Adaptive, multiresolution representation of a machine part; with exactly resolved features (edges, corners); top: 5% error; middle: 1% error; finest level mesh CS 175: Topics in Geometric Modeling (Spring 2000)

This class has ended. CS175 is offered again in Spring 2001.

This course will cover both classical and state-of-the-art approaches to geometric modeling as needed in computer-aided geometric design and graphics. Subjects treated include classic splines and their theory and practice (Bernstein Bezier form, de Casteljau algorithm, knot insertion, polar forms and blossoming, degree elevation) as well as more recent approaches based on subdivision (Chaikin?s algorithm, subdivision schemes of Loop, Catmull-Clark, and Butterfly). Both the underlying mathematical theory and its implementation in the form of highly efficient algorithms will be taught.

9 units (3-3-3); third term. 

Prerequisite: permission of instructor 

Instructor: Prof. Peter Schröder, Dr. Igor Guskov
TA: Eitan Grinspun (x6771)
Office hours: by appointment. (T.B.A.)
Time and Place: Tues. and Thurs. 9:00am - 10:30am
Class Links:

Copyright © 2000 Eitan Grinspun, Peter Schröder, Igor GuskovLast modified: Tue May 23 11:16:20 PDT 2000