CNS/CS/Bi 288: DNA and Molecular Computation
Professor: Erik Winfree
Time & Place: Second term, 2001, Beckman Institute
23, Tuesdays, 5:30-7:00pm. Pizza provided.
Plan: We will read roughly 40 papers on the physics of
computation, biochemical and cellular computation,
DNA nanotechnology and DNA computing. Students will
present the papers in class, and will write a final paper.
Objectives: To identify key concepts and results in the readings,
understand and illustrate them using simple examples, critique the limitations
of the results, and brainstorm. Students should not attempt
to present all aspects of the all papers, but rather should choose one
or two key issues and explore them in detail during the presentation.
The presenter should assume that everyone in the class has read the required
readings (but maybe doesn't fully understand it yet).
Grading will be based on (1) participation in class discussions,
including 3 short discussion questions (less than 1 page, typed) handed in
before each class,
(2) presentation of an article, (3) a 5-page final paper investigating
a topic discussed in the class.
Office hours: Moore 204, Tuesdays, 2:30-3:30pm
Pre-presentation discussion (one week ahead): Moore 204, Tuesdays,
Jan 9: Physics of computation: energy and reversibility
[Ben Rahn and Joseph Schaeffer]
Jan 16: Cellular computing: chemotaxis, biochemical networks
[Chris Hart and Ewa Matejska]
Jan 23: Genetic regulatory networks: models and synthetic design
[Ryan Mackey and Roger Revilla]
Jan 30: Synthetic biochemical systems: predator-prey, simulations,
noise, and robustness
[Jongmin Kim and Paul Rothemund]
Feb 6: In vitro evolution of DNA and RNA
[Leila Reddy and Rory Sayres]
Feb 13: DNA computing for combinatorial search
[Geoffrey Hom and Matt Cook]
Feb 20: Thermodynamics and kinetics of DNA hybridization and folding
[Ben Rahn and Caglar Tanrikulu]
Feb 27: Molecular engineering and DNA nanotechnology: DNA structures,
beacons, tweezers, and catalysts
[Ryan Mackey and Leila Reddy]
Mar 6: Computation by molecular self-assembly and molecular folding
[Geoffrey Hom and Matt Cook]
Mar 16: No class... final paper due.
Jan 9: Physics of Computation
R. Landauer, "Irreversibility and Heat Generation in the Computing Process."
J. Res. Develop. 3: 183-191 (1961).
C. H. Bennett, "Logical Reversibility of Computation." IBM J.
Res. Develop. 17: 525-532 (1973).
C. H. Bennett, "The Thermodynamics of Computation -- a Review." Int.
J. Theor. Phys. 21: 905-940 (1982).
(optional) E. Fredkin and T. Toffoli, "Conservative Logic." Int. J.
Theor. Phys. 21: 219-253 (1982).
(optional) C. H. Bennett, "Time/Space Trade-offs for Reversible Computation."
J. Comput. 18: 766-776 (1989).
(optional -- overlaps with #3 but better figures) C. H. Bennett and Rolf
Landauer, "The Fundamental Physical Limits of Computation," Scientific
American, (198?)
Jan 16: Cellular computing
D. Bray, "Protein Molecules as Computational Elements in Living Cells."
376: 307-312 (1995).
D. C. Hauri and J. Ross, "A Model of Excitation and Adaptation in Bacterial
Chemotaxis." Biophysical Journal 68: 708-722 (1995).
M. O. Magnasco, "Chemical Kinetics is Turing Universal." Phys. Rev.
Let. 78: 1190-1193 (1997).
A. Hjelmfelt, E. D. Weinberger, and J. Ross, "Chemical Implementation of
Neural Networks and Turing Machines." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA88:
10983-10987 (1991).
(optional) A. Hjelmfelt and J. Ross, "Chemical Implementation and Thermodynamics
of Collective Neural Networks." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89:
388-391 (1992).
Jan 23: Genetic regulatory networks
R. Weiss, G. H. Homsy, and T. F. Knight, Jr., "Toward in vivo Digital
Circuits." Proceedings of DIMACS Workshop on Evolution as Computation
M. B. Elowitz and S. Leibler, "A Synthetic Oscillatory Network of Transcriptional
Regulators." Nature 403: 335-338 (2000).
T. S. Gardner, C. R. Cantor, and J. J. Collins, "Construction of a Genetic
Toggle Switch in Escherichia coli." Nature 403: 339-342(2000).
(optional) R. Weiss and T. F. Knight, Jr., "Engineerings Communications
for Microbial Robotics." Proceedings of the Sixth International Meeting
on DNA-Based Computers (2000).
(optional) C. H. Yuh, H. Bolouri, and E. H. Davidson, "Genomic Cis-Regulatory
Logic: Experimental and Computational Analysis of a Sea Urchin Gene." Science279:
1896-1902 (1998).
Jan 30: Synthetic biochemical systems
B. Wlotzka and J. S. McCaskill, "A Molecular Predator and Its Prey: Coupled
Isothermal Amplification of Nucleic Acids." Chemistry and Biology 4:
25-33 (1997).
J. Ackermann, B. Wlotzka, and J. S. McCaskill, "In vitro DNA-based
Predator-Prey Systems with Oscillatory Kinetics." Bull. Math.
Biol. 60: 329-353 (1998).
H. H. McAdams and A. Arkin, "Stochastic Mechanisms in Gene Expression."
Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94: 814-819 (1997).
N. Barkai and S. Leibler, "Circadian Clocks Limited by Noise." Nature403:
267-268 (2000).
(optional) M. A. Gibson and J. Bruck, "Efficient Exact Stochastic Simulation
of Chemical Systems with Many Species and Many Channels." J. Phys. Chem.
A 104: 1876-1889 (2000).
Feb 6: In vitro evolution of DNA and RNA
D. R. Mills, R. L. Peterson, and S. Spiegelman, "An Extracellular Darwinian
Experiment with a Self-Duplicating Nucleic Acid Molecule." Proc. Natl.
Acad. Sci. USA 58: 217-224 (1967).
D. P. Bartel and J. W. Szostak, "Isolation of New Ribozymes from a Large
Pool of Random Sequences." Science 261: 1411-1418 (1993).
W. P. C. Stemmer, "DNA Shuffling by Random Fragmentation and Reassembly:
vitro Recombination for Molecular Evolution." Proc. Natl. Acad.
Sci. USA 91: 10747-10751 (1994).
(optional) R. R. Breaker and G. F. Joyce, "Emergence of a Replicating Species
from an in vitro RNA Evolution Reaction." Proc. Natl. Acad.
Sci. USA 91: 6093-6097 (1994).
M. C. Wright and G. F. Joyce, "Continuous in vitro Evolution of
Catalytic Function." Science 276: 614-617 (1997).
(optional) R. R. Breaker and G. F. Joyce, "A DNA Enzyme that Cleaves RNA."
and Biology 1: 223-229 (1994).
(optional) M. Eigen, J. McCaskill, and P. Schuster, "Molecular Quasi-Species."
Phys. Chem. 92: 6881-6891 (1988).
Feb 13: DNA computing for combinatorial search
L. M. Adleman, "Molecular Computation of Solutions to Combinatorial Problems."
266: 1021-1023 (1994).
D. Boneh, C. Dunworth, R. J. Lipton, and J. Sgall, "On the Computational
Power of DNA." Discr. Appl. Math. 71: 79-94 (1996).
R. S. Braich, C. Johnson, P. W. K. Rothemund, D. Hwang, N. Chelyapov, and
L. M. Adleman, "Solution of a Satisfiability Problem on a Gel-Based DNA
Computer." Proceedings of the Sixth International Meeting on DNA-Based
Computers (2000).
(optional) K. Chen and E. Winfree, "Error Correction in DNA Computing:
Misclassification and Strand Loss." Pages 49-63 in E. Winfree, D.
Gifford (eds.) DNA Based Computers V, DIMACS Series in Discrete
Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, Providence, RI. American
Mathematical Society (2000).
(optional) K. Chen and V. Ramachandran, "A Space-Efficient Randomized DNA
Algorithm for k-SAT." Proceedings of the Sixth International Meeting
on DNA-Based Computers (2000).
Feb 20: Thermodynamics and kinetics of DNA hybridization and folding
J. SantaLucia, Jr., "A Unified View of Polymer, Dumbell, and Oligonucleotide
DNA Nearest-Neighbor Thermodynamics." Proc. Natl. Acad.
Sci. USA 95: 1460-1465 (1998).
B. Yurke and A. Mills, Jr., "Toehold-Enhanced DNA Strand Exchange: Fuel
for Nanomachines." Preprint (1998).
M. Zuker and P. Stiegler, "Optimal Computer Folding of Large RNA Sequences
using Thermodynamics and Euxiliary Information." Nucleic Acids
Research 9: 133-148 (1981).
C. Flamm, W. Fontana, I. L. Hofacker, P. Schuster, "RNA Folding at Elementary
Step Resolution." RNA 6: 325-338 (2000).
I. Biswas, A. Yamamoto, and P. Hsieh, "Branch Migration Through DNA Sequence
Heterology." J. Mol. Biol. 279: 795-806 (1998).
Feb 27: Molecular engineering and DNA nanotechnology
K. E. Drexler, "Molecular Engineering: An Approach to the Development of
General Capabilities for Molecular Manipulation." Proc. Natl. Acad.
Sci. USA 78: 5275-5278 (1981).
G. M. Whitesides, J. P. Mathias, C. T. Seto, "Molecular Self-Assembly and
Nanochemistry: A Chemical Strategy for the Synthesis of Nanostructures."
Science 254: 1312-1319 (1991).
N. Seeman et. al., "New Motifs in DNA Nanotechnology."
9: 257-273 (1998).
G. Bonnet, S. Tyagi, A. Libchaber, and F. R. Kramer, "Thermodynamic Basis
of the Enhanced Specificity of Structures DNA Probes." Proc. Natl. Acad.
Sci. USA 96: 6171-6176 (1999).
A. J. Turberfield, B. Yurke, and A. P. Mills, Jr., "DNA Hybridization Catalysts
and Molecular Tweezers." Pages 171-182 in E. Winfree, D. Gifford (eds.)
Based Computers V, DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical
Computer Science, Providence, RI. American Mathematical Society (2000).
B. Yurke, A. J. Turberfield, A. P. Mills, Jr., F. G. Simmel, and J. L.
Neumann, "A DNA-Fuelled Molecular Machine Made of DNA." Nature406:
605-608 (2000).
Mar 6: Computation by molecular self-assembly and molecular folding
E. Winfree, "Whiplash PCR for O(1) Computing." Proceedings of
the Fourth International Meeting on DNA-Based Computers (1998).
K. Komiya, K. Sakamoto, H. Gouzu, S. Yokoyama, M. Arita, A. Nishikawa,
and M. Hagiya, "Successive State Transitions with I/O Interface by Molecules."
Proceedings of the Sixth International Meeting on DNA-Based Computers
K. Sakamoto, H. Gouzu, K. Komiya, D. Kiga, S. Yokoyama, T. Yokomori, and
M. Hagiya, "Molecular Computation by DNA Hairpin Formation." Science288:
1223-1226 (2000).
E. Winfree, F. Liu, Lisa A. Wenzler, and N. C. Seeman, "Design and Self-Assembly
of Two-Dimensional DNA Crystals." Nature 394: 539-544
M. G. Lagoudakis and T. H. LaBean, "2D DNA Self-Assembly for Satisfiability."
Pages 141-154 in E. Winfree, D. Gifford (eds.) DNA Based Computers V,
DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science,
Providence, RI. American Mathematical Society (2000).
C. Mao, T. H. LaBean, J. H. Reif, and N. C. Seeman, "Logical Computation
using Algorithmic Self-Assembly of DNA Triple-Crossover Molecules."
Nature 407: 493-496 (2000).
(optional) R. M. Robinson, "Undecidability and Nonperiodicity for Tilings
of the Plane." Inventiones Math. 12: 177-209 (1971).
(optional) W. P. C. Stemmer, A. Crameri, K. D. Ha, T. M. Brennan, and H.
L. Heyneker, "Single-Step Assembly of a Gene and Entire Plasmid from Large
Numbers of Oligodeoxyribonucleotides." Gene 164: 49-53
Grand Total: 38 required, 14 optional