To learn how to use monads in a non-I/O-related context.
There are many excellent monad tutorials on the web. I particularly like All About Monads and Monads for the Working Haskell Programmer. Nevertheless, prepare to spend a lot of time before you fully understand what monads have to offer and how they work.
This week, we will be doing a version of the triangle game, described in lab 4 of the CS 11 C track. Before doing this lab, you should read the C track lab 4 description so you know what the triangle game is and how to play it. Note that we will use zero-based indexing for the pegs, so the pegs range from peg 0 through peg 14.
Since this is an advanced track, we will solve a more difficult problem than the C programmers had to contend with. Instead of finding one solution to the triangle game problem, we will find all of the solutions starting from a board which only has the center peg (peg 4) missing. A solution is defined as a distinct ordered list of moves leading from the starting configuration to a configuration with only one peg left on the board. There are a large number of these solutions. However, since Haskell is an advanced language, the amount of code you will need to write will be surprisingly small.
You will be provided with a template file containing some of the more obvious code you need for this program. Your job will be to fill in the rest of the code. If you feel that you can come up with a better representation of the problem than the one provided, you are free to change it. I am also supplying the names and type signatures of the functions I used to solve the problem, along with the length in lines of each function not supplied. You may follow my lead or use functions of your own devising. You are also provided with a Makefile which will generate an optimized stand-alone executable.
Your program should compute all solutions of the triangle game, print out the total number of solutions, and print out one solution in detail. The detailed solution will consist of all boards involved in the solution in order starting from the initial board, interleaved with a printout of the moves that led from one board to another. Thus, the printout should list starting board, move, board, move, ... final board. Your program should also tally the number of solutions that end in any particular peg e.g. peg 0, peg 1, peg 2, ... peg 14 and print out the tally for all pegs. Use an array ranging from 0 to 14 to hold the counts. We'll talk more about arrays in class.
You should use monadic style throughout where appropriate. This problem
is very easily solved using the list monad, since making a move conceptually
turns a board into a list of resulting boards (one for each valid move that
could be made). Note that there is a very direct mapping between list
comprehensions and the list monad such that anything that can be expressed as
a list comprehension can also be expressed in the list monad. Sometimes it's
more convenient syntactically to use list comprehensions, sometimes it's
easier to use monads, and sometimes it's equally easy. When in doubt, use
monads instead of list comprehensions, because this lab is an exercise to get
you familiar with using monads. Monads are much more generally applicable
than list comprehensions, so it's good to get used to using them. Use the
notation where appropriate.
In class, we'll talk about the MonadZero
type classes, which lists are instances of. You do
not need these for your solution but they may be handy. I used
from the MonadZero
class in my solution.
Make sure you edit my comments to reflect your code! Also, remove all the line counts from my comments; those are just to give you a rough guideline of how long the functions ought to be. You don't have to make your functions as short as mine were, but if they're much longer you're probably doing something wrong.
In addition, comment the body of your code! The comments I've supplied just describe what the function does, not how it does it. I want the latter kind of comments too.
Your program, which will be in a file called
A Makefile for compiling your code. Type
to compile the program, make
to run the program and save the results to a file, and
make clean
to get rid of the compiled program,
all intermediate files, and the saved program output.
A template file for your solution. You are free to modify this file to your heart's content, but if you follow the guidelines given, you will probably finish sooner.
All About Monads. This is the best overall monad tutorial I've seen, and is extremely comprehensive (pun intended).
Monads for the Working Haskell Programmer. This is another good tutorial; it's particularly good for its explanation of state monads, which are fairly tricky to grasp.
The chapter on arrays in the Gentle Introduction to Haskell. Note that the chapter on monads in this tutorial is extremely difficult to understand; you should read the two monad tutorials above before tackling this one.
The section on arrays in the Haskell Library Report.