(CS/EE 145) Projects in Networking
Course Description
Students work in small groups to design and execute a project in the area of networking, broadly construed. The goal is for the project to either end with a deliverable (e.g. a working web application prototype) or a publishable conference paper. Students should have completed a project proposal and formed their groups during CS/EE 144 before registering for the course.
Adam Wierman, adamw@caltech.edu
Course structure
We will not have regular lectures after the project presentations finish (which typically happens during the third week of class). Instead, each group will meet once weekly with one of the instructors to discuss progress on the project. These meetings are the most important part of the course, so it is very important that all group members attend every meeting.
To start the course, we will have an organizational meeting and then we will meet a couple more times in the scheduled slot during the first two weeks for project plan presentations. After that, we will only have 1-2 lectures for overviews on making posters and writing the report.
All course communication will happen through Piazza.
Some examples of projects from over the years
Zachary Lee and Rand Lee
report: [pdf]
Earthquake Early Warning
Anshul Ramachandran, Suraj Nair, Ashwin Balakrishna, Peter Kundzicz, and Irene Wang
report: [pdf]
Francesco Macagno and Carly Robison
report: [pdf]
Precise Positioning without a GPS
Gavy Aggarwal, Abirami Kurinchi-Vendhan, Annie Wang, and Kabir Brar
report: [pdf]
Hongnian Yu, Dong Liang, Tianlei Sun, and Jian Zhu
report: [pdf]
Alexander Anemogiannis, Nikolai Kovachki
report: [pdf]
Death Spiral
Jan Van Bruggen, Samuel Richerd
report: [pdf]
Taokun Zheng, Aman Agarwal, Aditya Bhagavathi
report: [pdf]
Graph Inference
Kevin Tang, Cody Han
report: [pdf]
KC Emezi
report: [pdf]
Donsuk Lee, Joon Sik Kim
report: [pdf]
William Ko
report: [pdf]
Sadaf Amouzegar
report: [pdf]
Grace Park, JD Co-Reyes, Ella Mathews, Aditya Karan
report: [pdf]
Mingfa Wang, Shenghan Yao, Junlin Zhang
report: [pdf]
Yelp Manipulation
Elaine Arbaugh, Zachary Fein
report: [pdf]
David Mace, Zack Polizzi
report: [pdf]
Alex Lew, Walker Mills
report: [pdf]
Venkata Vijay, Tabish Rizvi
report: [pdf]
Ryan Batterman, Joseph Choi
report: [pdf]
Moya Chen, James Macdonald
report: [pdf]
Alex Jose, Christophe Kunesh
report: [pdf]
Jianchi Chen, Ying-Yu Ho, Tim Holland, Kexin Rong
report: [pdf]
Aleksander Bello, Alexandru Cioc, Victor Duan, Archan Luhar, Louis O'Bryan
report: [pdf]
The atomic fish
Ben Yuan, Suzannah Fraker, Ben Cosman, Matt Dughi
report: [pdf]
Cards with Friends
David Ding, Theresa Lee, Mike Qian, Benjamin Razon, Alexander Wein
report: [pdf]
Angela Gong, Max Hirschhorn, Kalpana Suraesh
report: [pdf]
Katie Knister, Kevin Li, Iris Liu, Sam Szuflita, Jessica Yu
report: [pdf]
Team 96 trillion hours
Jocelyn Kishi, Li Gu, Jesse Salomon
report: [pdf]
Blue team
Kevin Chen, Brock Jones, Isaac Kim, Brooklyn Schlamp
report: [pdf]
Social Nielsen
Atharv Vaish, Arjun Chandrasekhar, Michael Lauria, Anish Agarwal
report: [pdf]
Shayan Doroudi, Henry Li, Joe Wang, Haoyang Ren, Josie Kishi
project blog: [www]
Lucia Ahn, Janis Intoy, Tuling Ma, Judy Mou
project blog: [www]
An online interviewing tool
Kevin Lo, Gustaf Helgesson, Bryan Jadot, Mikail Sushkov
project blog: [www]
Centrality and salary
Michael Hirshleifer, Ramya Vinayak, Kijun Seo
project blog: [www]
Predicting congressional swing voters
Shiyu Zhao, Hari Ravi, Michael Burd
project blog: [www]
- Unu
Aaron Levine, Annie Chin, Sasha Boulgakov
project blog: [www]
Dance floor dynamics
Laura Conwill, Chris Dudiak, Tim Meyer, Ben Weitz
project blog: [www]
4sight: Predicting the future
Alex Fandrianto, Tuan Anh Le, Richard O'Dowd, Robert Shimizu
project blog: [www]
Daniel Chen, Michael Edwards, Kevin Kowalski, Collin Murphy, Pan Wang, Stephen Worlow
project blog: [www]
Caleb Ziegler
project blog: [www]
- SIPing Wikipedia
Alexandre Boulgakov and Giordan Stark
final report: [pdf]
- A robust multiplayer game
Mihail Dumitrescu and Nihar Sharma
final report: [pdf]
- CourseFinder
Jamie Jackson, WenHao Lee, and Isaac Scheff
final report: [pdf]
- Data-center-in-the-Lab
George Lee
final report: [pdf]
- Semantic blog
Riley Patterson and Fred Zhao
final report: [pdf]
- Twitter Cascades
Sonal Gupta, Ben Slawski, Doris Xin, and Wenqi Yao
final report: [pdf]
- CodeBuddy
Mike Shafer and Nathan Watson
final report: [pdf]
- Security in the smart grid
Claudia Whitten
final report: [pdf]
Group members: Chris Kennelly and Daniel Erenrich
final report: [pdf]
- Protocol proxy
Group members: Sonal Gupta and Thomas Kjeldsen
final report: [pdf]
- Maximizing social influence
Group members: Dallin Akagi, Rishi Chandy, Anthony Chong, Manuel Lagang, and Jonathan Krause
final report: [pdf]
- Spoke
Group members: Ram Kandasamy, Victor Li, and Esther Wang
final report: [pdf]
- Web of tabs
Group members: Jeremy Coulter, Luke Moryl, Daniel Obenshain, and Walter Mostowy
final report: [pdf]