CS11 Project Plan Outline

Create a document that contains each of these sections, and send it to your CS11 instructor. Your document must be in one of the following formats:

Do not submit MSWord documents or PDF files. TeX documents are also a pain.

In a phrase or sentence, describe what your project is.
Briefly describe your project in 1-2 paragraphs, covering what interesting features or implementation details you intend to cover.
Programming Language(s)
List the language(s) you will implement this project in. If any of these languages are unfamiliar to you, make a note of that.
External Libraries
List any external libraries (i.e. libraries that are not a standard component of the language you have chosen) that you will be using. Note any of these libraries that are unfamiliar to you.
Risk Analysis

Identify any aspects of your project that could potentially hinder your progress in completing it. This could include the following:

For any risk items you list, briefly state what you intend to do to mitigate that risk.

Implementation Plan

Write up an outline of how you intend to go about implementing this project. Be as specific as possible. If there are stages of your project where you don't know how you are going to implement them, make sure to note this.

This plan should take into account the above risk analysis. If there are specific risk items, focus on them first! Software project management is largely about identifying and controlling risk.

It is acceptable to set aside some time for testing/debugging your project. The result of such a step should be either an automated test suite, or a set of well-documented test scenarios that one can walk through.

Source Code Availability

You need to make your source code available to your CS11 instructor. There are three options. Feel free to provide more than one option. A website is particularly recommended for purposes of coordination.

Last updated April 10, 2006.
Copyright (C) 2006, California Institute of Technology.