CS122 Challenge 1 - Load the TPC-H Data-Set =========================================== If your team has decided to participate in this challenge, please fill in the answers to the following questions and send the document to the cs122tas@caltech.edu mailing list. If your answers to any of the following questions change, please resubmit a new version of the document so that we can update our information and the overall standings. A1. Which TPC-H data-set are you able to load? Make sure you indicate the scale of the data-set. A2. About how long does it take for your database to load the specified data-set? A3. Briefly describe the kind of computer you are running the performance test on, including storage details (e.g. SSD/HDD, RAID?), CPU and memory characteristics, OS type and version. A4. What is the Git commit-hash of the version we should use for performance benchmarking? A5. Please let us know what NanoDB database features are enabled or disabled. Key constraints: disabled Indexes: disabled Transactions: disabled Additionally, indicate any other server properties that you have altered for your test runs. A6. What performance improvements have you made to the NanoDB code to support loading of the data-set? A7. Is there anything else you want us to know about your submission in particular, or the challenge in general?