Homework (lab) assignments are generally due on Wednesday at 3:00 PM. A penalty comes in for assignments submitted after the TAs have started grading.
Generally, an assignment submitted up to one week late can receive a 10% deduction; up to two weeks late can be a 20% deduction; any later can be a 30% deduction. These deductions are flat point amounts, not a percentage of credit earned, e.g. an assignment scoring 80/100 but submitted two weeks late would receive an adjusted score of 60.
Extensions may be given at the discretion of the head TA or sometimes Prof. Barr.
NOTE: Students whose work is far below the passing line will be STRONGLY encouraged to DROP the course before Drop Day. A sufficient amount of good work submitted along the way, before Drop Day, is an additional requirement for passing the course. That way, the TAs will not have to grade a great deal of late work near the end of the quarter.
If you are ill, or end up having external problems that interfere with completing SEVERAL assignments on time, please contact the Undergraduate Deans to receive more formal extensions.
For ONE assignment, please contact the TAs.
There will be about 8-9 assignments including Assignment 0. Generally, each assignment is worth 100 points, with the point distribution specified within each assignment. Some assignments also have extra credit sections. In addition, you may gain even more extra credit for any additional work you submit if it is impressive enough.
Please make sure to tell us if there are any unusual behaviors or unfixed bugs with your submitted solution. This will help save a lot of TA grading time!
There will be no midterm or final; your grade at the end of the term will be based on your overall performance on the assignments.
Assignments are graded on the following criteria:
You may gain back minor point deductions for style if you clean up your code within a week.
Each student is expected to submit work that is entirely that student's own work. This means you should not share code or solutions with each other.
To facilitate collaboration, a Piazza page is set up. Please ask questions!
Do not copy code from external projects.