaill. Wirability---Designing Wiring Space for Chips and Chip Packages. IEEE Design and Test of Computers, pages 43--51, August, 1984.
  3. André DeHon, Reconfigurable Architectures for General-Purpose Computing. AI Technical Report 1586, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 545 Technology Sq., Cambridge, MA 02139, pages 63--88, October 1996. [PS for pp. 63-88], [HTML for Chapter 7], [Full Document].
  4. H. B. Bakoglu, Circuits, Interconnections, and Packaging for VLSI, pages 416-421. Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 1990.

Course Calendar
CS184a: Computer Architecture