If you were not registered in CS 11 but want to add the class before add day, here is what we want you to do for us.
First, if at all possible, please attend the organizational meeting (OM) and decide which language track you want to take (or a project, if that's what you want). The OM meets on the first Monday of the term, normally in Annenberg 105 at 9 PM. If you can't make it to the OM or decided to add the course after the OM, please go over the CS 11 web site and figure out what track you want to take. If you're not sure, you can schedule a meeting with us to help you decide.
Obviously, you will need one of us to sign your add card. Note that we will not normally sign an add card for each other's track's. In other words, if Donnie is teaching a track, Donnie should sign the add card.
You need to sign up for a CMS cluster account. Details of how to do this are on the CS 11 home page.
You should fill in the signup questionnaire on the CS 11 Moodle page. Go to the main Caltech Moodle page and follow the links to CS 11. The enrollment key will be given out at the OM.
Finally, please do not email us asking if a particular track is being offered or when it meets before consulting the CS 11 web pages. If they haven't been updated with the new term's information, you may ask these questions. If they have, we will simply tell you to read them for yourself.